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6078 - Verily, those who multiply will be those who are

(Harra: a land with black stones as if it had been burned)
6078 - حدثنا قتيبة بن سعيد: حدثنا جرير، عن عبد العزيز بن رُفيع، عن زيد بن وهب، عن أبي ذر رضي الله عنه قال:خرجت ليلة من الليالي، فإذا رسول الله ﷺ يمشي وحده، وليس معه إنسان، قال: فظننت أنه يكره أن يمشي معه أحد، قال: فجعلت أمشي في ظل القمر، فالتفت فرآني، فقال: (من هذا). قلت: أبو ذر، جعلني الله فداءك، قال: (يا أبا ذر تعال). قال: فمشيت معه ساعة، فقال: (إن المكثرين هم المقلون يوم القيامة، إلا من أعطاه الله خيراً، فنفح فيه يمينه وشماله وبين يديه ووراءه، وعمل فيه خيراً). قال: فمشيت معه ساعة، فقال لي: (اجلس ها هنا). قال: فأجلسني في قاع حوله حجارة، فقال لي: (اجلس ها هنا حتى أرجع إليك). قال: فانطلق في الحرة حتى لا أراه، فلبث عني فأطال اللبث، ثم إني سمعته وهو مقبل وهو يقول: (وإن سرق، وإن زنى). قال: فلما جاء لم أصبر حتى قلت: يا نبي الله جعلني الله فداءك، من تكلم في جانب الحرة، ما سمعت أحداً يرجع إليك شيئا؟ قال: (ذلك جبريل عليه السلام، عرض لي في جانب الحرة، قال: بشر أمتك أنه من مات لا يشرك بالله شيئاً دخل الجنة، قلت: يا جبريل، وإن سرق، وإن زنى؟ قال: نعم). قال: قلت: وإن سرق، وإن زنى؟ قال: (نعم، وإن شرب الخمر).

6078 - Qutayba bin Saeed told us: Jarir told us, on the authority of Abdul Aziz bin Rafi’, on the authority of Zaid bin Wahb, On the authority of Abu Dharr, may God be pleased with him, he said: One of the nights went out, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was walking alone, and there was no person with him. He said: I thought that he would hate for anyone to walk with him, He said: So I started walking in the shadow of the moon, so he turned and saw me, and said: (Who is this). I said: Abu Dhar, may God make me your ransom. He said: (O Abu Dharr, come). He said: I walked with him for an hour, and he said: (Verily, those who multiply will be those who are reduced on the Day of Resurrection, except for those whom God has given good, so he breathed his right and left, in front of him and behind him, and did good in it. He said: I walked with him for an hour, and he said to me: (Sit here). He said: So he made me sit in a (bottom) surrounded by stones, and he said to me: (Sit here until I get back to you.) He said: So he went to the Harra, so that I would not see him, so he stayed away from me, so the delay took a long time, Then I heard him while he was coming and saying: (And if he steals, and if he commits adultery) He said: When he came, I could not wait until I said: O Prophet of God, God made me your ransom, Who spoke on the side of (Al-Hurra) I did not hear anyone return anything to you? He said: (That was Gabriel, peace be upon him, presented to me on the side of Al-Hurra, He said: Give good news to your nation that whoever dies without associating anything with God will enter Paradise, I said: O Gabriel, if he stole, and if he committed adultery? He said: Yes. He said: I said: And if he stole, and if he committed adultery? He said: (Yes, even if he drank wine)

We benefit from the hadith

1 - The love of the Companions of the Messenger of God for the Messenger of God has no limits, as he walked behind him without knowing that the Messenger of God was behind him, so that he might see him and walk with him and draw from the honor of his prophethood, which is what happened.

2 - What do you imagine from my great companions: After he walked with the Messenger of God and sat for a long time at night alone at Al Hurrah, after he heard the words mentioned in the hadith from the Messenger of God himself, do you reflect on the vocabulary of the words that he heard?

3 - What is the relationship between the beginning of the hadith and its end: I mean, what is the relationship between doing righteous deeds in your hands, and the great hope in God to enter Paradise? Is the relationship: Do not rely on what you are inevitably in Paradise because you testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. ?

4 - It seems that the relationship is close, and despite that, we are not as Kharijites, we exclude whomever we want from the religion by committing major sins - this is not our right.


If we truly believe in God and do not associate anything with Him, will we really be able to say or act that there is no god but God at the moment of death? Uncertain, isn't it, so we gave the Messenger of God good tidings in more than one place who said there is no god but God sincerely from his heart even once, then he will have Paradise, so should we say it now and not tomorrow purely from our heart

No God except Allah

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