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Surah Al-Ghashiya

General specifications of the Holy Surah
The Sura


the number of its verses


  It's arranged in the Qur'an


It's started

in an interrogative manner (( Did the hadeeth of Al-Ghashiya reach you? ))


  It is one of the names of the Day of Resurrection in Islam

The topic of the surah

This surah is one of the deep and quiet surahs. contemplation, and to hope and aspiration, and to fear and apprehension, and to work for the Day of Judgment

هَلۡ أَتَىٰكَ حَدِيثُ ٱلۡغَٰشِيَةِ (1)

Has the hadith of al-Ghushiyah reached you (1)

The Almighty mentions the conditions of the Day of Resurrection and what they contain of the devastating horrors, and that creatures are overwhelmed by their hardships, so they are rewarded for their deeds, and they are distinguished [into] two groups: one group in Paradise, and one group in Hellfire.

A look at the verse

A question with which Allah - the Most High - begins the Noble Surah, and it is a question whose answer is already known, because no one has experienced or witnessed the Day of Judgment yet, so it is a question to open closed minds about something in the future that will happen.

 وُجُوهٞ يَوۡمَئِذٍ خَٰشِعَةٌ (2)

Humble faces that Day (2)

So he told about the description of both groups, and he said regarding [description] of the people of Hell: {faces on that day} that is: the Day of Resurrection {humbled} of humiliation, scandal and disgrace.

A look at the verse

1 - On this day you will find items, which is a completely future vision, and despite this, you will see these items on the Day of Resurrection, when you go on a trip in a country other than your own, and you know that someone will go to this country, you may like to share with him all the information that you know about this country, and this experience will not be removed from the mind of this person once he actually goes to this country, He will remember everything you told him about, which is what God is already doing with us now. We will see everything he told us about in the Qur’an with our eyes.

2 - You will find on this day (humble faces) as long as we talked about that the Qur’an takes special care of the face as opposed to the whole body, and here it does not describe the body or social status which paints this body with a prestigious dye or something else, but rather the face is sufficient for all of you, so you will find humbled faces. Have you seen anyone who was poor in extreme poverty before that? In what part of the world? Was his face covered with pride and exaltation? It is impossible, but his face is mostly gloomy and sad, and perhaps even if he was enslaved with his poverty you will find his gaze downward and not upward as a result of enslavement. This is: Humbled faces on the Day of Resurrection - God did not make us among them by His grace, not by His justice.

عَامِلَةٞ نَّاصِبَةٞ (3)

worker stand (3) In this world, because they are people of worship and work in this world, but when he did not fulfill his condition, which is faith, on the Day of Resurrection he will become scattered dust, his possibility, although true in terms of meaning, It is not indicated by the context of the speech, rather the correctness that is definite is the first possibility, because it is restricted to the circumstance, It is the Day of Resurrection, and because what is intended here is to explain the description of the people of Hell in general, and that possibility is a small part of the people of Hell in relation to its people; and because the speech is about explaining the condition of people when they are overwhelmed, there is no exposure to their conditions in this world.

A look at the verse

He stood up to address the people: He got up at his feet.

God - the Mighty and Majestic - is the only one who knows (what will these faces or figures do on the Day of Resurrection) all we understand is that she is standing on her feet and cannot sit down or rest, and it is a very long day for the unbelievers and their likes - we ask God for pardon -

 تَصۡلَىٰ نَارًا حَامِيَةٗ (4)

Praying in a blazing fire (4)

That is: very hot, surrounding them from everywhere

 تُسۡقَىٰ مِنۡ عَيۡنٍ ءَانِيَةٖ (5)

i.e., very hot, {and if they cry for help, they are given water Like molten metal that roasts faces, this is their drink.

 لَّيۡسَ لَهُمۡ طَعَامٌ إِلَّا مِن ضَرِيعٖ (6) لَّا يُسۡمِنُ وَلَا يُغۡنِي مِن جُوعٖ (7)

They have no food except from the animal's food: the Shabruk plant (6) It does not make fat, nor does it satisfy from hunger (7)

And as for their food, {they have no food except from a suckling plant that does not fatten or suffice from hunger} and that is because what is meant by food is one of two things: Either it satisfies the owner's hunger and relieves him of his pain, or he fattens his body from emaciation, this food does not contain any of these two things, rather it is extremely bitter, rancid and mean food. We ask God for wellness, Al-Dhari’: the plant of the tree, which is not approached by an animal due to its wickedness.

وُجُوهٞ يَوۡمَئِذٖ نَّاعِمَةٞ (8) لِّسَعۡيِهَا رَاضِيَةٞ (9)

And as for the good people, their faces on the Day of Resurrection will be “smooth,” that is, the radiance of bliss will befall them, and their bodies will be radiant, their faces brightened, and as for the good people, their faces on the Day of Resurrection will be “smooth,” that is, the radiance of bliss will befall them, and their bodies will be radiant, and they were very pleased, {for her striving} that she offered in this world of good deeds, and kindness to the servants of God, {satisfied} when she found his reward doubled in savings, so she praised his punishment, and she got everything she wished for.

A look at the verse

And there is another type of faces - in more than one place in the Qur’an. God Almighty says about some faces: (In their faces you will know the glow of bliss), there are plastic surgeries for women and men alike, by which they beautify their faces and give them freshness from under the skin. It has several names, Here, a young age gives the face a natural freshness, but it is consumed with the passage of years, events and problems, on the Day of Resurrection - note: these have not yet entered Paradise, these you will see with their eyes on the Day of Resurrection, in front of humble faces, soft faces, and it describe everything after that, and she is satisfied with her efforts. Notice the humble faces, because their efforts in life must not satisfy them, so they are afraid of fear, shame, scandal or anything else - we ask God for forgiveness - as for these faces, they are soft and cheerful, rejoicing in their work and endeavors, and you are well aware that striving is greater than walking and less than running, i.e. what is called trotting. As you walk through life, you do not find someone who strives except at specific times, and he strives to reach the train or his ambitions, whatever it is, striving for the afterlife also needs such a gesture, and it is an intention + an action that is in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, may God accept.

فِي جَنَّةٍ عَالِيَةٖ (10) لَّا تَسۡمَعُ فِيهَا لَٰغِيَةٗ (11)

In a sublime Paradise. (10) Do not hear any useless talk therein. (11)

And that is that it is {in Paradise} encompassing all types of bliss, {high} in its place and its stations, so its place is in the highest of the highest, and its houses are high dwellings, they have rooms, and above the rooms are built rooms from which they overlook what God has prepared for them of dignity.

{ its close picking }

  That is: many delicious fruits, bearing good fruits, easy to eat, so that they can get it anyway: they do not need to climb a tree, or a fruit is difficult for them.

{Do not hear therein} that is: Paradise {idle }

  i.e. idle talk and falsehood, in addition to the forbidden speech. Rather, their speech is good [beneficial] speech, It includes the remembrance of God Almighty, and the remembrance of His frequent blessings upon them, and [on] good manners between cohabitants, which facilitates the hearts and explains the breasts.

A look at the verse
General specifications of the paradise: see:
For furniture in heaven: see:

And you can too: Don't miss out on the rest of the Paradise category

فِيهَا عَيۡنٞ جَارِيَةٞ (12) فِيهَا سُرُرٞ مَّرۡفُوعَةٞ (13) وَأَكۡوَابٞ مَّوۡضُوعَةٞ (14) وَنَمَارِقُ مَصۡفُوفَةٞ (15) وَزَرَابِيُّ مَبۡثُوثَةٌ (16)

In it is a flowing eye (12) There are raised beds in it (13) And cups ٞ set ٞ (14) And a lined sheet (15) A carpet spread (16)

In it are running springs that they blow up and spend as they want, and how they want

{in which beds are raised}

And “al-surar” is the plural of “bed,” which is the high seat in and of itself, with the soft, low mattresses on it.

{and placed cups}

That is: bowls full of delicious drinks, which were placed in their hands and prepared for them, and became at their request and choice, in which the immortal children roam around them.

{and arrayed sheets}

  That is: pillows made of silk, brocade, and other things that only God knows, were lined up for sitting and leaning on, and they were comfortable with putting them on, and lining them themselves.

{a carpet spread}

  And the carpets [are:] the beautiful carpets, spread, meaning: they are filled with them from all sides

أَفَلَا يَنظُرُونَ إِلَى ٱلۡإِبِلِ كَيۡفَ خُلِقَتۡ (17)

Do they not look at the camels, how they were created (17)

The Almighty says, an exhortation to those who do not believe the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and to other people, that they reflect on God’s creatures that indicate His monotheism: {Do they not look at the camels, how they were created}That is: [Don't they] look at her wonderful creation, and how God subjected her to the servants, and humiliated her for their many benefits that they are forced to do.

A look at the verse

The characteristics of camels that characterize it?

The ear

The first thing that attracts attention in camels is the external appearance of the camel's ears. The ears are small and slightly protruding. They have the ability to fold back and stick to the head if sandstorms occur.

The eye

And just as the hair also covers it from every side, so it can protect its eyes and prevent sand from entering it.

The camel's lips

The camel's upper and lower lips, in particular, help it pick up thistles in a very easy way

The camel lists (legs)

  It is long to raise his body from much of the dust that erupts under him, and it also helps him to broaden his steps and agility, as he was called the “ship of the desert” because he can walk over the softest sand, and this is what makes it difficult for me any animal.

The camel tail

  It also bears on its sides hair that protects the back parts from the grains of sand raised by the wind, likewise, in front of the sand particles that the wind carries to his lungs

The neck

long so that it can eat its food from the ground plants, and so that it can gnaw the leaves of high trees, also, the camel's stomach has four sides, and its digestive system is strong so that it can digest anything besides food.

The water camel production

Where the camel produces water, which helps it withstand hunger and thirst, from the fat in its stomach, hump chemically. Scientists and researchers found that this strange animal has the ability to re-absorb water from Intestines and kidneys back to the body to benefit from.

The camel milk

Camel milk contains, on average, 3.1% protein, 4.4% lactose, and 0.79% minerals, solid matter in it is 11.9% on average, and the camel is milked for an entire year on average at a rate of twice a day.

The camel milk has many benefits:

it has therapeutic benefits that play a role in autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders

and hepatitis

  And diarrhea caused by rotavirus


  and cancer

  and diabetes

  and cirrhosis of the liver

  and the rickets

And autism

  and Crohn's disease

  the camel milk is also a good source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, and niacin.

The heat tolerance

The camel's hump is a storehouse of energy, and its presence on the back ensures that the camel can adapt to the heat. And the camel is the animal, the only one who lives about two full weeks without water or food in an environment with a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. where the camel is also distinguished by the fact that it secretes only a small amount of sweat when absolutely necessary, thanks to its body's ability to adapt to living in desert conditions.

The bear thirst

The camel's resistance to thirst is one of the most important characteristics of camel physiology, the water system operates from drinking water through its use to the end of the excretion process. where he can live, without water for several weeks, but in the hot season and with a meal of dry food, drinking is necessary once in a while week.

The characteristics of blood in camels

The amount of blood in a camel (volume 93) millimeters / kilogram of live weight, and this figure is much higher than what is In the rest of the animals, the shape of the red pellets in the camel is characterized by being oval in shape and its size is subject to change, according to the state of hydration, and it is characterized by its tremendous hardness that resists explosion.

The tolerate malnutrition

The desert environment is characterized by poor food sources and weak seasonal and annual diversity, and this means that the middle the desert is not only hot and dry, but the camel has techniques to cope with every shortage that may occur in the ingredients basic food.

Now informed

Why does God - the Most High - mention camels to the exclusion of the rest of the animals specifically here in the thirtieth part of His final book, and what distinguishes the thirtieth part of cultivating faith in souls? whose souls? The souls of the polytheists, the souls of the ignorant Arabs, who only a few of them know how to read or write, so that something of the supernatural will bring them closer to their Bedouin daily life, a creation that only the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, knew about – treatment with milk and camel urine?

For treatment with camel urine: see:
For medication with camel milk: see:
 وَإِلَى ٱلسَّمَآءِ كَيۡفَ رُفِعَتۡ (18)

And to the sky, how have you been raised (18)

And to the sky, how have you been raised

A look at the verse

The gravity Every time we slide down a ladder or somersault into a pool, we feel the planet pulling us back. Austrian stuntman Felix Baumgartner took that idea to madness last year when he descended from a platform attached to a helium balloon 127,850 feet above New Mexico and fell more than 24 miles straight, a new version was released that fall, captured by various cameras, one pointed at his head, a camera at the waist and what appears to be a foot camera. As you will see, (don't bother watching the whole thing) for the first few seconds of its fall, the pull of the earth is immediate and fierce...

Why is he always "falling off"?

In all of these examples, gravity always pushes humans closer to Earth - which makes sense, since Earth's mass is much greater than ours, but there is of course a more sophisticated and beautiful way of thinking about gravity - one that appreciates that this is a force that permeates everything, pulls everything into everything else.

The witness

There is no specific scientific evidence that gravity is what protects the sky from falling to the ground, except that the scientific hadith is higher - it can be familiarized with it until scientists come, at some point, they tell us that (gravity) are the pillars of the sky that make the sky not fall to the ground.

وَإِلَى ٱلۡجِبَالِ كَيۡفَ نُصِبَتۡ (19)

And to the mountains, how they are erected (19)

{And to the mountains, how are they erected} in a dazzling form, by which the earth’s stability and steadfastness were obtained from disturbance, and the [venerable] benefits were deposited in it.

A look at the verse
The mountains are croissant

Fixing the Earth: Scientists differ in the field of earth sciences to this day in understanding how mountains can anchor the earth, because the mass of mountains in relation to the mass of the Earth is negligible. philippines, Its depth is 11 kilometers, meaning the distance does not reach twenty kilometers... From the deepest depression to the highest summit, if this is compared to the Earth's equatorial radius (which is more than six thousand kilometers), we know how these simple blocks can stabilize the earth, and it cannot Humans imagine it because it is a very simple mass, and people in successive ages could not understand how the mountains stabilize the earth, so in the late sixties and early seventies of the twentieth century, scientists reached when exploring the depths of the oceans and found a wonder: they found, and contrary to what people believed in the past, the shallowest parts of the oceans are in the middle, and the deepest parts of the oceans are where the ocean floor meets the continent, and they were confused: How can that be?

The scientists turned to these mountain ranges

(which extends across the bottoms of the seas and oceans, and is higher than the highest mountains on the surface of the earth). They found that it was surrounded by a huge network of faults, It extends tens of kilometers in length and width, tearing this lithosphere to a depth of one hundred kilometers, so they became sure that one of the basic characteristics of the earth is that it has cracks, and the person here marvels at this reference that came in Surat Al-Tariq, in His saying, Glory be to Him: {And the earth with a crack} [ Al-Tarek: 12], Millions of tons of lava flows out of this huge network of rifts, with temperatures exceeding a thousand degrees Celsius, and the sea and ocean floors move under the continents to form pockets in the depths of the sea and ocean floors, In these pockets, huge amounts of sedimentary rocks are deposited, and when the ocean floor moves under the continent, it experiences high temperatures and melts, even if it is partial melting, then it enters inside this soft, semi-molten layer, and displaces quantities of it, which leads to an increase in igneous interventions, and leads to an increase in the activity of the volcano, all of which mixes with the huge amount of sedimentary rocks to form in this pocket, for mountains to form, and when the mountain range is formed, it works exactly like a nail that mixes the continent’s material with the ocean floor, and this process goes through very amazing stages, starting with the emergence of volcanic islands at the bottom of the seas and oceans, and these islands appear, they are the peaks of mountain ranges formed above the bottoms of the seas and oceans, such as: the Hawaiian Islands, the Philippine Islands, and the Indonesia Islands... All of these islands are peaks of enormous volcanic mountain ranges.

These islands bump into each other to grow

  Then they collide with the continent to form mountain ranges, such as the Andes Mountains in South America, and a continent may collide with a continent, and the ocean floor between them is completely consumed as happened in the Alps, and this is the last stage for the formation of mountain ranges, and it is the stage in which the highest mountain peaks are formed, and at that time the movement stops completely, and the continents have spaces suitable for life, because if this movement continues, soil cannot gather and no plant can appear, and no road can be paved... That is why our Lord, the Blessed and Most High, blesses us in many verses by anchoring the earth to the mountains: {And the mountains He established (32) as provision for you and your cattle} [Al-Nazi’at: 32-33].

And the erection of the mountain on the surface of the land

It is one of the greatest miracles, as the mountain, with its slight height above the surface of the earth, pushes about 10-15 times that height to penetrate the earth's lithosphere, then it floats in this layer, a molten plastic layer of high density and high viscosity, so it is obscured by the laws of buoyancy, which lead to its erection above the surface of the earth, and if it were not for this, the mountain would not have risen at all.

وَإِلَى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ كَيۡفَ سُطِحَتۡ (20)

And to the earth, how is its surface (20)

{And to the earth, how was it flattened} that is: it was extended to a wide extent, and it was made very easy, so that creatures would settle on its back, and be able to plow it, plant it, and build in it, and the behavior of the roads leading to the types of purposes in it. And know that its flatness does not contradict that it is a round sphere, in which the orbits are surrounded on all sides, It is also indicated by transmission, reason, sense, and observation, as mentioned. It is well known to most people, especially in these times, in which people depended on most of their hopes, with what God gave them of the means that bring them closer to the far away, for flatness is contrary to the sphericity of a very small body, which, if it were flat, would have little roundness left. As for the earth’s body, which is extremely large and vast, it is spherical and flat, and the two things are not mutually exclusive, as those with experience know that.

فَذَكِّرۡ إِنَّمَآ أَنتَ مُذَكِّرٞ (21) لَّسۡتَ عَلَيۡهِم بِمُصَيۡطِرٍ (22)

So remember, you are only a reminder. (21) You have no control over them. (22)

{So remember, you are only a reminder} that is: remind people, admonish them, warn them and give them good tidings, for you are an envoy to call people to God and remind them.

A look at the verse

After explaining all the cosmic verses, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - according to the understanding understood by the polytheists in your era, and the scholars who explain the Qur’an throughout the ages with the knowledge available in their eras, (You are just a reminder) who has no control over their actions or even their reactions, this religious era - I mean the thirtieth part - is the Meccan part of the Qur’an that educates its learners on the correct belief because it frequently talks about the universal signs that educate the Muslim, (The visible verses that prove the existence of God) and educate the belief in connection with the Last Day, so that the compass of the day is very normal for a Muslim, and others.

إِلَّا مَن تَوَلَّىٰ وَكَفَرَ (23) فَيُعَذِّبُهُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡعَذَابَ ٱلۡأَكۡبَرَ (24)

Except he who turns away and disbelieves (23) Then Allah will punish him with the greatest punishment (24)

And you were not sent to control them, an authority entrusted with their deeds, so if you do what is required of you, then you do not have to blame after that, as the Almighty says (( : {And you are not tyrannical against them, He recalled the Koran and Who's Afraid menace}

A look at the verse

Look: Whoever assumes a position, or turns his back on your sublime message and looks at what is in front of him, enjoying it, and with this (disbeliever) in what you have brought, O Muhammad, then God will punish him, (The greatest torment) He did not say to you as a preacher, as a religious scholar or others (The greatest torment is upon you, but you are merely a reminder) and God is Most High and Knowing.

 إِنَّ إِلَيۡنَآ إِيَابَهُمۡ (25) ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَيۡنَا حِسَابَهُم (26)

To Us is their return (25) Then on Us is their reckoning (26)

{Except for he who turns away and disbelieves} that is, but whoever turns away from obedience and disbelieves in God, {then God will punish him with the greatest punishment} that is: severe and permanent

A look at the verse

Did I not tell you that the reckoning is with God - because the return of all people to God - the Almighty - and the reckoning is with God ... Stop holding people accountable for their actions, God is the one who knows the secret and the hidden, and he is the one who rewards and holds accountable, and of course he is higher and more knowledgeable

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