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6054 - ... drew a square line, and he drew a line in the middle get out from it

6054 - حدثنا صدقة بن الفضل: أخبرنا يحيى بن سعيد، عن سفيان قال: حدثني أبي، عن منذر، عن ربيع بن خثيم، عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال:خط النبي ﷺ خطاً مربعاً، وخط خطاً في الوسط خارجاً منه، وخط خططاً صغاراً إلى هذا الذي في الوسط من جانبه الذي في الوسط، وقال: (هذا الإنسان، وهذا أجله محيط به - أو: قد أحاط به - وهذا الذي هو خارج أمله، وهذه الخطط الصغار الأعراض، فإن أخطأه هذا نهشه هذا، وإن أخطأه هذا نهشه هذا).

6054 - Sadaqah bin Al-Fadl told us: Yahya bin Saeed told us, on the authority of Sufyan, he said: My father told me, on the authority of Mundhir, on the authority of Rabee bin Khathaim, On the authority of Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, drew a square line, and he drew a line in the middle get out from it, And he wrote little lines to this one in the middle, his part in the middle, and he said: (This man, and this is his age, surrounds him, Or: He has surrounded him - and this is what is beyond his hope, and these little lines: events, If he makes this mistake, he will gnaw at him, and if it makes a mistake, this one will pick him up

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