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6071 - Miserable for who's worship al-Dinar, dirham...

6071 - حدثني يحيى بن يوسف: أخبرنا أبو بكر، عن أبي حصين، عن أبي صالح، عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال:قال رسول الله ﷺ: (تعس عبد الدينار، والدرهم، والقطيفة، والخميصة، إن أعطي رضي، وإن لم يعط لم يرض).

6071 - Yahya bin Yusuf told me: Abu Bakr told us, on the authority of Abu Husayn, on the authority of Abu Salih, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Miserable for who's worship al-Dinar, dirham, and velor, The khameesah is a red and black dress with flags, If he is given, he is satisfied, and if he is not given, he is not satisfied.

We take from this Hadith

1 - Miserable: a supplication from the Messenger on the one who came with the hadith (with misery) on each of:

A - The one who does not love money or the dinar as a model only, but is his slave: he surrounds it day and night by preserving and developing it and seeing its indicators if it is in a stock exchange and so on.

B - Abdul-Derham: Perhaps the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - refuted another type of securities, that it would not harm the dinar in itself, and some scholars, They made it clear that what is meant by dirhams and dinars (gold and silver), but that the types of financial currencies in the world are mamy, this is not the digital currencies on the Internet, and they all fall into the general Hadith.

C - Unhappy the velvet merchant: It is a kind of luxurious cloth in ancient and modern times, and whoever owns a lot of it is as if he owns wealth, that is why he cares about it day and night, and he cares about prices, and if a certain type of paper currency such as the dollar becomes expensive, For example, he has a large amount of this cloth, and he has become a monopoly in the market.

d - Al-Khamisa: a black or red dress with a top: that is, what its shape was is a type of clothing trade, and you know that clothes today have a great global momentum in terms of fast fashion or sustainable fashion, Or even digital fashion, all the owners of these types of clothes, whether they are manufacturers or work in a sectoral manner, are included in the general Hadith, If they in morning or in evening, they only think about how to grow their trade, or monopolize, or even be carving their hands as slave labor - it does not matter - what is important is that they earn the most severe types of profits.

2 - The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - ends the hadith that did not complete a line of eloquent words except that this person (if he is given is satisfied: if he is given a profit, For his trade or other material terms, even if he does not give profits and this trade loses, he is angry and agitated.

In the end

Oh God, we never ask you to pray for the Messenger of God for us in misery, and let us beware if we are traders or investors of our money in an exchange or digital currency or even - paper currency from the prayer of the Messenger of God for misery, Therefore, from the hadiths of the Messenger of God also what he praises the honest merchant who does not lie and shows and clarifies the defects of his goods and other concerns of honesty in the profession. ,

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