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6092 - ...He didn't saw a thinning bread until he caught up with God

6092 - حدثنا هدبة بن خالد: حدثنا همَّام بن يحيى: حدثنا قتادة قال:كنا نأتي أنس بن مالك وخبَّازه قائم، وقال: كلوا، فما أعلم النبي ﷺ رأى رغيفاً مرققا حتى لحق بالله، ولا رأى شاة سميطاً بعينه قط.

6092 - Hadba bin Khalid told us: Hammam bin Yahya told us: Qatada told us, he said: We used to come to Anas bin Malik and his baker was standing, And he said: Eat, for I did not know the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, saw a thinning bread until he caught up with God, And he never saw a lamb (with its wool removed and placed in hot water)with his eye ever.

What is meant by talking?

What is meant by the hadith is: God is the Most High and I know what is meant is that the Messenger of God did not see these things in his house - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, but, Perhaps he was called for food with the Ansar or others, and he ate such food during his lifetime. - Peace be upon him, and Allah knows the best

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