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sister's inheritance

Updated: May 18

5 cases
The first case

She inherit half with four conditions

To be one.

The non-existence of (brother).

3 Absolutely no inheriting offspring. 4

The lack of masculine origin (the father).

The second case

She inherits two-thirds with four conditions

2- No exist of (brother).

3 Absolutely no inheriting offspring.

4- Lack of masculine origin (the father).

1 to be one or more.

The third case

You inherit the rest after the assignments, with four conditions

1- It must be one or more.

2 The presence of full (brother)

3- Absence of a male inheriting offspring

4- Lack of masculine origin (the father).

The Fourth case

The rest inherit some assignments with five conditions:

To be more than one

. The presence of a female heir descendant.

The absence of a full brother

. The absence of a male heir descendant.

Non-masculine origin (father).

The Fifth case

Withheld, she didn't inherit anything

Presence of a male heir descendant.

Presence of masculine origin (father)

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