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Does modesty cloth matching with the etiquette?

In a little while, we will learn about the opinions of people from here and there about modest clothing and its effect on the person wearing it and on the person who is conversing with or looking at it and its effect also on society as a whole, but here we will suffice with saying:God Almighty chose for the women of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to wear the hijab, and they are in the position of first women in society, as it is said in the society of kings and presidents (the first lady), and they are in a position where they are looked at, their clothes and the way they speak, as role models... It is not a random choice - Praised be to God - but it does not refine the instincts (men's instincts only), but rather it has goals higher than that, even though this is the key... Let us see some of the effects of the hijab on the person and society, then summarize everything that was mentioned in a few words.
Fashion, as ever, is reflecting the world around it, for better or for worse. Onwards and upwards? With hemlines, it’s a little more complicated than that.
first: What Men really think about Modesty

men are attracted to women’s bodies. Yes, you will get a lot of attention for dressing in an immodest manner, however, I never want my message to be confused with saying that we need to keep our bodies covered because men can not control themselves. They most certainly can. In this crazy sex-obsessed world, there are actually men who keep their minds clean and pure. In all reality, God says it can be done, and it can. Men of God fight a battle every day that we know little about. The least we can do is understand and be a help to them in this fight and not a hindrance. Men of God are looking for women of God who know their value is above rubies, and will teach their daughters the same principles.

Second: Some reasons for wearing modest clothes
1 - Personal Safety of Women

The hijab is like a seat belt. Will it prevent you from always being harmed by the reckless actions of others? No. But it can decrease that risk. In the same way, Islam teaches women to take their safety into their own hands, rather than relying on the goodness of men.

2 - Spiritual Fulfillment

Despite all these benefits, there is so much more to a woman’s choice to dressing modestly than avoiding unwanted sexual advances and improving your self-esteem. In reality, it brings a much deeper meaning to your relationship with the Divine and commitment to something much greater than yourself and the temporary material worl as a dedication is to God, and not to the whims of culture and the fashion industry.

Third: exploring the Psychology of Clothing on Career Success
Enclothed cognition was first discussed in a 2012 study by Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky

who studied the impact of a group of random people wearing a white lab coat. When participants were told the lab coat belonged to a doctor they performed better on cognitive tests than participants that were told the lab coat belonged to an artist. So the expression dressing for the job you want may actually have its merits.


professor of psychology Abraham Rutchick found in 2015 that people who wore a suit or blazer to work felt more powerful and confident leading to better decisions and the ability to take on negative feedback better. There is a reason we were encouraged to still get dressed for work during pandemic lockdowns and working online, it puts you in a ‘work’ frame of mind and helps with focus.

Formal clothing can reduce the ability to interact socially

so depending on your role you may want to experiment with styles that still build your confidence but also appear approachable to clients, employees or students. There is a reason most law enforcement agencies transitioned to a dark navy or royal blue over the last decade or so. That colour balances authority, respect and trust allowing them to maintain control and issue direction where required in certain situations while still being approachable to those in need of police assistance or protection.

Finally, Is there a connection between modest dressing as a cultural and political issue?

and modesty as a trend? At a time of heightened tensions around how a multicultural society can live in harmony, fashion is experimenting with the aesthetic of covered woman, which has itself become a kind of visual shorthand for Islam. “I think there is a link,” says Reina Lewis, professor of cultural studies at the London College of Fashion, who has written widely about modesty and fashion. “I’m seeing longer sleeves and hemlines, higher necklines, and more fabric. Not just more cover, but more volume, so it obscures the body’s shape.”

In the end, we can only stop at some points

1 - As I read above, the Islamic hijab or the way Islam chooses women’s clothing is not obstinacy, but rather a mercy towards men, because God Almighty knows the instincts in men and what immodest clothing arouses in their souls.

2 - As I also read above: The style of formal clothing, for example (here modest), affects the way you speak with respect, affects your professional performance, and affects the respect of those who talk to you while you are wearing this type of clothing, If this indicates anything, it indicates that the Muslim woman is protected - this is how it should be - no one transgresses his boundaries with her and she is not exposed to rape or anything else - Islam does not open the door to such things in the first place.

3 - I think you know the relationship between clothing and politics: For example, the famous President Donald Trump had girls behind him in his election campaign wearing the same hat that he wears, It is an unofficial declaration of his adoption of issues such as feminism and others, and also the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, when she ran, had girls in her election campaign, they wear white clothes, and she wears a white suit every time, a reflection of the idea of peace that she espoused, what I mean by this proposal: Islam is not only for the mosque, but it is a way of life inside the mosque and on the university campus, and in the arena of joys and sorrows alike. Islam has a dress code for all occasions, not in colors, but in modesty as a basis and then choices based on certain criteria.

4 - The comfortable clothes that you feel comfortable in, such as casual or sports clothes, reflect the way you deal with those around you. In Islamic clothing, you must wear wide, loose clothes, It is not transparent and does not stick to the body. What does God Almighty want from the personality of a Muslim woman? Does he want her personality to surpass her beauty?

5 - Finally: Not all of us are religious by nature, even if we are Muslims in name or deed, but there is no doubt that pleasing God in life and not just in the life of a Muslim is a psychological comfort before it is religious. What do I mean? I mean, we need a God. In difficult situations, we look for someone higher than us, these difficult situations may simply be psychological situations that our souls cannot bear, and the idea of pleasing God keeps you away from psychological illnesses that begin with a feeling of guilt and perhaps end with the idea of suicide.

And the last question: Does modest clothing simulate etiquette?

Yes, but the etiquette of the elite depends on her mind and not on the shape of her body, which in turn is reflected in the personality of the serious, religious Muslim woman, and behind her are many men.

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