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1442 - I realized my father is a great old man It is not proven on the departed, so I make the pilgrimage on his behalf

[1442] حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف أخبرنا مالك عن ابن شهاب عن سليمان بن يسار عن عبد الله بن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال: كان الفضل رديف رسول الله ﷺ فجاءت امرأة من خثعم فجعل الفضل ينظر إليها وتنظر إليه وجعل النبي ﷺ يصرف وجه الفضل إلى الشق الآخر فقالت: يا رسول الله إن فريضة الله على عباده في الحج أدركت أبي شيخا كبيرا لا يثبت على الراحلة أفأحج عنه قال: نعم وذلك في حجة الوداع

[1442] Abdullah bin Yusuf told us Malik told us on the authority of Ibn Shihab on the authority of Suleiman bin Yasar on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, he said: Al-Fadl was the companion of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so a woman came from Khath’am (a place), and al-Fadl look at her and she looked at him, And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, turned the face of Al-Fadl to the other side, She said: O Messenger of God, it is God's obligation on his servants to perform Hajj, I realized my father is a great old man It is not proven on the departed, so I make the pilgrimage on his behalf. He said: Yes, and that was during the Farewell Pilgrimage

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