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6077 - Which of you is the wealth of his heir is more beloved to him than his money؟

6077 - حدثني عمرو بن حفص: حدثني أبي: حدثنا الأعمش قال: حدثني إبراهيم التيمي، عن الحارث بن سويد: قال عبد الله:قال النبي ﷺ: (أيكم مال وارثه أحب إليه من ماله). قالوا: يا رسول الله، ما منا أحد إلا ماله أحب إليه، قال: (فإن ماله ما قدم، ومال وارثه ما أخر).

6077 - Amr bin Hafs told me: My father told me: Al-Amash told us, he said: Ibrahim Al-Taymi told me, on the authority of Al-Harith bin Suwaid: Abdullah said: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: (Which of you is the wealth of his heir is more beloved to him than his money) They said: O Messenger of God, there is no one among us but his money is dearer to him.

We understand from the hadith

1 - We all love his money, more than the money that he will bequeath to his heirs after him, and both predecessors and successors agree on that.

2 - Then the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - informs us that the money that is in your hands will shortly be the money of your heir, and that the money that you love is what you sent to the abode of survival through alms or zakat or any approach to God with money.

3 - If this is not the case, then the money that is in your hands today is for your heir tomorrow, and you are not the beneficiary, of course, meaning whatever your children inherited from you, or if you have no children, then the estate is divided among the eligible heirs.

God says: ((Whatever you spend of something, He will replace it)). It does not necessitate that the thing that comes in succession does not have to come immediately, it may come after a time, and it does not have to be on your mind either, It may be in quality, with blessing, that the person and the servant are blessed with his money, so that he spends as if he does not spend what he finds lacking in his money.

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