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2795 - The thigh is private إن الفخذ عورة

[ 2795 ] حدثنا بن أبي عمر حدثنا سفيان عن أبي النضر مولى عمر بن عبيد الله عن زرعة بن مسلم بن جرهد الأسلمي عن جده جرهد قال مر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بجرهد في المسجد وقد انكشف فخذه فقال إن الفخذ عورة قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث حسن ما أرى إسناده بمتصل

[2795] Ibn Abi Omar told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Abu al-Nadr, the freed slave of Omar Ibn Ubayd Allah, on the authority of Zur’ah Ibn Muslim Ibn Jarhad al-Aslami, on the authority of his grandfather Jarhad, who said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, passed by Jarhad in the mosque and his thigh was exposed, so he said: The thigh is private. Abu Isa said: This is a good hadith, but I do not see its chain of transmission as connected.

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