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The two just arbitrator

Updated: Mar 27

God is an expert series: You are an expert that:

1 - Every science in the world has an expert. There is an expert in engineering, there is an expert in ophthalmology, there is an expert who appraises furniture and antiques, and so on. Even psychology has experts.

2 - God - the Almighty - in the Qur’an, His name, The Expert, is not mentioned except in the human soul from the inside before the outside, as if it were a clear mirror before the eyes of God, and He wants you, as a believer, to clear your view of things as well, so look with the eyes of God - the Almighty - and God is Most High and Most Knowing

Balance yourself: The word “expert” in the Qur’an comes when you twist, turn, and do not move in a straight direction.

Allah says

وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ شِقَاقَ بَيْنِهِمَا فَابْعَثُوا حَكَمًا مِنْ أَهْلِهِ وَحَكَمًا مِنْ أَهْلِهَا إِنْ يُرِيدَا إِصْلَاحًا يُوَفِّقِ اللَّهُ بَيْنَهُمَا إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا خَبِيرًا [النساء:35]

And if you fear a rift between them, then send an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her people, If they want reconciliation, God grant reconcile between them, Indeed, Allah is Knowing, Expert [An-Nisa: 35]

We benefit from the noble verse, the following:

1 - If a dispute occurs between the spouses, it may be due to the woman’s disobedience, or it may be due to the man’s injustice, If the situation worsens, it is obligatory for their relatives, who are wise Muslims, the two arbitrators must strive to bring the viewpoints closer between the spouses and remind them that marital life is based on kindness and affection, when the will is true and the determination is sound, then God is the One who guarantees reconcile.

2 - It is said that when only two weeks pass for any two people who are married, there is a chance of divorce, so discord is coming. We are not duplicates of each other, therefore, disagreement is sometimes a mercy and not a punishment, but the most important thing is that there be respect between the different parties, they should have an elder to whom they can return if they are young and newly married.

3 - So send... is an indication of care, as sending is for distant people who abandon what they are doing in their lives and tasks, and come to the task of reconciliation between the spouses, provided that the arbitrators are from both sides of the families of the husband and wife.

4 - If they want reform... these two provisions must be chosen carefully. Why? Because it is possible that the husband’s relative or the husband’s relative (the arbitrator ) has a daughter that he wants to marry to him, or the arbitrator on the woman’s side she wants to divorce her from this husband in order to marry her to someone who is richer than him, from the latter (the two arbitrators ) they must be neutral and righteous in society so that they do not have any personal interests within themselves.

5 - Its time and its time only: May God grant reconcile between the spouses to return to the marriage arena again.

6 - Then he concludes the verse by saying that He is Knowing, Expert (Expert of the souls of the arbitrators - Knowing of the essence of the breasts, “the Source of secrets”), Inspired by interests, or are they doing reconciliation for the sake of God, His Messenger, and the family so that it does not split, and society cracks with the cracking of a new family, and it becomes a fragile society from within?

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