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406 - Don't spit toward right or in front of you

406 – حدثنا إسحق بن نصر قال: حدثنا عبد الرزاق، عن معمر، عن همام: سمع أبا هريرة، عن النبي ﷺ قال: (إذا قام أحدكم إلى الصلاة، فلا يبصق أمامه، فإنما يناجي الله ما دام في مصلاه، ولا عن يمينه، فإن عن يمينه ملكا، وليبصق عن يساره، أو تحت قدمه، فيدفنها).

406 - Ishaq bin Nasr told us, hesaid: Abdul Razzaq told us, on the authority of Muammar, on the authority of Hammam : Abu Huraira heard on the authority of theProphet, peace and blessings be upon him, who said: “If one of you gets up for

prayer, he should not spit in front of him, He only talks to God as long as he

is in his place of prayer, and not on his right, for an angel is on his right,

and he spit on his left, or under his feet, and bury it.

we benefit from the noble Hadith

1 - Islam falls under its banner, the honorable,the lowly, the high-ranking and the destitute poor, And other than that, if you

tell yourself how the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - says

that, then know that Islam made people equal despite their different customs

and traditions and the environment from which they came.

2 - The hadith indicates that angels are harmed by dirt and anything that spoils public taste.

3 - Islam loves right, and values this hand in food and drink, and keeping away from cleaning oneself or any dirt and other things,

And it's a kind of identity, the idea of eating left that it's etiquette,

something that's not in Islam.

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