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Surah Yunus, page 212

Allah says

" للذين أحسنوا الحسنى وزيادة ولا يرهق وجوههم قتر ولا ذلة أولئك أصحاب الجنة هم فيها خالدون "

“For those who do good, the goodness and more and neither poverty nor humiliation shall weigh down their faces. These are the companions of Paradise, wherein they will abide forever.”

And when he called to the abode of peace, it was as if the souls longed for the deeds that would lead them to it, and he told about them by saying: “For those who do good, goodness and increase,” meaning: for those who did good in worshiping the Creator, by worshiping Him in a way of monitoring and advising Him, in His servitude, and doing what they were able to do of it. And do good to the servants of God, with what they are able to do of verbal and actual kindness from giving financial benevolence, physical benevolence, enjoining good, forbidding evil, teaching the ignorant, advising the rebellious, and other forms of righteousness and benevolence, Those who do good will have “the best,” which is: complete paradise in its goodness, and “extra,” which is: looking at the honorable face of God, hearing His words, winning His satisfaction, and rejoicing in His proximity.

A view around the verse

Those who think well, who think about the consequences and what happens to the people around them and about the oscillation of the world and its people between ease at times and hardship at times, So God - the Almighty - tells us in this verse that those who “have done benefactors” under which a hundred lines are placed have “good” and “good” is the increase in goodness, everything in it is acceptable, good, and a excellent. This is a excellent, but for whom? For the benefactors? And who are the benefactors? those who are proficient in their work and profession, and no one, no matter who, can fill the defect behind them who neglected to correct it despite their knowledge, the benefactor, in Islam is not a reward but a way of life, and remember the long hadith of Gabriel - peace be upon him - What is Islam, what is faith, what is Ihsan? The answer to the question of Ihsan was (to worship God as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, then He sees you). What does this mean? Is it the knowledge that God Almighty is watching you in secret and in public so that your circumstances are in control? And only? Today in the West they have invented what is called Big Brother is watching you, He watches you in the streets, squares, on social media, in the work environment, etc., and this is in order to avoid committing crimes that deserve punishment. As for God - the Almighty - He has informed us that He, Glory be to Him, the Most High - is a Watcher and that He rewards man according to his work, If his work was good, perfect, and complete for the sake of God Almighty and only, then He will know this secret of his and reward him with goodness, the best kind of goodness on the Day of Resurrection.

And more

It is seeing God - the Almighty - in heaven

Hey, how old are you now? Twenty, fifty, seventy... etc. How long have you been worshiping God - the Almighty - as He loves and pleases (with Ihsan- with mastery and completion of acts of worship, with sincere sincerity and hope of acceptance?) We assume twenty years ago, Perhaps you are close to meeting God - the Almighty - and perhaps not. We assume that you are close. Do you not remember with me what God Almighty said in the Holy Hadith (...when the night of the first day approaches you in your grave, the owner of the kingdom will call for you? And the King of kings says to you: O son of Adam, they returned and left you, and buried you in the dust, and if they had remained with you, they would not have benefited you, and there is nothing left for you except me, the living who does not die....) Loved ones will leave you, children, uncles, brothers, and others.... Are we really waiting to meet God? Do we not want to see the one whom we worshiped, relied on, and helped us in many situations? Do we have a direct relationship with God, between which there is no ambiguity in our actions or excessive obedience, and no extravagance in sins without repentance? And who will see God Almighty in Paradise? He is the one who does good in the world with sincerity and hope of acceptance. My brother: There are those who say: I work according to the amount of money they give me, no more. I do not put in more effort than that? Is this Ihsan ( Benefactor)... Just remember the immortal sentence of Sheikh Al-Islam (Muhammad Al-Ghazali): (Indeed, my face darkens when I see the work coming out from under the hand of the infidel, perfect, and coming out from under the hand of the believer, emaciated and disfigured.) To see God in Paradise, work here and here and only of this world. Pay the price here, and look for tomorrow. He will not enjoy the bliss of the people of Paradise with more than one vision. God - the Almighty - and mankind are near Him and talking to Him.

Their faces are not worn out by poverty or humiliation

Tell me what do you do? Are you someone's employee? Are you a servant of a king? Do you have a feeling of hardship on your face and you do not complain? Do you feel humiliated that God has placed you in this profession and this shame? Eh, in the afterlife (Honorable Face) You will no longer feel inferior or humiliated if you are a doer. Just do better, master, and complete what you started in this life. Your patience will not be exhausted except by meeting God - the Almighty - in a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.

Allah says

" ويوم نحشرهم جميعا ثم نقول للذين أشركوا مكانكم أنتم وشركاؤكم فزيلنا بينهم وقال شركاؤهم ما كنتم إيانا تعبدون "

“And on the Day when We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associate others, your place and your partners, so We caused discord among them, and their associates said, “It was not us that you worshiped.”

That is: Stay where you are so that judgment and separation can take place between you and them. Then we separated them, with physical and mental distance, There was intense hostility between them, after they had given them sincere love and pure affection in this world. That love and guardianship turned into hatred and enmity.

A view around the verse

This is another scene from the scenes of the Day of Resurrection, but it is the opposite of the previous verse. Look at the distress (And the Day We will gather them). Are there kings among them? Are they among the presidents, ministers, and high-ranking people, the so-called elite? Perhaps, the unjust of them is of course in them.

Then we say to those who associate others

Your place and your partners

Can you imagine the situation, forced crowding in a narrow place, then those who have associated others with God - the Mighty and Sublime - are singled out to another god and they are told where you are, i.e. stand still without moving or breathing until God decides a matter regarding you?

We tempted them to enmity

Enmity in the afterlife after love in this world based on interests

And their associates said: “It is not us that you worship.”

The false idol disavowed those who worshiped him and his followers in this world, because they knew with certainty that there is no god but God, and that there is no influence or authority there.

Allah says

" فكفى بالله شهيدا بيننا وبينكم إن كنا عن عبادتكم لغافلين "

“God is sufficient as a witness between us and you if we are heedless of your worship.”

We did not command you to do it, nor did we call you to that, but you worshiped the one who called you to that, which is Satan. The honorable angels, the prophets, the guardians and the like: they will disown those who worship them on the Day of Resurrection and disavow their call to them to worship them, and they are the truthful and righteous in that, Then the polytheists will feel sorrow that cannot be described they will know the extent of the deeds they have performed, and the bad qualities of their predecessors.

A view around the verse

It was said that the partners of the polytheists among the gods and idols will be theirs on the Day of Resurrection, when the polytheists said to it: It is you we used to worship (Sufficient [p. 80] is God as a witness between us and you) That is, it says: God is sufficient for us as a witness between us and you, O polytheists, for He knows that I do not know what you say. We were only ignorant of your worship of us instead of God, neither feeling it nor knowing it.

Brother you might say

What do I have to do with these Quranic words? I have never associated anything with my Lord, nor do I take idols or other human beings other than God. Did you know that at the end of the twenty-first century there are more than 4,000 earthly religions? One study says that there are 7,000 earthly religions. Yes, they are in the thousands, not hundreds. You are responsible!!! Have you conveyed the true religion of God Almighty to whom? For your kind of believers? Yes, the remembrance benefits the believers? And the rest of the people, (For the approximately one and a half billion people who live on planet Earth, a third of them believe in God - the Almighty - and two thirds do not believe in Him. What did you do instead of complaining and making noise like ( (May God fight the infidels and their helpers...) Stop, stop, for you are repulsive. People have entered the Islamic religion in droves due to the generous morals of the merchants in Andalusia, In the glory of the lands of the infidels at that time, and their morals were generous towards non-Muslims, stop cursing the darkness and stand up and work and strive for this religion in a way that is not repulsive.

Allah says

" هنالك تبلو كل نفس ما أسلفت وردوا إلى الله مولاهم الحق وضل عنهم ما كانوا يفترون "

“There every soul will see what it has done before, they were returned to God, their True Master, and what they had invented has gone away from them.”

It inspects its deeds and its earnings, and follows him with recompense, and rewards according to it, if good, then good, and if evil, then evil. “And they will be returned to Allah, their true Master, and what they used to invent has gone astray from them.” From their saying that the polytheism in it is true, and that whatever they worship instead of Allah, it will benefit them and ward off the torment from them. .

A view around the verse

At this particular time, after the people were divided into two groups on the Day of Resurrection, one group (for them is good and more) And a group (they will be gathered and stand without a word or asking for permission until God decides a matter among them) see every soul, not a soul is missed from this position.

What it done earlier

Previous work in Dar Al-Dunya

They were returned to God, their true Master

God is the Master, and there is no Master other than Him, and you, my brother, in which house do you live, in which country do you live, under the law of those under, my brother in humanity: God is the only true protector. If you grow up in an environment that worships other than God, you will be absolved now and not tomorrow of worshiping alleged gods that do not benefit or harm, and will have nothing tomorrow, tomorrow we will see it soon, even if your Islam is between you and God, do not take this lightly.

Allah says

" قل من يرزقكم من السماء والأرض أم من يملك السمع والأبصار ومن يخرج الحي من الميت ويخرج الميت من الحي ومن يدبر الأمر فسيقولون الله فقل أفلا تتقون "

“Say: Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth, or He who has hearing and sight and Who brings the living out of the dead and brings out the dead from the living, And whoever manages the matter, they will say, “Allah,” so say, “Will you not pious.

“Say, ‘Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth?’” by sending down sustenance from the sky, and bringing forth its types from the earth, and facilitating their causes therein? “Who possesses hearing and sight?” That is, who is the one who created them and is their owner, He singled them out for mention, as a way of alerting the virtuous to the virtuous, and to perfect their honor and benefit. “And who brings out the living from the dead” is like bringing out the types of trees and plants, from grains and stones, and bringing out the believer. “Will you not fear” God and devote worship to Him alone, without any partner, and renounce what you worship other than Him, of equals and idols?

A view around the verse
The sustenance is in the hands of God Almighty

It is He who provides from the sky (a sustenance that you cannot expect) and sustenance from the earth (that you expect and hope for).

He has hearing, sight, and hearts

The windows for entering knowledge about God - the Almighty - in this house

Who brings the living out of the dead and the dead out of the living?

We have seen with certainty in incidents and events how this happens, Glory be to Him -

And who is managing it?

You strive and strive and strive, in order to get rid of your problem that has troubled you for years, and then the key to relief comes from the side that you have not thought about for a single day, With your planning and the management of your loved ones, just remember: God refuses to provide the believer’s provision except from where he does not expect it.

They will say God

Who's to say? Even the infidels, my brother, say that when the ordeal becomes severe for them.

Allah says

" فذلكم الله ربكم الحق فماذا بعد الحق إلا الضلال فأنى تصرفون "

“So that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth, so what is after the truth except error, How can you turn away from worshiping Him.

For He is the Almighty, the Almighty, the One who alone creates and manages all things. He is the One who has no blessing for His servants except from Him, and none brings good deeds except Him, and does not repel evil deeds except Him. He is the Possessor of the most beautiful names and great, perfect attributes, majesty and honor. How can you move away from the worship of such a description, to the worship of the One whose existence has nothing but nothingness, and who has no benefit or harm for himself, nor death, nor life, nor resurrection?

Allah says

" كذلك حقت كلمة ربك على الذين فسقوا أنهم لا يؤمنون "

“Thus the word of your Lord has come true against those who are disobedient, that they will not believe.”

“Thus is the word of your Lord true against those who have done wrong, that they will not believe.” After God showed them clear signs and luminous proofs, what is in it is an example for those of understanding, an admonition for the righteous, and a guidance for the worlds.

A view around the verse

What is immorality? It is breaking from obedience, and what is it in the origin of the language? We say that the rutabah: date, was separated from its peel, and there are fausiqa (the wife of the mountain mouse) called fausiqa, It has a specific job: it builds two burrows, one in a visible place and another in a hidden place. As for the burrow in the hidden place, it hides its children, as for what is apparent, you leave it to the enemies who try to achieve anything, but they will not achieve it because there is nothing in it, She is malicious and loves her own interests. She hunts prey and does what she does not want done to her children.

Hypocrites - the malicious - the deceitful - those who disobey God (God has not made us among them)

They will not reach faith, not because of injustice from God - glory be to Him - no, but because of their bad deeds. May God protect you and protect us.

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أحدث منشورات

عرض الكل

Surah Yunus, page 221

Allah says وإن يمسسك الله بضر فلا كاشف له إلا هو ۖ وإن يردك بخير فلا راد لفضله ۚ يصيب به من يشاء من عباده ۚ وهو الغفور الرحيم And if God...

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Allah says " قال قد أجيبت دعوتكما فاستقيما ول ا تتبعان سبيل الذين لا يعلمون " This is evidence that Moses was praying, and Aaron say...


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