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6076 - Whoever takes it with the goodness of a self is blessed for it,

6076 - حدثنا علي بن عبد الله: حدثنا سفيان قال: سمعت الزُهري يقول: أخبرني عروة وسعيد بن المسيَّب، عن حكيم بن حزام قال:سألت النبي ﷺ فأعطاني، ثم سألته فأعطاني، ثم سألته فأعطاني، ثم قال: (هذا المال). وربما قال سفيان: قال لي: (يا حكيم، إن هذا المال خضرة حلوة، فمن أخذه بطيب نفس بورك له فيه، ومن أخذه بإشراف نفس لم يبارك له فيه، وكان كالذي يأكل ولا يشبع، واليد العليا خير من اليد السفلى)

6076 - Ali bin Abdullah told us: Sufyan told us, he said: I heard Al-Zuhri say: Urwah and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib told me, on the authority of Hakim bin Hizam, he said: I asked the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he gave me, then I asked him, and he gave me, then I asked him, and he gave me, then he said: (This money) Perhaps Sufyan said: He said to me: (Oh wise, this money is sweet green, whoevertakes it with the goodness of a self is blessed for it, and whoever takes it with the supervision of a self is not blessed for it, and He was like one who eats but is not satisfied, and the upper hand is better than the lower hand.

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