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[937] Who did not have a jilbab on the day of Eid

[937] حدثنا أبو معمر قال: حدثنا عبد الوارث قال: حدثنا أيوب عن حفصة بنت سيرين قالت كنا نمنع جوارينا أن يخرجن يوم العيد فجاءت امرأة فنزلت قصر بني خلف فأتيتها فحدثت أن زوج أختها غزا مع النبي ﷺ اثنتي عشرة غزوة فكانت أختها معه في ست غزوات فقالت فكنا نقوم على المرضى ونداوي الكلمى فقالت: يا رسول الله على إحدانا بأس إذا لم يكن لها جلباب أن لا تخرج، فقال لتلبسها صاحبتها من جلبابها فليشهدن الخير ودعوة المؤمنين قالت حفصة فلما قدمت أم عطية أتيتها فسألتها أسمعت في كذا وكذا قالت نعم بأبي وقلما ذكرت النبي ﷺ إلا قالت بأبي قال ليخرج العواتق ذوات الخدور أو قال العواتق وذوات الخدور شك أيوب والحيض ويعتزل الحيض المصلي وليشهدن الخير ودعوة المؤمنين قالت فقلت لها آلحيض قالت نعم أليس الحائض تشهد عرفات وتشهد كذا وتشهد كذا

[937] Abu Muammar told us, he said: Abdul Warith told us, he said: Ayyub told us on the authority of Hafsa bint Sirin, she said: We used to prevent our slave girls from going out on the day of Eid, so a woman came and stayed in the Bani Khalaf palace, I went to her and told her that her sister's husband had fought twelve battles with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, So her sister was with him on six battles, and she said: We used to take care of the sick and heal the bereaved, so she said: O Messenger of God, it is okay for one of us if she does not have a jilbab not to go out, He said, "Let her companion wear it from her jilbab, so let them witness the good and the supplication of the believers." Hafsa said, "So when Umm Attia came, I came to her, I asked her, did you hear about such-and-such? She said, “Yes, may my father be sacrificed for you.” She rarely mentioned the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Didn't she say, "May my father be sacrificed for him?" He said, "Let the women who have cloaks come out, or he said the old and those with have a clock, doubt Ayoub and menstruation and isolates menstruation praying and witness the good, and the supplication of the believers, she said, and I said to her, “Is menstruation?” She said, “Yes", Isn't a menstruating woman witnessing Arafat and witnessing such and such?

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