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6101 - which of you can do what the Prophet, peace be upon him, could do?

6101 - حدثني عثمان بن أبي شيبة: حدثنا جرير، عن منصور، عن إبراهيم، عن علقمة قال:سألت أم المؤمنين عائشة قلت: يا أم المؤمنين، كيف كان عمل النبي ﷺ، هل كان يخص شيئاً من الأيام؟ قالت: لا، كان عمله ديمة، وأيكم يستطيع ما كان النبي ﷺ يستطيع.

6101 - Othman bin Abi Shaybah told me: Jarir told us, on the authority of Mansour, on the authority of Ibrahim, on the authority of Alqamah, he said: I asked the Mother of the Believers Aisha, and I said: O Mother of the Believers, How was the work of the Prophet, peace be upon him, was it related to any of the days? She said: No, his work was permanent, and which of you can do what the Prophet, peace be upon him, could do?

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