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724 - O Messenger of God, I am ruined. He said: What ruined you? يا رسول الله هلكت قال وما أهلكك

724 حدثنا نصر بن علي الجهضمي وأبو عمار والمعنى واحد واللفظ لفظ أبي عمار قالا أخبرنا سفيان بن عيينة عن الزهري عن حميد بن عبد الرحمن عن أبي هريرة قال أتاه رجل فقال يا رسول الله هلكت قال وما أهلكك قال وقعت على امرأتي في رمضان قال هل تستطيع أن تعتق رقبة قال لا قال فهل تستطيع أن تصوم شهرين متتابعين قال لا قال فهل تستطيع أن تطعم ستين مسكينا قال لا قال اجلس فجلس فأتي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعرق فيه تمر والعرق المكتل الضخم قال تصدق به فقال ما بين لابتيها أحد أفقر منا [ ص: 103 ] قال فضحك النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى بدت أنيابه قال فخذه فأطعمه أهلك قال وفي الباب عن ابن عمر وعائشة وعبد الله بن عمرو قال أبو عيسى حديث أبي هريرة حديث حسن صحيح والعمل على هذا الحديث عند أهل العلم في من أفطر في رمضان متعمدا من جماع وأما من أفطر متعمدا من أكل أو شرب فإن أهل العلم قد اختلفوا في ذلك فقال بعضهم عليه القضاء والكفارة وشبهوا الأكل والشرب بالجماع وهو قول سفيان الثوري وابن المبارك وإسحق وقال بعضهم عليه القضاء ولا كفارة عليه لأنه إنما ذكر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الكفارة في الجماع ولم تذكر عنه في الأكل والشرب وقالوا لا يشبه الأكل والشرب الجماع وهو قول الشافعي وأحمد وقال الشافعي وقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم للرجل الذي أفطر فتصدق عليه خذه فأطعمه أهلك يحتمل هذا معاني يحتمل أن تكون الكفارة على من قدر عليها وهذا رجل لم يقدر على الكفارة فلما أعطاه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم شيئا وملكه فقال الرجل ما أحد أفقر إليه منا فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خذه فأطعمه أهلك لأن الكفارة إنما تكون بعد الفضل عن قوته واختار الشافعي لمن كان على مثل هذا الحال أن يأكله وتكون الكفارة عليه دينا فمتى ما ملك يوما ما كفر

724 Nasr bin Ali al-Jahdhami and Abu Ammar told us, and the meaning is the same and the wording is the wording of Abu Ammar. They said: Sufyan bin Uyaynah told us, on the authority of al-Zuhri, on the authority of Hamid bin Abd al-Rahman, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, who said: A man came to him and said: O Messenger of God, I am ruined. He said: What ruined you? He said: I had intercourse with my wife in Ramadan. He said: Can you free a slave? He said: No. He said: Can you fast for two consecutive months? He said: No. He said: Can you feed sixty needy people? He said: No. He said: Sit down. So he sat down. Then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was brought a large basket of dates. He said: Give it in charity. He said: There is no one between its two lava plains who is poorer than us. [p. 103] He said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, laughed until his canine teeth were visible. He said: Take it and feed it to your family. He said: And in this chapter there is a report from Ibn Umar, Aisha, and Abdullah ibn Amr. Abu Isa said: The hadith of Abu Hurairah is a good and authentic hadith, and this hadith is acted upon by the people of knowledge regarding someone who breaks the fast in Ramadan intentionally by having sexual intercourse. As for someone who breaks the fast intentionally by eating or drinking, the people of knowledge have differed regarding that, some of them said that he must make up for it and pay expiation, and they likened eating and drinking to sexual intercourse, which is the opinion of Sufyan al-Thawri, Ibn al-Mubarak and Ishaq. Some of them said that he must make up for it and he does not have to pay expiation because the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, only mentioned expiation for sexual intercourse, but it was not mentioned about eating and drinking. They said that eating and drinking are not like sexual intercourse, which is the opinion of al-Shafi’i and Ahmad. Al-Shafi’i said that the Prophet’s, may God bless him and grant him peace, saying to the man who broke his fast and gave him charity, “Take it and feed it to your family,” this has several meanings. It is possible that the expiation is on the one who is able to do it, and this is a man who was not able to pay expiation, when the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, gave him something and he took possession of it, the man said, “No one is more in need of it than us,” so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Take it and feed it to your family,” because expiation is only for those who are left over from their sustenance. Al-Shafi’i chose for the one who is in such a situation to eat it, and the expiation is a debt on him, so whenever he takes possession of it one day, he expiates.

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