
عن أبي سعيد رضي الله عنه، أنَّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
(لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سَنَنَ مَنْ قَبْلَكُم شِبْرًا بشبْر، وذراعًا بذراع، حتَّى لو سَلَكُوا جُحْر ضَبٍّ لَسَلَكْتُمُوهُ؛ قلنا: يا رسول الله؛ اليهودُ والنَّصارى؟ قال النَّبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: فَمَن؟!) [رواه الشيخان].
الضب: (حيوان من جنس الزواحف)

القذة: ريشةُ الطائرِ كالنَّسْر والصَّقْر، بعد تسويتها وإِعدادها لتركَّبَ في السَّهم)
كما روى أحمد والترمذي عن أبي واقد الليثي
(أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لما خرج إلى حنين مر بشجرة للمشركين يقال لها ذات أنواط، يعلقون عليها أسلحتهم، فقالوا: يا رسول الله! اجعل لنا ذات أنواط، كما لهم ذات أنواط. فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: سبحان الله، هذا كما قال قوم موسى: (اجعل لنا إلها كما لهم آلهة)، والذي نفسي بيده لتركبن سنة من كان قبلكم)[قال الترمذي حسن صحيح]
الأحاديث الشريفة ترشدنا للتالي:
الشجرة التي كانت تسمي ( ذات أنواط ) عند الكفار ليست إلا شجرة كانوا يتبركون بها في المعارك وبالقدر كانوا ينتصرون عندما يعلقون عليها أسلحتهم وأمتعتهم اثتناء الحرب، فعندما طلب المسلمون ذلك، أرشدهم رسول الله – صلي الله عليهم وسلم ألا يفعلوا، وإن فعلوا سوف يكون تتبع للأمم الماضية
والسؤال هنا: لماذا هو تتبع للأمم الماضية ؟
الفكرة تكمن في مسألة تعليق الأقدار علي فكرتي التشاؤوم والتفاؤول أو الطير التي كانوا يطيرونها عندما يقدمون علي شيء ، فإن طار الطائر يمين فعلوا الشيء ، وإن طار ناحية اليسار لم يفعلوا هذا الشيء وقد ابدلنا الله سبحانه وتعالي فكرة ( الطيرة أو التشاؤوم ) بفكرة الإستخارة ، إذن نهاهم رسول الله علي ا، يعلقوا النصر في المعارك علي التبرك بشجرة مخصصة فهذا من الشرك بالله في اقداره علي عباده وهو منهي عنه، والله أعلي وأعلم.
في رواية لمسلم
(خَالِفُوا الْمَجُوس مَن تَشَبَّهَ بِقَومٍ فهو مِنهُم [أبو داود]
وثبت عن عمر رضي الله عنه أنه قال
(إياكم وزي الأعاجم)[وصححه الحافظ ابن حجر في فتح الباري (10/286)
حلاقة محرمة
وقالت إن حكم القزع عن ابن عمر رضى الله عنهما: أن رسول الله "عليه الصلاة والسلام" نهى عن القزع. حيث قيل لنافع: ما القزع؟، قال أن يحلق بعض رأس الصبى ويترك بعضه.
On the authority of Abu Saeed, may God be pleased with him
that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “You will follow the ways of those before you, inch by inch, and cubit by cubit, to the point that if they entered the hole of a lizard, you would enter it too.” We said: “O Messenger of God, the Jews and Christians?” The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Then who?!” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
In a narration on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri -
may God be pleased with him - with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) that says: “You will follow the ways of those who came before you, step by step, to the point that if they entered a lizard’s hole, you would enter it.” They said: “O Messenger of God, the Jews and Christians?” He said: “Then who else?
Al-Qadhah: a bird’s feather, such as an eagle or a falcon, after it has been straightened and prepared to be mounted in an arrow.
Ahmad and Al-Tirmidhi narrated on the authority of Abu Waqid Al-Laithi
(When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out to Hunayn, he passed by a tree of the polytheists called Dhat Anwat, on which they hung their weapons. They said: O Messenger of God! Make for us a Dhat Anwat, just as they have a Dhat Anwat. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Glory be to God, this is like what the people of Moses said: (Make for us a God as they have Gods). By the One in Whose my soul in His hands, you will follow the ways of those who came before you.) [Al-Tirmidhi said it is good and authentic]
The noble hadiths guide us to the following:
The tree that was called (Dhat Anwat) by the infidels is nothing but a tree that they used to seek blessings from in battles and by fate they would be victorious when they hung their weapons and equipment on it during war. So when the Muslims asked for that, the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - instructed them not to do it, and if they did it would be following the past nations.
The question here is: Why is it a follow-up to past nations?
The idea lies in the issue of hanging fates on the ideas of pessimism and optimism or the bird that they would fly when they were about to do something, if the bird flew to the right they would do the thing, and if it flew to the left they would not do this thing, and God Almighty replaced the idea of (ominous or pessimistic) with the idea of seeking guidance, so the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, forbade them from hanging victory in battles on seeking blessings from a specific tree, as this is polytheism with God in His fates over His servants and it is forbidden, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.
In a narration by Muslim
(Differ from the Magians, whoever imitates a people is one of them [Abu Dawud]
It was proven from Omar, may God be pleased with him, that he said
(Beware of the dress of the non-Arabs) [and it was authenticated by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar in Fath Al-Bari (10/286)
The Prohibited shaving
She said that the ruling on qaza` from Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them both: that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, forbade qaza`. When it was said to Nafi`: What is qaza`? He said that it is to shave some of the boy’s head and leave some of it.