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The overall then the details

Updated: Mar 27

Allah says

﴿ الر ۚ كِتَابٌ أُحْكِمَتْ آيَاتُهُ ثُمَّ فُصِّلَتْ مِن لَّدُنْ حَكِيمٍ خَبِيرٍ﴾ سورة هود: 1]

﴾The Lord is a Book whose verses are perfect, then it was determined from the Wise, the Expert. (Surat Hud: 1)

The Interpretation of the Holy Verse

On the authority of Abu Ishaq, on the authority of Ikrimah, he said: Abu Bakr said: I asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace: which thing aged you? He said: “ I have turned gray because of (Hud, Al - waqah , and what they are wondering for, and when the sun sets)

We benefit from the noble verse

1 - Al-R.... The disjointed letters have very wide interpretations, and we will not take anything from them here, except that they are from the hidden knowledge of God, but we take comfort in the fact that today everything has abbreviated letters, such as international organizations - banks... etc. Perhaps they are openings to some of the special doors of Paradise for believers, or, as we said, it is one of God’s secrets, through which something closed will be opened in the afterlife, specifically for the people of these surahs (the memorizers of them), and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

2 - A book whose verses are overall:

Qatada’s saying: meaning, “I have made a complete court with no defect or falsehood.” The rulings prevent speech from being corrupted, that is, it was organized tightly and was not subject to contradiction or defect. Ibn Abbas said: That is, no book abrogated it, other than the Torah and the Gospel.

3 - Then it's separated

One surah was revealed after another for you to contemplate, for you are knowledgeable that the surahs of the Qur’an, or some of the verses, were not revealed in the order of the surahs, but rather in the order of events, to confirm those who believed, the Qur’an is full of stories that happened to the contemporary companions of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - such as the events of Badr and Uhud, the story of Zaid bin Haritha, and others that were revealed at a time that would strengthen the believers, as it is said: Teaching by remembering you may remember it, teaching by vision you may memorize it, but teaching by practical experience will never leave your head, and hence this religion It was passed down from the Companions to the Successors and their followers to this day, as fresh and tender as if it had just been revealed to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace.

4 - From a wise and Epert

4 - From a wise and knowledgeable person The wise man is the one who puts the right thing in the right place and at the right time. There is no favoritism to anyone at the expense of others, no personal interests, and no inappropriate timing. No, no. Wisdom begins with the piece of iron that is placed in the horse’s mouth to limit its running and recklessness. Horses are known for their recklessness. Then the piece of iron is placed (Wisdom is in his mouth, and a bridle is placed on it, so the rider controls the recklessness of his horse. Therefore, God is Wise in his actions. He takes some time away from some of His loved ones, and gives to others, because in His wisdom, He knows that this person distances himself from God in a world that opens to him, and He afflicts others in a world that opens to him, because he knows that The world is in his hand, not in his heart.

The expert

 Wisdom is linked to experience, why? It is said that experience = lack of effort, so there are no more attempts and repetitions until you reach the best results. No, no, the experience shortens the path for you to make repeated, incorrect attempts. Take the example of: The professional jeweler: He places a piece of jewelry in his hand, turns it over in his hand in one second, and then he says to you: It is of such and such calibre, and it is original or something else before he puts it on a scale... Therefore, God - the Almighty - when He decided the verses of God, so there was no defect in them, then He separated them after that with the mungamh verses, meaning: the verses separated according to the events, do not think it is an easy task. Whoever undertakes a project, yes, outlines it and then writes the details after that, but he may get bogged down in the details and you will find him changing the outlines over and over again until he reaches a solid structure, and after a period of time, he changes it to suit the changing reality in his field. As for God - the Almighty - He has made His Book perfect, so there is no defect or change over 1445 years and until the end of life, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

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