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6069 - Whoever performs ablution like this, then goes to the mosque, Then...

6069 - حدثنا سعد بن حفص: حدثنا شيبان، عن يحيى، عن محمد بن إبراهيم القرشي قال: أخبرني معاذ بن عبد الرحمن: أن ابن أبان أخبره قال:أتيت عثمان بن عفان بطهور وهو جالس على المقاعد، فتوضأ فأحسن الوضوء، ثم قال: رأيت النبي ﷺ يتوضأ وهو في هذا المجلس، فأحسن الوضوء ثم قال: (من توضأ مثل هذا الوضوء، ثم أتى المسجد، فركع ركعتين، ثم جلس، غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه). قال: وقال النبي ﷺ: (لا تغترُّوا).

6069 - Saad bin Hafs told us: Shayban told us, on the authority of Yahya, on the authority of Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Qurashi, who said: Muadh bin Abdul Rahman told me: That Ibn Aban told him he said: I came to Othman bin Affan while he was sitting on the chairs, and he performed ablution and performed it well. then he said: I saw the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, performing ablution while he was in this gathering, and he did it well. Then he said: (Whoever performs ablution like this, then goes to the mosque, Then he performed two rak’ahs, then sat down, his previous sins were forgiven, He said: And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (Do not be deceived).

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