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71 - The Sunni divorce

71 - كتاب الطلاق قول الله تعالى: {يا أيها النبي إذا طلقتم النساء فطلقوهن لعدتهن وأحصوا العدة} /الطلاق: 1/. {أحصيناه} /يس: 12/ حفظناه وعددناه. وطلاق السنة: أن يطلقها طاهرا من غير جماع، ويشهد شاهدين.

71 - The Book of Divorce God Almighty says: {O Prophet, if you divorce women, so divorce them for their period, and counted the the period} Divorce: 1) we have memorized it and counted it. And the Sunnah divorce: to divorce her in a state of purity without intercourse, and with two witnesses.

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