Allah says
" وإذا تتلى عليهم آياتنا بينات قال الذين لا يرجون لقاءنا ائت بقرآن غير هذا أو بدله قل ما يكون لي أن أبدله من تلقاء نفسي إن أتبع إلا ما يوحى إلي إني أخاف إن عصيت ربي عذاب يوم عظيم "
“And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who do not hope to meet Us say, ‘Bring a Qur’an other than this, or change it, say what I have to change on my own, I follow only what is revealed to me. Indeed, if I disobey my Lord, I fear the torment of a great day.”
God Almighty mentions the stubbornness of those who deny His Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and that when the verses of God from the Qur’an that clarify the truth are recited to them, they turn away from them, and seek ways to be stubborn, and they say, out of boldness and injustice on their part: “Bring a Qur’an other than this, or change it.” So God made them disgraceful. How bold they are against God, and most unjust in rejecting His verses. So how can these misguided fools, who combined ignorance and misguidance, injustice and stubbornness, not fear the Great Day?
A view around the verse
1 - Perspectives and opinions about things, people, and even places change according to the interest and what it revolves around, and this applies to most people only a few, even less than a few. As it is said: If we speak, we are all people with principles, and if we act, then we are all people with interests.
2 - If the verse comes with clear evidence, it will silence tongues and bridle the argument. Therefore, one cannot defend an interest in front of the verses, because this will appear clearly, and they do not want their deception to be revealed, so the only solution is, give us a Qur’an other than this. What if its a miraculous speech? Doesn't it contain clear verses? What is the detail of some of the details of your life and the lives of those before you? Why...this is the argument of the stupid, as it is said: ((Discussion can only affect great minds)) What means is that they do not want to discuss the miraculous verses of the Qur’an and want to change or replace it. This is simply the nonsense of the argument they hold and the ability to debate seriously.
3 - Take it as a rule in life. Whoever is inundated with strong arguments and does not want to discuss them, know that there is some deception in his heart.
4 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - responded: He is free from deception and deception person can't deceit Him, but rather carries good and sincere intentions without deceit.
5 - He concluded the verse: It suggests that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - tried to change their minds from worldly interests to hereafter interests, but it was of no use.
Allah says
" قل لو شاء الله ما تلوته عليكم ولا أدراكم به فقد لبثت فيكم عمرا من قبله أفلا تعقلون "
“Say, ‘If God had willed, I would not have recited it to you nor would he have informed you of it, I lived among you for a lifetime before that. Do you not understand.
“Do you not understand” that, since I have not recited it in my entire life, and nothing has come from me that indicates that. How can I say it after that, when I have been with you for a long time, and you know the truth about my situation, that I am illiterate, I do not read, I do not write, I do not study, and I do not learn from anyone?!! So I brought you a great book, the most incapable of eloquent people, and the most exhausting of the scholars.
A vies around the verse
1 - Return matters to the will of God - glory be to Him - first. If the divine will required that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - not recite it to the polytheists, This would have happened, but it was not the will of God - glory be to Him - but rather His will for the polytheists to be read and recited to them for great wisdom.
2 - Then he reminds them of what they know well (I lived among you “forty years”) and this is not an easy life, for it is a fairly long life, and it is the age of prophecy, the age of wisdom, and the age of psychological maturity. The West calls it “the foot of a mountain.” When a person reaches forty, he His age like someone standing on the side of a mountain with a distance behind him that has become history and he cannot falsify or change anything about it, and in front of him is a new age that he does not know what he will do with it, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - reminding them that he spent a long stay, 40 years among them, and it was not just a stay among them, but rather a stay that was loved by everyone. He - the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was loved by everyone and was titled with the highest titles (the truthful - the trustworthy) this is something that only a few human beings can bear. Look at yourself: Depending on your age, do the people around you call you an unfailing title and an honorable title? It is honorable and because the history of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - before the mission is an honorable history, as the Messenger of God never put him on the dialogue table. Therefore, he concluded his saying - may God bless him and grant him peace, with (Do you not understand?)
Allah says
" فمن أظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا أو كذب بآياته إنه لا يفلح المجرمون "
“Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against God or denies His signs? Indeed, criminals will not succeed.”
His saying, “Those who do not hope to meet Us said,” the verse, indicates that what led them to this intransigence, which came from them, is their lack of belief in meeting God, and their lack of hope, and that whoever believes in meeting God must submit to this book and believe in it, because it has good intentions. .
A view around the verse
There are unjust people in this life, who oppress people, take away their rights, deny their rights by negating or diminishing them, accuse them of something they do not have, kill them unjustly, or take their money, And wars and famines and things before which a person does not stand except astonished. However, God - the Almighty - says that there are oppressors and more unjust than the unjust (who is more unjust) He who wonders: It is God - the Almighty Himself - He says - Glory be to Him: He is not more unjust than a human being who invents a lie against God, It is a kind of hidden vindication of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. It came after the Messenger’s dialogue with the polytheists, as if God Almighty wanted to say to the polytheists: Believe in my Messenger. The verses were sent down separated according to events, so the verses were affecting the minds in a way other than that. We take it with her.
The criminals didn't succeed
God Almighty has declared that the one who denies the clear verses in the Qur’an, whether historical, scientific, or other verses, or the verses that came in the horizons, is a criminal, And you are aware that according to the law, the criminal: whoever commits a felony deserves legal punishment. Here, whoever denies the verses of God - the Almighty - is a criminal, but he deserves divine punishment - may God protect us - by His grace and not by His justice.
Allah says
" ويعبدون من دون الله ما لا يضرهم ولا ينفعهم ويقولون هؤلاء شفعاؤنا عند الله قل أتنبئون الله بما لا يعلم في السماوات ولا في الأرض سبحانه وتعالى عما يشركون "
“And they worship besides God that which neither harms them nor benefits them, and They say: those are our intercessors with God, Say, “Do you inform God of what He does not know in the heavens or on the earth? Glory be to Him and Most High above what they associate with Him.”
That is, their deities do not have an atom's weight of benefit for them, and you do not pay anything for them. “And they say” words devoid of proof: that is, they worship them, to bring them closer to God, and to intercede for them with Him. This is a statement on their own initiative, and a statement that they invented.
A view around the verse
Perhaps you stopped once while reading this verse and wondered: Who are they and what do they worship? In principle, everything that is less than God but God - the Almighty - proves that some people worship those who are less deserving of worship than God, And they are not satisfied with just worship, but they say, “They are our intercessors with God.” The verse was completed as it came, and it was a sarcastic question from God Almighty. Glory be to God for the polytheism of the polytheists, not God made us among them. You are aware that some people in some continents, such as Asia, tend to associate others with God by worshiping idols, and to this day, several gods, some of them women, and they have small idols that they carry to their homes, and a continent like the continent of Europe: they tend to worship scientific gods, and to worship some famous people, such as a famous football player in the not-so-distant time, and they build a synagogue for him in the West and have his worshipers, As for the continent of Africa, there is nothing wrong with performing acts of worship that make your head sweat, And the witness: Say, do you prophesy to God - Glory be to Him - what He does not know in the heavens and the earth, or do these things that you worship benefit or harm? Glory be to God - Most High - above what they say.
Allah says
" وما كان الناس إلا أمة واحدة فاختلفوا ولولا كلمة سبقت من ربك لقضي بينهم فيما فيه يختلفون "
“People were only one community, but they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from your Lord, it would have been decided between them regarding what they differed about.”
So God sent the messengers, bringing good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book, to judge between the people regarding what they differed about. “And had it not been for a word that had preceded from your Lord, “giving respite to the sinners, and not hastening upon them for their sins,” it would have been decreed among them, “that We would save the believers and destroy the disbelievers.” The truthful from the liar.
A view around the verse
When God created Adam and Eve, it is said that Adam had the first heavenly religion for humanity, and it is said that Noah - peace be upon them - means the one who initiated monotheism on earth, However, all people were united in monotheism and singling out God in worship, so no heavenly religion came except through monotheism, and the disagreement among scholars is a mercy for the nation, As for people’s differences with each other, it generates injustice, hatred, and distance, and it is part of the wisdom of God Almighty to make us different. You have a different fingerprint from others, not only in the fingers of the hand, but in the ear, the eye, and even the internal organs such as the liver, spleen, and others, It is as if it has a programmed copy for you alone, and no one can ever encode it except God - the Almighty - and you are aware that if two people are in a place and a portion of time passes, there is a reason for disagreement, and the wisdom of God - the Almighty - decreed disagreement, and if He had wished, everyone would have agreed, but it would have been a world with no taste. There is no meaning, It has become a paradise, and we no longer seek paradise. What makes you get up from sleep and search for your livelihood on this new day are nothing but worries, problems, competition, and other meanings that never appear in an environment of agreement.
Allah says
" ويقولون لولا أنزل عليه آية من ربه فقل إنما الغيب لله فانتظروا إني معكم من المنتظرين "
And they say, “If only a sign had been sent down to him from his Lord.” So say, “Indeed, the unseen belongs to God, so wait. Indeed, I am with you among those who wait.”
So say to them if they ask you for a verse: “Indeed, the unseen belongs to Allah,” meaning: He is aware of the conditions of His servants, so He manages them according to what His knowledge of them and His wonderful wisdom require, and no one has any control over a ruling, nor evidence, nor purpose, nor reasoning. “So wait, for I am with you among those who wait. That is: Everyone expects from his friend what he deserves, so look for whom the outcome will be.
A view around the verse
Those who argue have thousands of people who are keen on arguments. What is important is that they be victorious in their claims, and the Imam of the Imams, our master Imam Al-Shafi’i, was: When someone debates, he says about himself (By God, I have never debated with anyone while I want to be victorious over him). This is the morals of great scholars, those who do not care that the truth comes to him or to you despite your low status before the learned Imam, here they say: Had not a sign been sent down to him from his Lord (And what is the matter with the Qur’an that is before your hands, which is full of lessons, sermons, and verses?) So say to them, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -: Say, “The unseen is for God. I do not know whether a sign will descend from heaven or not, so wait, and I am with you among those waiting.”