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Sura At-Takwir

The eneral description of the Holy Surah
Al - sura


the number of its verses


  and its arranged in the Qur’an


Does Surah have other names?

  It is also called Surah Kurat

  Or Surah If the sun is turned

The interpretation

إِذَا ٱلشَّمۡسُ كُوِّرَتۡ (1)

When the sun is curled up (1)

Ibn Abas said: If the sun turns and its light goes away, he said: Six signs before the Day of Resurrection, while people are in their markets, when the sun's light has gone, and while they are like that, when the stars are scattered, so while they were like that, when the mountains fell on the face of the earth, then they moved and stirred and burned, and the jinn panicked to mankind, and mankind to the jinn, and the animals, birds and beasts mixed, and the beasts are mixed, and the pregnant camel is neglected by her family, and the seas are blazing with fire. He said: The jinn said to mankind: we will bring you the news. He said: so they set off to the seas, and behold, it was a raging fire. He said: So while they were like that, the earth cracked with one crack to the lower seventh earth, and to the upper seventh heaven. He said: So while they were like that, the wind came to them and killed them

The scholars' sayings about the sun being round


It go

It faded away

Its light is gone, so there is no light for it

Throw it out

  set back

And Tkwir in the words of the Arabs

  Gathering something together, and that is like curling a turban, which is wrapping it over the head, and like rolling a type of cloth, which is gathering clothes together and rolling them.

The scientific interpretation of the verse

The verses talk about a cosmic fact, which is the end of the sun, stars, mountains, and seas. The sun that we see today is shining brightly and there will come a day when it will be rolled on itself, its fuel will be consumed, and it will perish like all cosmic creatures, and it will remain with God Almighty. And the interpreters say: (If the sun is turned) meaning that when the sun has lost its light, and it has faded away and gone, then it has no light.

After the great development in astronomy, it became clear to scientists that the sun burns its fuel at a rate of 4 million tons every second. With the passage of time, it will consume its fuel and turn into a star that scientists call the "red giant", then it will shrink in on itself and turn into another star that scientists call the "white dwarf", then it will die a slow death and turn off and its light will go away.

The face of miracle

The scientific miracle of the Qur’an is represented in that it spoke of the end of the sun at a time when no human being had knowledge of that, and that is in His saying, blessed and exalted is He: (When the sun is rounded up) the commentators unanimously agreed that there will come a day when this sun will disappear and its light will go away, which is confirmed by all astronomers.

 وَإِذَا ٱلنُّجُومُ ٱنكَدَرَتۡ (2)

And when the stars were scattered (2)

The scholars said

And if the stars are scattered, then their light is gone

Fell and collapsed

Others said


The scientific interpretation of the verse

Why don't we receive light from all the stars in the universe?

There are about 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye above Earth. Yet we know that there are millions of stars in the universe. Since all stars give off light and other types of electromagnetic radiation, and since light can travel great distances in space,

So why can't we see all the stars?

All stars, like our Sun, emit a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation, including light. However, this light spreads with distance, making it only a small part reaches us. In addition, depending on the temperature of the star, the main color of the light that the star emits changes. Cooler stars give off red light, and hotter stars give off blue or white light. In general, colors like white or blue are stronger colors (shorter wavelength, higher frequency) and are more easily seen at great distances than red, orange, or yellow. Also, some stars are larger than each other and emit more light. In addition to all the stars in space, there is a lot of other matter, called dark matter, between us and the stars that can block starlight. This dark matter can include nebulae, which are clouds of gas or dust between stars or planets.

وَإِذَا ٱلۡجِبَالُ سُيِّرَتۡ (3)

And when the mountains are moved (3)

And if the mountains walked from the face of the earth, they became scattered dust, and if the mountains walked, then they were a mirage, and scattered dust.

The scientific interpretation of the verse

Groundbreaking discovery finally proves that rain can really move mountains

Groundbreaking technology that accurately captures how mountains bend to the will of raindrops has helped solve a long-standing scientific puzzle.

Groundbreaking technology that accurately captures how mountains bend to the will of raindrops has helped solve a long-standing scientific puzzle.

The dramatic effect of precipitation on the development of mountain landscapes

It's widely debated among geologists, but new research led by the University of Bristol and published today in Science Advances clearly accounts for its impact, advancing our understanding of how peaks and valleys evolved over millions of years. His findings, which focused on the greatest mountain ranges - the Himalayas - also pave the way for predicting the potential impact of climate change on landscapes, and thus on human life. The lead author, Dr. A landscape fast enough to suck rocks out of the ground, effectively pulling mountains at great speed. “These two theories have been debated for decades because the measurements required to prove them are very complex. This is what makes this discovery such an exciting breakthrough, because it strongly supports the idea that atmospheric and solid Earth processes are closely linked.

While there is no shortage of scientific models aimed at explaining how the Earth works, the biggest challenge can be making enough good observations to test which one is more accurate. The study was based in the central and eastern Himalayas of Bhutan and Nepal, because this region of the world is one of The most sample landscapes for erosion rate studies. Dr. Adams, with collaborators from Arizona State University (ASU) and Louisiana State University, used cosmic clocks inside grains of sand to measure the speed at which rivers are eroding the rock beneath.

When a cosmic particle from outer space reaches Earth

It is likely to run into grains of sand on hillsides as they travel towards rivers. When this happens, some of the atoms within each grain of sand can turn into a rare element. By counting how many atoms of this element are present in a bag of sand, we can calculate how long the sand has been left, and thus how quickly the landscape is eroding, said Dr. Adams. “Once we have erosion rates from across the mountain range, we can compare them against differences in river gradient and precipitation. However, such a comparison is very problematic because each data point is difficult to produce and the statistical interpretation of all the data together.”

Dr. Adams overcame this challenge by combining regression techniques with numerical models of how rivers erode. “We tested a variety of numerical models to reproduce the observed erosion rate pattern across Bhutan and Nepal. In the end, only one model was able to accurately predict the measured erosion rates,” said Dr. Adams.

"This model allows us for the first time to quantify how precipitation affects erosion rates in rough terrain." Collaborating researcher Professor Kellen Whipple, Professor of Geology at ASU, said: "Our results show how important it is to calculate precipitation when evaluating patterns of tectonic activity using topography, and provide a key step forward in addressing the amount of slip on tectonic faults that can be controlled by Climate erosion at the surface.”

Bear the results of the study as well

Important implications for managing land use, infrastructure maintenance and hazards in the Himalayas. In the Himalayas, there is a constant danger that high rates of erosion can greatly increase sedimentation behind dams, putting important hydroelectric projects at risk. The findings also suggest that greater rainfall could erode hillsides, increasing the risk of debris flows or landslides, some of which may be large enough to block a river creating a new hazard - lake floods.

See also...

Earth's Inner Moving Mountains, Study Reveals The Mediterranean Sea is part of what geologists call a moving belt -- portions of Earth's crust floating between larger continental plates. The research team believes their model can help predict volcanic hotspots in these mobile belts. Other mobile belts include the North American Cordillera, which includes the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and the Himalayas. Mantle material can sink at plate boundaries, and then flow back up and away, pushing on the crust—a process called small-scale convection. Slow but inevitable movements can move mountains - gradually and through earthquakes or eruptions.

 وَإِذَا ٱلۡعِشَارُ عُطِّلَتۡ (4)

And if a female camel does not care for her: her shepherd (4)

And if the pregnant camels are left and neglected, and she is the one who has reached ten months of its pregnancy

The Almighty says his remembrance: And if these pregnant women whose families compete in them are neglected and left, because of the severity of the horror that descends on them, how about others?

Other sayings of scientists

If it's family neglected it

Its family left it, she was not milked and she did not insist

Sibbit: abandoned

He said: Its family left it, and itdid not insist, and itwas not milked

  And there was no money in the world that was more impressive to them than it had no shepherd

The scientific interpretation of the verse

The Infectious causes of reproductive loss in camels

Reproductive losses in camels are due to infertility, pregnancy loss, udder disease, and neonatal mortality from a variety of infectious diseases. Uterine infection and miscarriage are the main complaints in camel veterinary practice. The main infectious organisms in endometritis and metritis are E. coli and Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus. Abortion rates due to infectious diseases range from 10% to over 70% in some areas. Leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, and chlamydia have been diagnosed as the major causes of miscarriage in llamas and alpacas. Brucellosis and trypanosomiasis in camels are the leading causes of infectious miscarriage in the Middle East and Africa. Mastitis is rare in South American camels. The prevalence of subclinical udder infection in camels can be very high in dairy camels. Mast infections are primarily due to Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus. Neonatal deaths are primarily due to diarrhea after failure of passive transmission and exposure to Escherichia coli, rotavirus, coronavirus, coccidia, and salmonella. This paper reviews the pathogenesis of these causes of reproductive loss, as well as the main risk factors and strategies for preventing their occurrence.

from this scientific meaning we conclud

The meaning of the pregnant camel is its inactivation (her miscarriage and her inability to reproduce again). Of course, God is Most High and Knows

 وَإِذَا ٱلۡوُحُوشُ حُشِرَتۡ (5)

And when the beasts were gathered (5)

And if the wild animals were collected and mixed, so that God would take revenge on each other, some of them

meaning of it

The gathering of beasts: their death, and the gathering of everything: death, except for the jinn and mankind, for they will be stopped on the Day of Resurrection.

Others said



وَإِذَا ٱلۡبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتۡ (6)

And if the seas were filled until they overflowed, then they exploded and flowed, And if the seas caught fire.

He said: Ubayy bin Ka`b dissuaded him

The jinn said to mankind: We will bring you the news, so go to the seas, and behold, they are kindling a fire.

Ali, may God be pleased with him, said to a Jewish man

Where is hell? He said: The sea.

On the authority of Ibn Abbas

God Wraoed up the sun, the moon, and the stars in the sea, and He sent a strong wind upon it, which blew it until it became fire.

It also has meanings

Its water is gone

Its water is gone, and there is not a drop left in it


About Hassan said


And the Arabs say to the river or to the full river

  Water on fire

The Scientific interpretation of the verse

These are meanings that were almost impossible in the past to imagine, just by imagining, water, ocean water with fire in its bottom, something surprising, as the seas whenever they go down to great depths, they are very cold because they are far from the sun’s rays, but the Qur’an proves to us that on the Day of Resurrection the seas will burn (ignite) Fire) or explode (we detonate like bombs) Glory be to Him who said and who created and who reached us the Qur’an... I leave you with the scientific evidence below.

Depths below - ring of fire

There is another world beneath the surface of the ocean. Come join us, as we explore the depths below, flashes of orange and red in pitch black. Lava seeps out of fissures and rolls across the ocean floor. Earthquakes roar and roar as tectonic plates crash into each other. We are at the edge of the Pacific Basin. Being one of the most geologically active places on earth, scientists have named the area

The name "Ring of Fire". The movement of tectonic plates has created an almost continuous chain of oceanic trenches and chains of volcanoes stretching for twenty-five thousand miles.

But most of them remain hidden away from the surface of the water. In fact, 75% of the volcanic activity on Earth takes place in the ocean. But the effects of all this activity aren't just being felt in the Pacific basin. Earth's oceans and geology are interconnected global systems that can affect us all.

Tsunamis can be generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. And, as we've seen, its effects can be devastating. Undersea volcanoes produce chemicals and heat that affect the ocean environment. We need to better understand these "natural" inputs as we increasingly introduce our own man-made pollutants. We have only recently begun to explore the hundreds of volcanoes rising from the ocean floor that make up the Ring of Fire. Over the past few decades, many expeditions have been made to the basin of the western Pacific Ocean. Using state-of-the-art mapping tools and robotic devices, researchers have learned more about the geological activity at these sites and the marine life that thrives on hydrothermal vent systems. Learning new things often leads to more questions, which means there's still a lot to discover.

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 وَإِذَا ٱلنُّفُوسُ زُوِّجَتۡ (7)

If the souls are married

And if souls are left with their likes and analogues, the people of interpretation differed in their interpretation, and some of them said

Each person was attached to his form

The scientists said

They are the two men who do the same work by which they will enter Paradise, and they will enter Hell with it, like: Gather the wrongdoers and their wives.

Like Almighty says

And you were three spouses the owners of right hands are the owners of the right hands* and the owners of the melancholy they are the owners of the melancholy, and the previous ones are the previous ones

He compares a righteous man with a righteous man in Paradise, and a bad man with a bad man in Hell.

Attach every person to his Shia

Every person joined his sect, the Jews to the Jews, and the Christians to the Christians.

One crams with his employer.

Rather, by that, he meant that the souls were returned to the bodies, so married them: that is, made them a husband.

Souls return to bodies.

 وَإِذَا ٱلۡمَوۡءُۥدَةُ سُئِلَتۡ (8) بِأَيِّ ذَنۢبٖ قُتِلَتۡ (9)

And if the baby girl buried alive will be asked on the Day of Resurrection a question to perfume her and weep for her benefits: And he said: (And when the baby girl is asked for what sin was she killed) Readers differed in reading this, so Abu Al-Duha Muslim bin Subaih read it, (And when the Mawwda asked for what sin was she killed) meaning: the Mawwda asked the Wa’idin: for what sin did they kill her?

He said: she demanded her blood.

  He said:she asked who killed her?


The picture above shows a woman who was buried alive for her disagreement with her government, and some tribes - I don't know exactly where - The deceased woman buries her husband with him in the same grave, no matter how young she is.

  وَإِذَا ٱلۡجَحِيمُ سُعِّرَتۡ (12)

And when the fire is kindled and set on fire, on the authority of Qatada (And when Hell is kindled)

  Its price is God's wrath, and the sins of the sons of Adam.

 وَإِذَا ٱلۡجَنَّةُ أُزۡلِفَتۡ (13)

I have enumerated the existing affairs whose end is one of these two matters, and that destination is either to Heaven or to Hell.

 عَلِمَتۡ نَفۡسٞ مَّآ أَحۡضَرَتۡ (14)

Each soul knew its action, whether it was righteous or otherwise

 فَلَآ أُقۡسِمُ بِٱلۡخُنَّسِ (15) ٱلۡجَوَارِ ٱلۡكُنَّسِ (16)

I don't swear by the hidden (15) the neighborhood that sweeps (16)

God Almighty swears by the hidden stars, their lights during the day

  They are the five sparkling stars that sweep in their streams, then they return and sweep, so they hide in their homes

A man stood up to Ali, may God be pleased with him

  He said: What is (neighboring sweeping)? He said: They are the planets

He said: They are the stars that are raked during the day and swept at night.

  They are the orbiting stars that run towards the east

The scientific interpretation of the verse

Among the great verses that God, Blessed and Exalted be He, spoke to us about, and even swore by them (Al-Khuns)

In order to imagine the greatness and heaviness of these creatures, we resort to the following analogyIf our Earth, which has a diameter of 12.5 thousand kilometers (approximately), turned into a black hole, its diameter would be less than one centimeter! This is confirmed by astronomers today, but what is the story of these holes, how are they formed, and where are they located, and did the Qur’an talk about them?

What is a black hole made of?

Scientists think that the smallest black holes (in English: Black Holes) in the universe were formed with the beginning of the creation of the universe, as for the method of their formation, stellar black holes are formed by the collapse of the star, or its occurrence in its center, and during that the raging star appears, and parts of the exploding star fly into space . This collapse occurs due to the loss of the star's fuel, which makes it unable to support its outer layers of gas, and when the star is large enough, that is, it is twenty-five times greater than the mass of the sun, gravity pulls the gases towards it, which causes the star's diameter to gradually decrease until it reaches Its density reaches infinity at one point, and this is called a singularity

The things you don't see

The stars you don't see

In order to realize the greatness of these suffocating stars, imagine that you threw a stone while you were standing on the ground. This stone will bounce back due to the Earth’s gravity, but if the speed of this stone increases until it reaches 11.2 kilometers per second, it will come out of the atmosphere and escape the Earth’s gravity.

So escape velocity

for the Earth

It is 11.2 kilometers per second

for the moon

Escape velocity is only 2.4 kilometers per second

Now visualize that escape velocity on

surface of a black hole

It exceeds the speed of light, that is, more than 300 thousand kilometers per second, and therefore even light cannot leave, and therefore it is dark that is never seen.

The Quranic interpretation of the word

They are the stars, they disappear during the day and appear at night, so the word (Al-Khuns) came from the verb (Khuns), which means hidden, disappeared. And (al-Jiwar) means running, they see it running in front of them, and (sweeping) the sky when it sets.

Why God tells us about cosmic creatures that cannot be seen, and that is why God called Satan the (Khinas) and today, after the means of measurement have developed and scientists have become acquainted with many of the secrets of the universe, it has become clear that these stars that we see at night do not set. Or outside the atmosphere, we see complete darkness, and we see these stars that do not set, we see them day and night.

So the word (Al-Khuns) does not apply to the stars

( Al gwar)

It means to run from the verb "run", so it is a running neighborhood


That is, it attracts and sweeps away anything it encounters in its path. These are the three characteristics of these creatures that the Qur’an told us about

If we reflect today on the discoveries of scientists

We notice that they have been talking for nearly a quarter of a century about strange creatures, a type of star, which they called (black holes).

The black holes

How is it formed and why does it not see, and why is it running at such great speed and what is it sweeping, what is it attracting to it? This is what scientists searched for a long time and came out with several results about these creatures:

The universe is full of

The stars and our galaxy contain more than one hundred thousand million stars, and there are scientists who say that the number of stars in our galaxy is much greater than that, but the number that exists for sure is the minimum, meaning it is one hundred thousand million stars in our galaxy only.

And our galaxy in relation to the universe

It is a small point that you can hardly see because the universe contains hundreds of billions of stars (hundreds of billions of galaxies). These stars have a life that is formed and born, then grows up, then grows old, then ends its life and dies, as they say.

When the star runs out of fuel

When its fuel is consumed, it is about to die or perish, and here is a great sign that is evident when God Almighty swears by this phenomenon, the phenomenon of the star falling on itself.

He says, may He be blessed and exalted

(And the star when it falls, your companion is not lost nor deceived) [Al-Najm: 1-2]

Every star in the universe must have an end

And this verse (and the star when it falls) is not specific to one star, rather it applies to all the stars of the universe

When the star collapses on itself and closes and compresses, the so-called black hole is formed. So the black hole is basically a star.

But this star is more than twenty times the weight of the sun, meaning our sun, which weighs 2000 million million million million tons. This huge sun has stars that are twenty times larger than it.

It sweeps cosmic dust, smoke, and other things that it encounters on its way and swallows it like a broom

So the stars end up in black holes, and these stars are not visible.

From here we realize that God, the Blessed and Exalted, when He said: (I do not swear by impurity), but this word is valid for every time and place, and that these bodies are not seen at all.

These bodies also say about them that they run like the rest of the stars

Allah says

(And each swims in an orbit) [Yasin: 40]

There is not a single static star in the universe. All objects in the universe, including cosmic dust, cosmic smoke, and so on, all move in a tight system.

Why do scientists call black holes like a vacuum cleaner?

When observing the flag

Why do scientists call black holes like a vacuum cleaner?

When scientists spotted these creatures, their cameras were picked up in observatories installed in orbits around the Earth, such as the Hubble Space Observatory. This observatory is located outside the Earth in space, and it takes very accurate pictures of galaxies and distant objects. It rotates in a very violent movement, and after conducting the calculations, they found that the reason for the rotation of this cosmic smoke and dust is the presence of a black hole that swallows this cloud of smoke, and when it swallows it completely, a hurricane and a vortex are formed, and this cosmic gas and dust rotates at a tremendous speed around this hole, and as a result, this hole absorbs all this dust Cosmic, and therefore they said that these bodies work like a vacuum cleaner, like a broom sucking and attracting anything approaching it for a certain distance.

Thus, the most important characteristics of a black hole are evident in front of us, which is that:

1 - Not seen

2 - It is going at great speeds

3 - It sweeps and attracts anything it finds in its path

4 - He speaks... (its statement will come later)

These three qualities are what the Qur’an told us

Is the correct nomenclature (black hole) or (unseen hole)?

And they call this star black, knowing that the correct name should be that it is (not seen) and this is what the great astronomers in the West say. The hole has no color because it is not visible, it is never seen. When this black hole is formed and compresses itself, its size becomes very small, because the matter is compressed in a huge and colossal way, and its temperature rises to extreme degrees, and its gravity increases in an unimaginable way to the point that the light it emits The star or this black hole returns, and the black one returns to it due to the intensity of gravity, attracting light to it, and does not let anything escape from it. Therefore, scientists say that the most important feature that distinguishes these black holes is that they cannot be seen, and they cannot be seen, no matter how advanced the devices are, even if we go outside the earth into outer space. We will not be able to see these objects.

The black hole speaks

to hear the sound

Hence I always say that these voices may be these hidden audio frequencies that we cannot hear, but the accurate devices monitor them with perfect accuracy, These sounds may be sounds of praising God, the Blessed and Exalted, because all creatures glorify God Almighty

The scientists found that these creatures constantly emit sound frequencies while they work, as if they glorify God Almighty!

The Almighty says

(The seven heavens and the earth praises him, and those in them, and for something that only praises his praise, but you do not understand it... )

One of the strange things also about black holes is what NASA scientists discovered recently, as they were able to record sound frequencies resulting from these black holes, and when we say sound frequencies, this means that they are in the audible field that humans hear.

How did they uncover this?

They revealed this matter through the waves caused by this black hole in the cosmic dust. When the cosmic dust swallows this hole, it occurs similar to sound waves, sound frequencies, and they recorded these frequencies as well, and they said that they are in the audible field, and after that they found that all stars make sounds and all creatures make sounds. They also found that the universe at the beginning of its creation also issued sound frequencies, and they even found that human cells also emit these sounds.

 وَٱلَّيۡلِ إِذَا عَسۡعَسَ (17) وَٱلصُّبۡحِ إِذَا تَنَفَّسَ (18)

And by the night when it gets dark (17) and by the morning when it breathes (18)

Ali, peace be upon him, came out from the door next to the market

  And when the morning or dawn came, he recited: (By the night when it is dark * and the morning when it breathes) Where is the questioner about the Witr ( prayer)? The best of this Witr hour

The night enters with its darkness: when it turns back, and only a little of it remains, and the morning when its light appears.

 إِنَّهُۥ لَقَوۡلُ رَسُولٖ كَرِيمٖ (19)

Indeed, it is the saying of a generous Messenger (19)

The Qur’an is for the transmission of a noble Messenger - he is Gabriel, peace be upon him. This Qur’an is for the revelation of a noble Messenger; Meaning: Gabriel, revealed to Muhammad bin Abdullah,

On the authority of Qatada, that he used to say: (It is the saying of a noble Messenger).

  Meaning: Gabriel

ذِي قُوَّةٍ عِندَ ذِي ٱلۡعَرۡشِ مَكِينٖ (20)

Possessor of strength with the Possessor of the Throne, firmly established (20)

The Almighty says his remembrance: He has power, meaning: Gabriel is in charge of the matter that is not incapable, (Beside the Lord of the Throne, stationed) He says: He is firmly established in the sight of the Lord of the Great Throne, Powerful in executing what he is commanded to do, possessing a high position with God,

 مُّطَاعٖ ثَمَّ أَمِينٖ (21)

Obedient and trustworthy (21)

The angels obey him, he is entrusted with the revelations that he sends.

The Almighty says mentioning him: (to be obeyed then) means Gabriel, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he is obeyed in heaven, the angels obey him (Ameen) He says: He is faithful to God for His revelation, His message, and other things that He entrusted to Him.

Some of the characteristics of our master - Gabriel - peace be upon him -

A heavenly angel from the angels of God Almighty, God Almighty created him from light like all the angels, and it is the revelation that descends upon the prophets and messengers, God willing, Gabriel - upon him be peace - revealed the Holy Qur’an to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Gabriel is the trustworthy spirit, and he is the one who sent down the messages to the prophets and messengers, He is the one who supported Moses by God’s command on the day of adornment, and he is the one who came to the Virgin Mary as a messenger from God and gave her good tidings of the birth of the Messiah.

The reason for naming Gabriel the faithful spirit

Jibril - upon him be peace - was named the trustworthy spirit.

It was reported on the authority of al-Jiani that he said: “It was called a spirit because souls live by it as they live by spirits.”

On the authority of Al-Razi and Ibn Adel:

He called it Ruh because it was created from the Ruh.

Ibn Ashour said

“He was called a spirit, because the angels are from the realm of spirituality, and they are abstracts, and the trustworthy is the characteristic of Gabriel, because God entrusted him with his revelation.” It is worth noting that one of Gabriel’s titles is the Holy Spirit.

Attributes of our master Gabriel

The Science

Gabriel - upon him be peace - is the teacher of the prophets, peace be upon them. He is the one who taught the Messenger of God, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the evidence for that is the words of God Almighty: (Your friend does not go astray and he does not seduce and he does not speak out of desire It is only a revelation revealed His knowledge is very powerful endowed with strength, so he straightened)

He is the transmitter of some of the knowledge of God - the Almighty - to the prophets

peace be upon them, and the evidence for that is the words of God Almighty: (And it is a revelation of the Lord of the worlds, with whom the trustworthy spirit has descended, upon your heart so that you may be among the warners * in a clear Arabic tongue)

The sheer power

The Holy Qur’an describes Gabriel, peace be upon him, with strength. And the evidence for that is the words of God Almighty: (He who has strength); This is due to the power commensurate with the size of the tasks entrusted to him by God Almighty.

Among the attributes that God Almighty described him with is also; Of great character, and he has six hundred wings. As for other angels, God Almighty has mentioned that they have two pairs, And three and a quarter wings, and those are among the things that distinguish him from other angels.

The empowerment

God Almighty has enabled Gabriel - upon him be peace - in the sky. And that is the obedience of the angels to him by the command of God Almighty, and on earth; By oppressing the wrongdoers

obeyed by those with him

And that obedience is true obedience to Him, by the angels

The honesty

and from his honesty; God Almighty entrusts Gabriel - peace be upon him - with revelation, and other matters other than revelation. Gabriel - peace be upon him - is worthy of that trust that God Almighty gave him, in conveying his words as he commanded without alteration, change, addition, or omission. . The deeds of Gabriel, peace be upon him

The deeds of Gabriel, peace be upon him

Among the deeds done by Gabriel - upon him be peace - are the following:

His teaching of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Companions - may God be pleased with them - reading

When Gabriel descended to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - while he was in the cave, The first word that Gabriel said to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was: Read, and that word was the first command that God Almighty wanted for all mankind.

His sympathy to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in his grief

. Obedience to his Lord Almighty, and respond to his call. Gabriel - upon him be peace - counts the Messenger of God Almighty, to his Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. His ascension, accompanied by the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to the seven heavens; He was his guide

وَمَا صَاحِبُكُم بِمَجۡنُونٖ (22)

And your companions are not insane (22)

And what is your friend, O people, Muhammad, who is insane, so he talks about madness, and raves the ravings of insane people? Rather, he brought the truth and confirmed the messengers. And Muhammad, whom you know, is not insane.

 وَلَقَدۡ رَءَاهُ بِٱلۡأُفُقِ ٱلۡمُبِينِ (23)

And indeed, he saw it on the clear horizon (23)

And I, Muhammad Jibril, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw him in his image in the direction that shows things, so you can see them in front of them, and that is in terms of the rising of the sun from the direction of the east.

On the authority of Muammar, on the authority of Qatada

He said: We used to narrate that the horizon is where the sun rises

. He said: Gabriel saw six hundred wings in his image.

 وَمَا هُوَ عَلَى ٱلۡغَيۡبِ بِضَنِينٖ (24)

And he said: (And what is on the unseen: stingy)

About Qatada

  This Qur’an is unseen, so God gave it to Muhammad, who bestowed it on him, taught it and called to it, By God, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was stingy with it.

 وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوۡلِ شَيۡطَٰنٖ رَّجِيمٖ (25)

And it is not the saying of Satan, accursed (25)And this Qur’an is not the saying of a cursed and expelled devil, but it is the word of God and His revelation

 فَأَيۡنَ تَذۡهَبُونَ (26)

So where will you go (26)

He says: So where do you deviate from my book and obey me, so where do your minds go with you in denying the Qur’an after these conclusive arguments?

 إِنۡ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكۡرٞ لِّلۡعَٰلَمِينَ (27)

It is nothing but a reminder to the learned (27)

It is only a reminder of an exhortation to the worlds of jinn and mankind. It is nothing but an exhortation from God to all people

 لِمَن شَآءَ مِنكُمۡ أَن يَسۡتَقِيمَ (28)

For whoever among you wills to be straight (28)

For those of you who wish to be upright on the path of truth and faith, it is nothing but a reminder for those of you who wish to be upright on the path of truth, then follow it and believe in it.

 وَمَا تَشَآءُونَ إِلَّآ أَن يَشَآءَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ (29)

And you do not will except that God wills, Lord of the worlds (29)

When the previous verse was revealed, Abu Jahl said (Abu Jahl said that to us, if we wish, we will be steadfast, so it was revealed: (And you do not will except that God wills, Lord of the worlds.

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