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[923] It is disliked to carry weapons during the festival and the sanctuary

923] حدثنا زكريا بن يحيى أبو السكين قال: حدثنا المحاربي قال: حدثنا محمد بن سوقة عن سعيد بن جبير قال: كنت مع ابن عمر حين أصابه سنان الرمح في أخمص قدمه فلزقت قدمه بالركاب فنزلت فنزعتها وذلك بمنى فبلغ الحجاج فجعل يعوده، فقال الحجاج لو نعلم من أصابك، فقال ابن عمر أنت أصبتني قال وكيف قال حملت السلاح في يوم لم يكن يحمل فيه وأدخلت السلاح الحرم ولم يكن السلاح يدخل الحرم

[923] Zakaria bin Yahya Abu Al-Sakin told us, he said: Al-Muharibi told us, he said: Muhammad bin Suqa told us on the authority of Saeed bin Jubair who said: I was with Ibn Omar when the spear hit him in the sole of his foot, and his foot stuck to the stirrup, so I went down and took it off, and that was in Mina, and it reached al-Hajjaj, so he began to visit him. Al-Hajjaj said, “If only we knew who hit you, Ibn Omar said: You hit me. He said: How, He said I carried the weapon on a day when it was not carried and entered the weapon the sanctuary and the weapon doesn't not the sanctuary.

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