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[927] Al - Takbeer during the days of Mina and when going to Arafa

Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with him, used to say takbeer in his dome in Mina, and the people of the mosque would hear him, so they would say takbeer, and the people of the markets would say takbeer until Mina shuddered in takbeer, Ibn Umar used to say takbeer in Mina during those days, behind the prayers, on his bed, in his pavilion, in his gatherings, and in his walks all those days, Maymouna used to say takbeer on the Day of Sacrifice, and the women used to say takbeer behind Aban bin Othman and Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the nights of al-Tashreeq with the men in the mosque.

[927] حدثنا أبو نعيم قال: حدثنا مالك بن أنس قال: حدثني محمد بن أبي بكر الثقفي قال: سألت أنسا ونحن غاديان من منى إلى عرفات عن التلبية كيف كنتم تصنعون مع النبي ﷺ قال: كان يلبي الملبي لا ينكر عليه ويكبر المكبر فلا ينكر عليه

[927] Abu Naim told us, he said: Malik bin Anas told us, he said: Muhammad bin Abi Bakr Al Thaqafi told me, he said: I asked Anas as we were going from Mina to Arafat about the Talbiyah How did you deal with the Prophet, peace be upon him? He said: He used to recite the mulbi without denouncing him, and he used to recite the takbeer, so he did not denounce him.

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