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Istinja' and Istijmar through Q & A.

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Whoever performs ablution, let him blow his nose and whoever uses stones to clean the area of ​​the private parts, let him perform Witr, ( 1, 3 5, 7)  agreed

Q What is the difference between Istinja’ and Istijmar?

Cleansing the place of impurity after abandoning it


Ijtijmaar al-Shahs (jurisprudence) removes impurity with stones, which are pebbles.

Q: What are the etiquettes of istinja’ and istijmaar? With evidence of this?

A Muslim must clean the exit from urine and feces

1 - Istinja’, which is water

2 - Or Istijmaar

  If you combine them, it is better

3- What can take their place?

When it was reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari on the authority of Ibn Masoud, may God be pleased with him, he said that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - decided His need, and he ordered me to bring him three stones, I found two stones but could not find a third, so I brought him his dung, so he took them and threw the dung away, saying it's dirty.

Q: How many times is the correct Istijmaar?

Three purifying swabs are required for Istijmar with stones and the like

Q: Is it permissible to use the dung of animals or the like?

It is not permissible to clean oneself with animal dung or bones, because the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - forbade that.

Q: Should I be free of urine, meaning that it does not get spots on my clothes or anything like that?

It is necessary to excrete urine to warn the Prophet not to excrete urine, and he said, “Clean yourself of urine, for most of the torment in the grave is from it.”

Q Does the passing of wind necessitate istijamar or istinja’?

Cleaning oneself and cleansing oneself only after passing urine or feces, as for wind, as for invalidating ablution with other things that nullify it, it is not prescribed for him to clean himself or clean himself

Q: Is ablution valid without istinja’?

Whoever fulfills his need and does not cleanse himself and then performs ablution, his ablution is not valid

Q: Is it possible to clean oneself with a stone only, without water or paper tissues?

If he wants to limit himself to stone, he must do two things:

one of them

To remove the impurity place until all that remains is a sticky trace that can only be removed by water.

And the second

He must complete three anointings, as it was narrated that a man said to Salman, may God be pleased with him: that your Prophet taught you everything, even feces? He said: Yes, he forbade us from taking less than three stones, If he cleans himself with a stone that has three edges, that is sufficient because the intention was the number of swabs, and that was found. I finish

Q What if I suspect that some urine got on my clothes?

If you doubt that some urine has come out of you, do not pay attention to it as long as there is doubt, so, do not open yourself up to obsession, If you are certain that something has come out of you, then you must clean yourself and purify your garment and repeat the ablution, but mere doubt does not require anything.

Q: Is cleansing with water obligatory?

the cleaning yourself with water is not obligatory,If it is the first and best, then it is permissible to abandon it and resort to cleaning oneself with stones, what it means is every solid, pure thing that removes the essence of impurity and is disrespectful, this is like handkerchiefs, pieces of cloth, and the like. Ibn Qudamah said in Al-Mughni:

Second: The scientific aspect
Tissues or water - which is more hygienic after using the toilet?

In North America, toilet paper is used to clean restrooms almost throughout the continent, and most countries in Europe also use toilet paper,   In Finland for example, "bidet showers" can also be seen in use. Most parts of Russia use tissue paper for wiping, which is then flushed down the toilet afterwards.

The composting toilets

People in the Arab world and in parts of the Islamic world, in South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan, use it, In Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia and Singapore, water is used with the left hand for washing. A "bidet shower" or "sanitary faucet" in the toilet, If not, they have a bucket and/or cup of water inside the room. Those who can afford it also use toilet paper to dry the area before pulling up the pants, the composting toilets are available in some Arab countries. Some use water, others use toilet paper as well, many parts of Africa like Nigeria use toilet paper, (Mostly Christians while Muslims use water for wiping) or newspapers or other paper products for wiping.

Doctors recommend washing the genital area with water under the following circumstances

This is for the sake of hygiene and also to reduce the chances of infection:

Injury from insertion of a foreign body

Anal intercourse

Sexual violence

Candidiasis and balanitis

Sexually transmitted infections

The underwear of a person who wipes, does not wash, emits an unpleasant odor after a trip to the bathroom. For those with pubic hair, the smell is especially strong.

The pain associated with various rectal infections can be reduced, if not eliminated, by practicing good hygiene. All of the following problems are exacerbated by using toilet paper instead of water.

Itching in the rectum (itching)



Itching caused by the use of scented toilet paper, scented soaps, and ointments (such as some containing benzocaine)


Infection caused by some viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, etc.

Anal fissure


Rectal prolapse

Prostate infection


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