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6079 - I am not pleased that I have like Uhud gold and pass me three and I have ...

6079 - حدثنا الحسن بن الربيع: حدثنا أبو الأحوص، عن الأعمش، عن زيد بن وهب قال: قال أبو ذر:كنت أمشي مع النبي ﷺ في حرة المدينة، فاستقبلنا أحد، فقال: (يا أبا ذر). قلت: لبيك يا رسول الله، قال: (ما يسرني أن عندي مثل أحد هذا ذهباً، تمضي علي ثالثة وعندي منه دينار، إلا شيئاً أرصده لدين، إلا أن أقول به في عباد الله هكذا وهكذا وهكذا). عن يمينه، وعن شماله، ومن خلفه، ثم مشى ثم قال: (إن الأكثرين هم الأقلون يوم القيامة، إلا من قال هكذا وهكذا وهكذا - عن يمينه وعن شماله ومن خلفه - وقليل ما هم). ثم قال لي: (مكانك لا تبرح حتى آتيك). ثم انطلق في سواد الليل حتى توارى، فسمعت صوتاً قد ارتفع، فتخوفت أن يكون أحد عرض للنبي ﷺ، فأردت أن آتيه فذكرت قوله لي: (لا تبرح حتى آتيك). فلم أبرح حتى أتاني، قلت: يا رسول الله لقد سمعت صوتاً تخوفت، فذكرت له، فقال: (وهل سمعته). قلت: نعم. قال: (ذاك جبريل أتاني، فقال: من مات من أمتك لا يشرك بالله شيئاً دخل الجنة، قلت: وإن زنى وإن سرق؟ قال: وإن زنى، وإن سرق).

6079 - Al-Hasan bin Al-Rabee’ told us: Abu Al-Ahwas told us, on the authority of Al-Amash, on the authority of Zaid bin Wahb, he said: Abu Dharr said: I was walking with the Prophet, peace be upon him, in (Hurra: a land with black stones as if it had been burned) of Al - Medina, So we met the mountain of Uhud and said: (O Abu Dharr) I said: “Oh, Messenger of God.” He said: “I am not pleased that I have like Uhud gold and pass me three, and I have a dinar from it, except for something that I reserve for a religion, except that I say it about the servants of God like this and so and so on) on his right, on his left, and behind him, then he walked and then said: (Verily, the majority will be the few on the Day of Resurrection, except for those who say this way, and so on, and so on - on his right and on his left, and behind him - and few of them are). Then he said to me: (Your place does not leave until I come). then, in the blackness of the night, he went away, I heard a voice that rose, and I was afraid that someone might be presenting to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, I did not leave until he came to me. I said: O Messenger of God, I heard a voice, I was afraid, so I mentioned it to him, so he said: (and did you hear it) I said yes. He said: (That Gabriel came to me and said: Whoever dies from your ummah without associating anything with God will enter Paradise, I said: Even if he committed adultery and if he stole? He said though, adulteries, though stole).

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