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303 - Some of his women performed i’tikaf with him when she was Musahada: bleeding after period time اعتكف معه بعض نسائه وهي مستحاضة ترى الدم
Dec 3, 20241 min read
[303] حدثنا إسحاق قال : حدثنا خالد بن عبد الله عن خالد عن عكرمة عن عائشة أن النبي ﷺ اعتكف معه بعض نسائه وهي مستحاضة ترى الدم فربما وضعت الطست تحتها من الدم وزعم أن عائشة رأت ماء العصفر فقالت كأن هذا شيء كانت فلانة تجده
[303] Ishaq told us, he said: Khalid bin Abdullah told us on the authority of Khalid on the authority of Ikrimah on the authority of Aisha that the Prophet ﷺ. Some of his women performed i’tikaf with him when she was Musahada: bleeding after period time, and saw blood, Perhaps she put a big bowl under her of blood, and it claimed that Aisha saw safflower water and said as if: This is something that so-and-so used to find.