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- [931] he said the old women and the hidden girls, and the menstruation retires
[931] حدثنا عبد الله بن عبد الوهاب قال: حدثنا حماد عن أيوب عن محمد عن أم عطية قالت أمرنا أن نخرج العواتق وذوات الخدور وعن أيوب عن حفصة بنحوه وزاد في حديث حفصة قال أو قالت العواتق وذوات الخدور ويعتزل الحيض المصلي [931] Abdullah bin Abdul Wahhab told us, he said: Hammad told us, on the authority of Ayyub, on the authority of Muhammad, on the authority of Umm Attia, she said that we were commanded to take out the old women and the hidden girls, On the authority of Ayyub, on the authority of Hafsa, and he added in the hadith of Hafsa, he said the old women and the hidden girls and the menstruation retires.
- [932] He prayed and then He make a sermon then he came to the women, admonished them, reminded them, and commanded them to give charity
[932] حدثنا عمرو بن عباس قال: حدثنا عبد الرحمن حدثنا سفيان عن عبد الرحمن قال: سمعت ابن عباس قال خرجت مع النبي ﷺ يوم فطر أو أضحى فصلى ثم خطب ثم أتى النساء فوعظهن، وذكرهن وأمرهن بالصدقة [932] Amr bin Abbas told us, he said: Abdul Rahman told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Abdul Rahman, he said: I heard Ibn Abbas say I went out with the Prophet, peace be upon him On the day of Eid al-Fitr or Adha, he prayed and then He make a sermon then he came to the women, admonished them, reminded them, and commanded them to give charity.
- [933] I slaughtered, and I have a jadha'ah that is better than an old, He said, slaughter it
[933] حدثنا أبو نعيم قال: حدثنا محمد بن طلحة عن زبيد عن الشعبي عن البراء قال خرج النبي ﷺ يوم أضحى إلى البقيع فصلى ركعتين ثم أقبل علينا بوجهه، وقال إن أول نسكنا في يومنا هذا أن نبدأ بالصلاة ثم نرجع فننحر فمن فعل ذلك فقد وافق سنتنا ومن ذبح قبل ذلك فإنما هو شيء عجله لأهله ليس من النسك في شيء فقام رجل، فقال: يا رسول الله إني ذبحت وعندي جذعة خير من مسنة قال اذبحها ولا تفي عن أحد بعدك الجذعة: من الإبل ما أكمل السنة الرابعة ودخل في السنة الخامسة [933] Abu Naim told us, he said: Muhammad bin Talha told us, on the authority of Zubaid, on the authority of Al-Sha’bi, on the authority of Al-Bara’ He said: The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went out to Al-Baqi’ on the day of Adha, and prayed two rak’ahs then he turned to us with his face, and said that the first we lived in this day, that we start with the prayer and then come back and sacrifice, so whoever does that has agreed with our Sunnah, and whoever slaughtered before that, it is something that he hastened to his family, and it is not part of the asceticism in anything, Then a man got up and said: O Messenger of God, I slaughtered and I have a jadha'ah that is better than an old, He said, slaughter it and do not pay for anyone after you. jadha'ah: Of the camels are those that completed the fourth year and entered the fifth.
- [934] with the house of Katheer bin Al-Salt came, so, he prayed, then delivered a sermon, then came to the women
[934] حدثنا مسدد قال: حدثنا يحيى عن سفيان قال: حدثني عبد الرحمن بن عابس قال: سمعت ابن عباس قيل له أشهدت العيد مع النبي ﷺ قال: نعم ولولا مكاني من الصغر ما شهدته حتى أتى العلم الذي عند دار كثير بن الصلت فصلى ثم خطب ثم أتى النساء ومعه بلال فوعظهن، وذكرهن وأمرهن بالصدقة فرأيتهن يهوين بأيديهن يقذفنه في ثوب بلال ثم انطلق هو وبلال إلى بيته [934] Musaddad told us, he said: Yahya told us on the authority of Sufyan, he said: Abdul Rahman bin Abbas told me, he said: I heard Ibn Abbas being told I witnessed the Eid with the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said:Yes, and had it not been for my place from childhood, I would not have witnessed it until the knowledge that was with the house of Katheer bin Al-Salt came, So he prayed, then delivered a sermon, then came to the women, and Bilal was with him, and he preached to them, He reminded them and commanded them to give alms, and I saw them swaying with their hands They throw him in Bilal's dress, then he and Bilal go to his house.
- [935] he went downstairs and came to the women, so he reminded them while he was reclining at the hands of Bilal and Bilal spread his dress
[935] حدثني إسحاق بن إبراهيم بن نصر قال: حدثنا عبد الرزاق قال: حدثنا ابن جريج قال: أخبرني عطاء عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: سمعته يقول قام النبي ﷺ يوم الفطر فصلى فبدأ بالصلاة ثم خطب فلما فرغ نزل فأتى النساء فذكرهن وهو يتوكأ على يد بلال وبلال باسط ثوبه يلقي فيه النساء الصدقة قلت لعطاء زكاة يوم الفطر قال لا ولكن صدقة يتصدقن حينئذ تلقي فتخها ويلقين قلت: أترى حقا على الإمام ذلك يأتيهن ويذكرهن قال إنه لحق عليهم وما لهم لا يفعلونه [935] Ishaq bin Ibrahim bin Nasr told me, he said: Abd al-Razzaq told us, he said: Ibn Jurayj told us, he said: Ataa told me on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, he said: I heard him say that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, stood up On the day of al-Fitr, he prayed, then he began to pray, then he delivered a sermon, and when he finished, he went downstairs and came to the women, so he reminded them while he was reclining at the hands of Bilal and Bilal spread his dress When women cast alms, I told them to give zakat on the day of al-Fitr He said: No, but it is charity that is given in charity, do you really see that the imam should come to them and remind them, He said that it is right for them and what they do not do.
- [936] He said: So you gave charity, so Bilal spread his clothes
[936] قال ابن جريج وأخبرني الحسن بن مسلم عن طاوس عن ابن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال شهدت الفطر مع النبي ﷺ وأبي بكر وعمر وعثمان رضى الله تعالى عنهم يصلونها قبل الخطبة ثم يخطب بعد خرج النبي ﷺ كأني أنظر إليه حين يجلس بيده ثم أقبل يشقهم حتى جاء النساء معه بلال، فقال { يا أيها النبي إذا جاءك المؤمنات يبايعنك } الآية، ثم قال حين فرغ منها آنتن على ذلك قالت امرأة واحدة منهن لم يجبه غيرها نعم لا يدري حسن من هي قال: فتصدقن فبسط بلال ثوبه، ثم قال هلم لكن فداء أبي وأمي فيلقين الفتخ والخواتيم في ثوب بلال قال عبد الرزاق الفتخ الخواتيم العظام كانت في الجاهلية [936] Ibn Jurayj said, and Al-Hassan bin Muslim told me on the authority of Tawus, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God Almighty be pleased with them both, that he said I attended Al-Fitr with the Prophet, peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman, may God Almighty be pleased with them, praying before the sermon and then Sermon after the Prophet, peace be upon him, came out, It was as if I was looking at him when he was sitting by his hand, then he came to tear them apart until the women came with him, Bilal, He said {Oh Prophet, when believing women come to you to pledge allegiance to you} the verse, Then he said, when he finished it, it stinks, and one of them said, and no one else answered him, Yes, Hasan does not know who she is. He said: So you gave charity, so Bilal spread his clothes and then said, “Come, but it is the ransom of my father and mother, Legion Al-Fatkh and rings in the dress of Bilal Al - Fatkh: Abd al-Razzaq al-Fatakh said: The bone rings were in the pre-Islamic era
- [937] or he said the old and those with have a clock, doubt Ayoub and menstruation and isolates menstruation praying and witness the good
[937] حدثنا أبو معمر قال: حدثنا عبد الوارث قال: حدثنا أيوب عن حفصة بنت سيرين قالت كنا نمنع جوارينا أن يخرجن يوم العيد فجاءت امرأة فنزلت قصر بني خلف فأتيتها فحدثت أن زوج أختها غزا مع النبي ﷺ اثنتي عشرة غزوة فكانت أختها معه في ست غزوات فقالت فكنا نقوم على المرضى ونداوي الكلمى فقالت: يا رسول الله على إحدانا بأس إذا لم يكن لها جلباب أن لا تخرج، فقال لتلبسها صاحبتها من جلبابها فليشهدن الخير ودعوة المؤمنين قالت حفصة فلما قدمت أم عطية أتيتها فسألتها أسمعت في كذا وكذا قالت نعم بأبي وقلما ذكرت النبي ﷺ إلا قالت بأبي قال ليخرج العواتق ذوات الخدور أو قال العواتق وذوات الخدور شك أيوب والحيض ويعتزل الحيض المصلي وليشهدن الخير ودعوة المؤمنين قالت فقلت لها آلحيض قالت نعم أليس الحائض تشهد عرفات وتشهد كذا وتشهد كذا [937] Abu Muammar told us, he said: Abdul Warith told us, he said: Ayyub told us on the authority of Hafsa bint Sirin, she said: We used to prevent our slave girls from going out on the day of Eid, so a woman came and stayed in the Bani Khalaf palace, I went to her and told her that her sister's husband had fought twelve battles with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, So her sister was with him on six battles, and she said: We used to take care of the sick and heal the bereaved, so she said: O Messenger of God, it is okay for one of us if she does not have a jilbab not to go out, He said, "Let her companion wear it from her jilbab, so let them witness the good and the supplication of the believers." Hafsa said, "So when Umm Attia came, I came to her, I asked her, did you hear about such-and-such? She said, “Yes, may my father be sacrificed for you.” She rarely mentioned the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Didn't she say, "May my father be sacrificed for him?" He said, "Let the women who have cloaks come out, or he said the old and those with have a clock, doubt Ayoub and menstruation and isolates menstruation praying and witness the good, and the supplication of the believers, she said, and I said to her, “Is menstruation?” She said, “Yes", Isn't a menstruating woman witnessing Arafat and witnessing such and such?
- [942] the Prophet PBUH, said on the Day of Sacrifice, then he delivered a sermon, then slaughtered
[942] حدثنا مسلم قال: حدثنا شعبة عن الأسود عن جندب قال صلى النبي ﷺ يوم النحر ثم خطب ثم ذبح، فقال من ذبح قبل أن يصلي فليذبح أخرى مكانها ومن لم يذبح فليذبح باسم الله [942] Muslim told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Al-Aswad, on the authority of Jundub, he said, may the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said on the Day of Sacrifice, then he delivered a sermon, then slaughtered, so he said: Who slaughtered before he prayed? Let him slaughter another in its place, and whoever did not slaughter, let him slaughter in the name of Go.
- [943] The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to change the road if it was the day of Eid
[943] حدثنا محمد قال: أخبرنا أبو تميلة يحيى بن واضح عن فليح بن سليمان عن سعيد بن الحارث عن جابر قال: كان النبي ﷺ إذا كان يوم عيد خالف الطريق تابعه يونس بن محمد عن فليح عن سعيد عن أبي هريرة وحديث جابر أصح [943] Muhammad told us, he said: Abu Tamila Yahya bin Wadh told us, on the authority of Fulayh bin Suleiman, on the authority of Saeed bin Al-Harith, on the authority of Jaber, He said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to change the road if it was the day of Eid It was followed by Yunus bin Muhammad, on the authority of Fulayh, on the authority of Saeed, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, and the hadith of Jabir is more correct.
- [944] Whoever misses the Eid, let him pray two rak'ahs
[944] حدثنا يحيى بن بكير قال: حدثنا الليث عن عقيل عن ابن شهاب عن عروة عن عائشة أن أبا بكر رضى الله تعالى عنه دخل عليها وعندها جاريتان في أيام منى تدففان وتضربان والنبي ﷺ متغش بثوبه فانتهرهما أبو بكر فكشف النبي ﷺ عن وجهه، فقال دعهما يا أبا بكر فإنها أيام عيد وتلك الأيام أيام منى وقالت عائشة رأيت النبي ﷺ يسترني وأنا أنظر إلى الحبشة وهم يلعبون في المسجد فزجرهم عمر، فقال النبي ﷺ دعهم أمنا بني أرفدة يعني من الأمن وكذلك النساء ومن في البيوت والقرى، لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم هذا عيدنا أهل الإسلام، وأمر أنس بن مالك سيدهم بن أبي عتبة بالركن فجمع أهله وبنيه وصلى كما يصلي أهل مصر: بلد عظيم، فصلى وكبر، وقال عكرمة إن أهل السواد يجتمعون في العيد ويصلون ركعتين، كما يفعل الإمام، وقال عطاء إذا فاته العيد صلى ركعتين [944] Yahya bin Bakeer told us, he said: Al-Layth told us on the authority of Aqil on the authority of Ibn Shihab on the authority of Urwa on the authority of Aisha that Abu Bakr, may God Almighty be pleased with him, He entered upon her, and there were two girls with her during the days of Mina, who were They beat the tambourine and beating, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace covered with his clothes, Abu Bakr rebuked them, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, revealed his face, He said, Leave them, O Abu Bakr, for they are the days of Eid, and those days are the days of Mina, Aisha said, "I saw the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, covering me while I was looking at the Abyssinians while they were playing in the mosque, Umar rebuked them, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Let them be safe, Banu Arfidah, meaning security. The same applies to women and those who are in homes and villages, according to the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him, this is our feast, the people of Islam, and Anas bin Malik, their master, bin Abi Ataba, ordered the corner, so he gathered his family and his sons and prayed as the people of Al Musr: great country, prayed and uttered the takbeer, And Ikrimah said that the people of black gather on the feast and pray two rak'ahs, As the imam does, and Ata said if he missed the Eid, he prayed two rak'ahs
- [945] The prophet PBUH went out on the day of al-Fitr and prayed two rak'ahs, which he did not pray before or after,
[945] حدثنا أبو الوليد قال: حدثنا شعبة قال: حدثني عدي بن ثابت قال: سمعت سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس أن النبي ﷺ خرج يوم الفطر فصلى ركعتين لم يصل قبلها ولا بعدها ومعه بلال [945] Abu al-Walid told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, he said: Uday bin Thabit told me he said: I heard Saeed bin Jubair on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet, peace be upon him, He went out on the day of al-Fitr and prayed two rak'ahs, which he did not pray before or after, and Bilal was with him.
- 5317 - The disease is an expiation for its owner
5317 - حدثنا أبو اليمان الحكم بن نافع: أخبرنا شعيب، عن الزُهري قال: أخبرني عروة بن الزبير: أن عائشة رضي الله عنها، زوج النبي ﷺ، قالت:قال رسول الله ﷺ: (ما من مصيبة تصيب المسلم إلا كفَّر الله بها عنه، حتى الشوكة يُشاكها). 5317 - Abu Al-Yaman Al-Hakam bin Nafie told us: Shuaib told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, he said: Urwa bin Al-Zubayr told me: Aisha, may God be pleased with her, the wife of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “There is no calamity that befalls a Muslim except that God expiates it for him, even a thorn pricks him)