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303 - The hair extension

فِيهِ مُعَاوِيَة: إِنَّه قَالَ علىالْمِنْبَر - وَتَنَاول قصَّةً من شَعرٍ كَانَت بيد حرسي -: أَيْن عُلَمَاؤُكُمْ؟ سمِعت النَّبِي -[صلى الله عَلَيْهِوَسلم]- ينْهَى عَن مثل هَذَا. وَيَقُول: إِنَّمَا هَلَكت بَنوإِسْرَائِيل حِين اتّخذ هَذِه نِسَاؤُهُم.وَفِيه أَبُوهُرَيْرَة: عَن النَّبِي -[صلى الله عَلَيْهِوَسلم]- لعن الله الْوَاصِلَة وَالْمسْتَوْصِلَة.َفِيه أَسمَاء: إِن امْرَأَة جَاءَتإِلَى النَّبِي -[صلى الله عَلَيْهِوَسلم]- فَقَالَت: إِنِّي أنكحت ابْنَتي،ثمَّ أَصَابَهَا شكوى، فتمزّق رَأسهَا، وَزوجهَا يستحثّني بهَا. أفأصل شعرهَا؟ فسبّ النَّبِي -[صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم]- الْوَاصِلَة وَالْمسْتَوْصِلَة. 

Muawiyah: He said on the pulpit - and picked up a strand of hair, that was in the hand of my guard, where are your scholars? I heard the Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- forbid something like this. And he says: You have destroyed the children of Israel when their women took like this, and in it Abu Hurayrah: On the authority of the Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- God cursed al-Wasila and al-Mustasila, In it are names: A woman came to the Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- She said: I married my daughter, then she complained, and her head was torn off, and her husband is urging me with it. Shall I cut her hair? The Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- cursed the Wasalh and Al - mustasalah.

Al - Waslh (coiffure and the like)

She is the one who extension her hair or the hair of others with another hair, whether from her or from others


 She is the one who requests that this be done with her permission and consent

The jurists agreed

On the inviolability of extension hair with human hair

The jurists differ about

 extension with non-human hair

 To the explanation of the noble Hadith

In understanding what Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan narrated when he performed Hajj once, and he delivered a sermon to the Muslims with a lock of hair in his hand, Then he said: Where are your scholars? I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbid something like this, and say: but the children of Israel perished when their wives took these.

The Malikis believed that the reason for the prohibition was

extension hair leads to changing God’s creation, and therefore it is forbidden for them to extension hair at all, whether it is with human hair or animal hair.

The Shafi'is and Hanbali

They saw the reason from another perspective and said: The reason for the prohibition of extension hair is two things:

1 - To extension the hair with unclean hair, such as the hair of a dead animal or the hair of an animal whose meat is not eaten.

2- That the extension leads to fraud and deception on the suitor who wants to marry, and this is forbidden

If the hair is tied with pure and permissible hair, and it does not lead to fraud and deceit, and there is frankness and consent between the betrothed, then the extension at that time is permissible and not forbidden.

 Al - Hanifiah

So they held that the extension is forbidden when it is done in a way that it is not permissible to use, i.e. when the extension is made using hair that it is forbidden to use, such as human hair or pig hair, as for the hair of the rest of the animals (other than the pig), it is pure for them, whether it is the hair of an animal that is eaten meat or an animal that is not eaten with meat, and there is no difference to them between the hair of a tiger, a horse, a deer, a sheep, and so on, and it makes no difference to them whether the animal is alive or dead.

The Hanafis did not require the knowledge or permission of the husband or suitor. 

The Islamic ruling on using a wig or a postage

ancient scholars:

Some Maliki books

The ancient jurists did not discuss this subject because there was no wig in their time, except for what was mentioned in some Maliki books, where they permitted putting hair on the head (without a tie), because they saw that putting hair on the head without sticking it, differs from the forbidden attachment that forbids it.

The Contemporary jurists

They differed about the ruling on a woman’s use of a wig: is it a type of forbidden attachment, or just putting hair on the head does not mean connecting, and is there no sanctity in it?

Fatwas of the Permanent Committee for Issuing Fatwas in Saudi Arabia - Fatwas of Sheikh Ibn Baz

To the sanctity of using a wig, whether it was used for an excuse or not, because in their opinion it falls under the absolutely forbidden link.

Most of the contemporary jurists, including Dr. Al-Qaradawi, the Fatwas of the Islamic Network, and Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, have stated that

This wig is not different from the hair extensions that were discussed in the authentic hadiths of the Prophet and forbade it. For a woman to use a wig, the following conditions must be met:

 1- There is an urgent need to use it (such as a case of complete or partial baldness).

2. It should not be made of human hair.

3. The hair should be pure.

4. That there is no fraud or deception in the use of the discourse.

So, based on this, it is permissible to use a wig, if the hair is synthetic and pure. As for wigs made of natural hair, it is not permissible to use them based on this opinion.

Is it permissible for a woman to use a wig made of her natural hair cut from her?

I am often asked by some women about the ruling on making a wig from the hair that they have cut. we previously talked about the views of the jurists on the use of natural hair, and we explained how the jurists agreed on the prohibition of connecting hair with natural hair for the dignity of humans and the prohibition of benefiting from its members. among his companions to be blessed

The natural hair types and its orgins.

First: the human hair

Human hair is a popular choice for hair extensions. however, real extensions are expensive and will only last for about six months. After this time, the real hair extensions will need to be replaced. The benefits of choosing a human hair extension product are that the hair will look just like your hair. The shade and texture can match and human hair extensions can be dyed just like your real hair. 

Untangling where your hair extensions really come from?

China is the biggest exporter and importer of human hair and harvests huge amounts from its own population, as Emma Tarlo discovered on a three-year quest to untangle what happens to hair once it is no longer attached to our heads. at the top end of the market is "virgin" hair - hair that has never been chemically treated - and "remy" hair, which has been cut or shaved directly from a donor.

"People don't want to be haunted by the ghosts of the people from whom the hair has come. There is still a 'yuk' factor to the whole idea of buying and wearing other people's body parts," she says. The whole supply chain is shrouded in secrecy from beginning to end.

"All over Asia, long-haired women will save the hair that comes out when they comb or wash it and once they've got a few years' worth they'll sell it to the pedlars who go around these neighbourhoods calling out for hair, All this hair gets amassed, passed from trader to trader, until it ends up in hair-untangling workshops in parts of Bangladesh, India and more recently Myanmar - countries where wages are low and people need work.

Second: The Synthetic Hair Extensions 

Hair extensions made out of synthetic hair cost less than those made with real hair, but will not look as natural. These extensions will also not last as long, will not perfectly match the color and texture of your own hair, and require different care than your natural hair. Taking care of synthetic hair extensions is more time consuming because they can’t be washed and treated with the same products as your real hair. You also can’t use heat from blow dryers, curling irons, or straighteners, as these will damage the extensions.

I am not obtain the correct photo about Natural collagen extension 

 Third: Natural Collagen Extensions

Another choice for material are extensions made from natural collagen. These types of extensions have the same qualities as human hair but are made from natural collagen protein, which is different than the keratin protein that composes natural hair. These extensions require less maintenance than human hair and can be washed, blow-dried, curled, combed, and brushed without fear of damage. Natural collagen hair extensions are more affordable than natural hair, making them a great choice that falls between natural hair and synthetic hair.

Final word

In the begining, I shocked from the noble Hadith, why curse? this is human intissict, women like to be beatuifl, but In the beginning: I was shocked / Why does the Messenger curse those who reach the hair? It is human nature for a woman to love to take care of her beauty, but this beauty should not be based on the oppression of another woman who is forced to sell her hair, whether she needs money or other causes of modern slavery or the dirty trade of hair across continents.

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