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310 - Put your head out, comb, and stop your Umrah انقضي رأسك وامتشطي وأمسكي عن عمرتك

[310] حدثنا موسى بن إسماعيل حدثنا إبراهيم حدثنا ابن شهاب عن عروة أن عائشة قالت أهللت مع رسول الله ﷺ في حجة الوداع فكنت ممن تمتع ولم يسق الهدي فزعمت أنها حاضت ولم تطهر حتى دخلت ليلة عرفة فقالت : يا رسول الله هذه ليلة عرفة وإنما كنت تمتعت بعمرة ، فقال لها رسول الله ﷺ انقضي رأسك وامتشطي وأمسكي عن عمرتك ففعلت فلما قضيت الحج أمر عبد الرحمن ليلة الحصبة فأعمرني من التنعيم مكان عمرتي التي نسكت

[310] Musa bin Ismail told us, Ibrahim told us, Ibn Shihab told us, on the authority of Urwah, that Aisha said, “I greeted the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, during the Farewell Pilgrimage, I was one of those who enjoyed enjoyment and did not give the sacrificial animal, so you claimed that she had menstruated and did not become pure until she entered the night of Arafat, and she said: O Messenger of God, This is the night of Arafat, but I was enjoying Umrah, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to her, “Put your head out, comb, and stop your Umrah.” So she did, and when you had completed the Hajj, Abd al-Rahman's order on the night of the measles, made me perform a pilgrimage of tanaeem, in the place of my umrah, which I kept hold.

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