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5636 – Only he who has no morals wears this (إنما يلبس هذه من لا خلاق له
Dec 15, 20241 min read
5636 – حدثنا موسى بن إسماعيل: حدثنا عبد العزيز بن مسلم: حدثنا عبد الله بن دينار قال: سمعت ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما يقول رأى عمر حلة سيراء تباع، فقال: يا رسول الله، ابتع هذه والبسها يوم الجمعة، وإذا جاءك الوفود. قال: (إنما يلبس هذه من لا خلاق له). فأتي النبي ﷺ منها بحلل، فأرسل إلى عمر بحلة، فقال: كيف ألبسها وقد قلت فيها ما قلت؟ قال: (إني لم أعطكها لتلبسها،ولكن تبيعها أو تكسوها). فأرسل بها عمر إلى أخ له من أهل مكة قبل أن يسلم.
5636 - Musa bin Ismail told us: Abdul Aziz bin Muslim told us: Abdullah bin Dinar told us: I heard Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them both, say: Omar saw a silken robe being sold, so he said: O Messenger of God, buy this and wear it on Fridays and when delegations come to you. He said: (Only he who has no morals wears this.) So, some of it was brought to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he sent a robe to Umar and said: How can I wear it when you said what you said about it? He said: (I did not give it to you to wear, but to sell it or give it to someone to wear.) So Omar sent it to his brother from Mecca before he converted to Islam.