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6072 - If the son of Adam had two valleys of money, he would want a third.

/6072 - حدثنا أبو عاصم، عن ابن جريج، عن عطاء قال: سمعت ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما يقول:سمعت النبي ﷺ يقول: (لو كان لابن آدم واديان من مال لابتغى ثالثاً، ولا يملأ جوف ابن آدم إلا التراب، ويتوب الله على من تاب).

/ 6072 - Abu Asim told us, on the authority of Ibn Juraij, on the authority of Ata’ who said: I heard Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, say: I heard the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, say: (If the son of Adam had two valleys of money, he would want a third, nothing fills the stomach of the son of Adam except with dust, and God repents to him who repents.

we took advantage from this Hadith the following:

1- Who is the son of Adam? He is the Muslim and the non-Muslim, he is the believer in the God of heaven and other than that. As for the characterization, it is a general description by the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - for all people, the gender of people, whatever their colour, language or religion.

2 - In your life, have you found anyone who has valleys of money? Are they kings? heads? world rich people? As far as I know, no one, whoever he is, can reach the point of having two valleys full of money. Why this exaggeration from the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace -? God knows, but logic makes us think that: the love of money is inherent in the human soul and possession of the most and most desirable thing, to the extent that if he had this amount of money (2 valleys ) he would wish for a third.

3 - Then the Messenger of God concludes the hadith, and if he did not conclude the hadith in a sentence, we would have imagined that this is the basic principle of love of money, scrambling for money and other things, but the conclusion was shocking (and nothing fills the stomach of the son of Adam except dust) It is as if the Messenger - resembles man's love for money, as if he eats it in his stomach, and is filled with it and filled of it, and does not satiate, He will not be satisfied until he enters his grave and then his stomach is filled with dust, and only here comes the fullness of money, the only solution is death.

Related study:
The Psychology of Money: What Does our Relationship to Money Say About Us?

Your relationship to money can reflect your sense of self-worth

The psychology behind why money can't buy happiness. Studies show that money is very often the most difficult conversation to have, with 44% of people saying they’d even rather talk about those other two taboos - sex and death - before broaching any conversation about finances. And yet, exploring our relationship with money can be revelatory on so many levels. We can find out so much about ourselves by unpacking our cultural and personal relationship with our bank balance. At its most basic level, money can be seen as just a medium for exchange and yet the many meanings we ascribe to it are hugely powerful forces in our life: security, power, love, freedom, comfort, and the list goes on and of course everybody’s list is deeply personal.

What does our relationship to money say about us?

From a psychotherapeutic point of view, we could say that money symbolises our shadowy side. We project all our unconscious relationships to values and self-worth onto the amount of money we earn, or feel we ought to earn. We may find ourselves “slaves” to money, organising our whole lives around making more and more, or we may wonder why money never seems to come our way, perhaps suspecting that deep down we are not worthy of more. Either way, the triangular relationship we have between money, values and our self-worth is hugely revealing.

It is also a relationship heavily intertwined with our society and culture. Take bankers. We might both admire and despise the wealth such as that displayed by Gordon Gekko’s “Greed is good” character from Oliver Stone’s 1987 drama Wall Street. Moving on another 30 years, we’re no longer keeping up with the Joneses; we have the Kardashians to contend with.

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