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[926] What is done during the ten days is better than doing these days? They said, "Not even jihad

[926] حدثنا محمد بن عرعرة قال: حدثنا شعبة عن سليمان عن مسلم البطين عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: ما العمل في أيام العشر أفضل من العمل في هذه قالوا ولا الجهاد قال ولا الجهاد إلا رجل خرج يخاطر بنفسه وماله فلم يرجع بشيء

[926] Muhammad bin Arara told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Suleiman, on the authority of Muslim Al-Bateen, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubair, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, About the Prophet, peace be upon him, He said: What is done during the ten days is better than doing these days? They said, "Not even jihad." He said, "Not even jihad, except for a man who went out risking his life and his money and did not return with anything."

And Ibn Abbas said:

{And remember Allah in the days} information about the ten days and the numbered days of the days of Tashreeq and Ibn Omar and Abu Hurairah used to go out to the market during the ten days, saying takbeer, and the people would say takbeer with their takbeer, and Muhammad ibn Ali would say takbeer behind the supererogatory prayer.

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