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3620 - so the monk began to pass between them until he came and took the hand of the Messenger of God, فجعل يتخللهم الراهب حتى جاء فأخذ بيد رسول الله

3620 حدثنا الفضل بن سهل أبو العباس الأعرج البغدادي حدثنا عبد الرحمن بن غزوان أبو نوح أخبرنا يونس بن أبي إسحق عن أبي بكر بن أبي موسى عن أبيه قال خرج أبو طالب إلى الشام وخرج معه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في أشياخ من قريش فلما أشرفوا على الراهب هبطوا فحلوا رحالهم فخرج إليهم الراهب وكانوا قبل ذلك يمرون به فلا يخرج إليهم ولا يلتفت قال فهم يحلون رحالهم فجعل يتخللهم الراهب حتى جاء فأخذ بيد رسول الله صلى [ ص: 551 ] الله عليه وسلم قال هذا سيد العالمين هذا رسول رب العالمين يبعثه الله رحمة للعالمين فقال له أشياخ من قريش ما علمك فقال إنكم حين أشرفتم من العقبة لم يبق شجر ولا حجر إلا خر ساجدا ولا يسجدان إلا لنبي وإني أعرفه بخاتم النبوة أسفل من غضروف كتفه مثل التفاحة ثم رجع فصنع لهم طعاما فلما أتاهم به وكان هو في رعية الإبل قال أرسلوا إليه فأقبل وعليه غمامة تظله فلما دنا من القوم وجدهم قد سبقوه إلى فيء الشجرة فلما جلس مال فيء الشجرة عليه فقال انظروا إلى فيء الشجرة مال عليه قال فبينما هو قائم عليهم وهو يناشدهم أن لا يذهبوا به إلى الروم فإن الروم إذا رأوه عرفوه بالصفة فيقتلونه فالتفت فإذا بسبعة قد أقبلوا من الروم فاستقبلهم فقال ما جاء بكم قالوا جئنا إن هذا النبي خارج في هذا الشهر فلم يبق طريق إلا بعث إليه بأناس وإنا قد أخبرنا خبره بعثنا إلى طريقك هذا فقال هل خلفكم أحد هو خير منكم قالوا إنما أخبرنا خبره بطريقك هذا قال أفرأيتم أمرا أراد الله أن يقضيه هل يستطيع أحد من الناس رده قالوا لا قال فبايعوه وأقاموا معه قال أنشدكم بالله أيكم وليه قالوا أبو طالب فلم يزل يناشده حتى رده أبو طالب وبعث معه أبو بكر بلالا وزوده الراهب من الكعك والزيت قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث حسن غريب لا نعرفه إلا من هذا الوجه

3620 Al-Fadl bin Sahl Abu Al-Abbas Al-A’raj Al-Baghdadi told us: Abd Al-Rahman bin Ghazwan Abu Nuh told us: Yunus bin Abi Ishaq told us, on the authority of Abu Bakr bin Abi Musa, on the authority of his father, who said: Abu Talib went out to the Levant, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out with him with some elders from Quraysh. When they came close to the monk, they dismounted and unpacked their belongings, So the monk came out to them, and before that they had passed by him, but he did not come out to them or pay attention. He said, “They were dismounting, so the monk began to pass between them until he came and took the hand of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said, ‘This is the master of the worlds, this is the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds. God has sent him as a mercy to the worlds.’ So the elders of Quraysh said to him, ‘What do you know?’ He said, When you came out of the pass, there was not a tree or a stone that did not prostrate itself, and they do not prostrate except to a prophet. I know him by the seal of prophethood below the cartilage of his shoulder like an apple. Then he returned and made them food. When he brought it to them, and he was tending the camels, he said, “Send for him.” So he came with a cloud shading him. When he approached the people, he found that they had preceded him to the shade of the tree. When he sat down, the shade of the tree leaned towards him, so he said, “Look at the shade of the tree.” He said, “While he was standing over them and imploring them not to take him to the Romans, When the Romans saw him, they would recognize him by his description and kill him. So he turned and saw seven Romans approaching. He faced them and said, “What brought you?” They said, “We have come because this prophet is coming out this month. There is no road left but that people have been sent to it. We have been informed of his news. We have been sent to this road of yours.” He said, “Is there anyone behind you who is better than you?” They said, “We have only been informed of his news on this road of yours.” He said, Have you seen a matter that God wanted to bring about? Can any of the people prevent it? They said: No. He said: So they pledged allegiance to him and stayed with him. He said: I ask you by God, which of you is his guardian? They said: Abu Talib. So he kept on asking him until Abu Talib returned him. Abu Bakr sent Bilal with him, and the monk provided him with cakes and oil. Abu Isa said: This is a good, strange hadith. We do not know it except from this source.

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