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3 - The bodies decompose except for the tailbone

Updated: Mar 11

The two sheikhs agreed:

There is nothing in a human being that does not wear out except one bone, which is the tailbone, from which creation will build on the Day of Resurrection.

In another hadith, he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

  There is a bone in man that the earth will never eat. They said, “What bone is it?” He said: The tailbone. [agreed].

In a little while, you will learn about the scientific evidence about the non-decomposition of the tailbone, but here: it is necessary to verify where the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - got this information, ِAnatomy of human body and the ecology? His knowledge is very powerful - Glory be to Him - it is a revelation that reveals.

Before getting into the scientific evidence:

Let us say the process of decomposition in a simplified and unscientific way: the dead person falls on the surface of the ground, whether it be a human, a bird, an animal, or even an insect, or any living creature less than that, the earth begins to absorb minerals from the body of this dead creature and descends into four layers of deep earth. Each layer of the earth absorbs what minerals it needs, until heavy metals end up in the abyssal layer of the earth, which cannot be dissolved except by a flood or very heavy rain that reaches the depths of the soil, they are washed into the ocean, and some of them also do not decompose in water, including the tailbone found in humans, which is a scientific fact that scientists did not recognize until recently.

The scientific evident
What causes a body not to rot?

Anaerobic conditions, acidity, frigidity, arid conditions, or any other environmental conditions that limit the activity of bacteria will result in slowing down, or even cessation of decomposition.

What is Decomposition?

The term decomposition means “to break down”. It typically corresponds to the disintegration or rupture of complex organic matter into a simpler inorganic matter.

Bacteria, fungi and a few other microorganisms initiate the process of decomposition and are known as decomposers. They feed on dead organisms to survive. the decaying and dead animals and plants serve as the raw materials which, on the breakdown, produces nutrients, carbon dioxide, and water, etc. Detritus are the raw materials such as dead animals, plants and their remains. Microbes then process this detritus which are collectively known as saprophytes.

Does the coccyx " tailbone" decompose?

The Coccyx:

The coccyx is a small bone attached to the inferior end of the sacrum. This makes the coccyx, also known as the tailbone, a part of both the spine and the pelvic girdle.


Decomposition of dead organic material is often accomplished by bacteria, fungi, and other small organisms.

The rate of decomposition for any substance depends on a wide range of factors including the available surface area, humidity and acidity, the presence of oxygen and many others.

Some substances will end up not decomposing and will instead become preserved for millions of years.

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