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[908] That we pray and then go back and sacrifice, so whoever does that has innovated in Sunnah

908] حدثنا حجاج قال: حدثنا شعبة قال: أخبرني زبيد قال: سمعت الشعبي عن البراء قال: سمعت النبي ﷺ يخطب، فقال إن أول ما نبدأ من يومنا هذا أن نصلي ثم نرجع فننحر فمن فعل فقد أصاب سنتنا

[908] Hajjaj told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, he said: Zubaid told me, he said: I heard Al-Sha’bi on the authority of Al-Bara’, he said: I heard the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, preaching, and he said that the first thing we start from this day That we pray and then go back and sacrifice, so whoever does that has innovated in Sunnah.

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