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290 - she said, and the Messenger of God PBUH sacrificed cows on behalf of his women وضحى رسول الله ﷺ عن نسائه بالبقر

[290] حدثنا علي بن عبد الله قال : حدثنا سفيان قال : سمعت عبد الرحمن بن القاسم قال : سمعت القاسم يقول : سمعت عائشة تقول خرجنا لا نرى إلا الحج فلما كنا بسرف حضت فدخل علي رسول الله ﷺ وأنا أبكي قال : ما لك أنفست قلت : نعم قال إن هذا أمر كتبه الله على بنات آدم فاقضي ما يقضي الحاج غير أن لا تطوفي بالبيت قالت وضحى رسول الله ﷺ عن نسائه بالبقر

[290] Ali bin Abdullah told us, he said: Sufyan told us, he said: I heard Abd al-Rahman bin al-Qasim said: I heard al-Qasim say: I heard Aisha say: We went out only to see Hajj, and when we were in Saraf: place, I menstruated, and the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, entered upon me while I was crying. He said: What is wrong with you: Your menstruation has come? I said: Yes. He said that this is something that God has written for the daughters of Adam, Make up what the pilgrim makes up, except that you do not circumambulate the House, she said, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sacrificed cows on behalf of his women.

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