Allah says
" ذلك بأن الله هو الحق وأنه يحيي الموتى وأنه على كل شيء قدير "
“That is because God is the Truth, and He revives the dead, and He is Able to do all things.”
“That” is the One who created the human being from what has been described to you and revived the earth after its death. “That God is the Truth,” meaning the Lord who is worshiped, to whom worship is not due except Him. and worshiping Him is the truth, and the worship of anyone other than Him is invalid. and that He gives life to the dead,” just as He began creation, and just as He revived the earth after its death. “And that He has power over all things,” as I bear witness to you of the marvelousness of His power and the greatness of His workmanship. What I bear witness to you.
A View around the verse
In the previous verses, we talked about the formation of man from the beginning of creation, and the formation of the fetus, and we saw the greatness of the Creator manifested in this matter, then the Lord - Blessed and Most High - tells us - In this verse, God is the truth, and after the truth there is nothing but error, and we have seen that part of the completeness of the oneness of God - the Almighty - is that the creation of the earth and its revival is like a woman’s womb before and after marriage, we have seen that the greatness of creation and the oneness of God - glory be to Him - are embodied in the stages of human formation, and although all of its components are known and God - the Almighty - has revealed the secret of its components, the West, to this day, with all the modern technologies, They did not succeed in creating a human being except through living cells such as RNA, and they played with its components with CRISPR scissors and other technologies to create designer babies - and others - so God bless the best of creators.
And he revives the dead
In the West today they claim to revive the dead in a very complex way, the method of freezing, but not to the point where the organs are damaged. God - the Almighty - revives the dead in the simplest ways:
1 - Be and it will be (The story of how He revived this earth after its death: a story visible to everyone)
2 - Striking an organ in which life is still just the pulse of a dead being (the story of the cow: We said, “Hit it with some of it.”)
3- He gives the ability to some of his prophets to do this, such as our master Jesus, peace be upon him
These are things that are impossible for the human mind to imagine, especially at times in history when it was impossible for this to happen, and to this day if you follow the very complex method, In which millionaires pay their money and they do not know any confirmation of it until today, the biggest thing they know is cryogenic sleep for a period of time ranging from 6 months and more... You can research the science of cryogenic sleep yourself if it interests you. The most important thing is that God - the Almighty - had not told us about 1446 years ago, He is the one who revives the dead and provided humanity with examples of that, as stated above. We would say that the advanced West today is ahead of God - the Almighty - in anything - God forbid and no - But refuting proofs from more than 1,000 years of human progress is the greatest evidence of the unity and existence of God.
Allah says
" وأن الساعة آتية لا ريب فيها وأن الله يبعث من في القبور "
“And the Hour is coming, of which there is no doubt and God raises those from the graves.”
“And the Hour is coming about which there is no doubt,” so there is no reason to rule it out, and God will raise up those from the graves and reward you for your deeds, good and bad.
A View around the verse
Here the Mawla - Blessed and Most High - tells us something strange, which is the end of the universe, the end of life, and the beginning of the afterlife, and what is strange about that? What is strange is that God - the Almighty - less than a few verses ago told us about the formation of a child, and here he tells us about coming out of the graves to be judged, so he summarized the entire life between birth, death and reckoning.
And the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it
We, as Muslims, believe this because it is our firm belief that there is another day of accountability for actions in this world. Do you really believe that? We all believe that in theory, But He regulates our daily rhythm. no injustice, envy, or hatred will ever bring the believers together at the Hour. Rather, souls will be divided into believers, unbelievers, and hypocrites, they flatter the believers that they believe in this out of fear of themselves and not of God Almighty.
And God resurrects those in the graves
Modern science has proven that the tailbone or coccyx, which is a bone at the end of the spine, does not disappear or wear out underground, and because of this, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us that: As in Al-Bukhari, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: There are forty between the two blows, then God sends down water from the sky and they sprout as plants sprout. There is nothing in man that does not decay except one bone, which is the tailbone, from which creation will ride on the Day of Resurrection.
Allah says
" ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم ولا هدى ولا كتاب منير "
“And among the people are those who argue about God without knowledge, guidance, or an enlightening Book.”
The aforementioned argument is of the imitator, and this argument is of the desired Satan, the one who calls for heresies. So, he said that he “argues about God,” meaning he argues with the messengers of God and their followers with falsehood in order to refute the truth with it, “Without true knowledge and no guidance,” meaning: not following in this debate anyone who guides him, no guiding mind, no follower who is guided. “And no enlightening Book,” meaning: clear and clear, so he has no rational or textual proof.
A View around the verse
Among the people: One of the strangest things about the Qur’anic discourse is that it is very fair. One time it treats the People of the Book fairly and says (they are not equal) And once he treats people fairly who do not believe in Him - Glory be to Him - and He says (from: meaning some, not all), and this is complete justice.
And from people
So you will find them in life, you will inevitably find them
Whoever argues in God without knowledge
This part of the noble verse was repeated in the Qur’an several times. What does God - the Almighty - want to tell us about this? And God knows best: He wants to make you a specialist, do not talk about something that you do not know, do not talk about something that you are not good at answering questions about, do not talk just to prove that you are present in scientific discussions, rather, speak while you are knowledgeable, speak while you are an expert, speak while knowing that you are not making people fluctuate in knowledge that is supposed to be fixed, beyond their mind - whether medicine, anatomy, or anything else, Then you will find those who argue about God that He does not exist many in this life. We will not talk about the huge numbers of non-heavenly religions that do not connect to God - the Almighty - in any way, unfortunately, they represent two-thirds of the world, and we represent only a third of the world... Therefore, if you argue about God with someone who disputes the existence of God, you must have knowledge, guidance, or a book from which you can enlighten the firm and established arguments, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.
Allah says
" ثاني عطفه ليضل عن سبيل الله له في الدنيا خزي ونذيقه يوم القيامة عذاب الحريق "
“His second kindness is to stray from the path of God, for him in this world is disgrace, and on the Day of Resurrection we will make him taste the torment of burning.”
They are nothing but suspicions, inspired by Satan, “And the devils send revelations to their friends to dispute with you, with this, “he bent his neck” meaning he twisted his side and neck, and this is a metaphor for his arrogance for the truth, and his contempt for creation. He was happy with what he had of useless knowledge, and he despised the people of the truth, and what they had of the truth, for him in this world is disgrace.” That is, this will be exposed in this world before the afterlife. This is one of the wondrous signs of God, for you will not find any preacher of disbelief and misguidance except that he will have abhorrence between the worlds, curses, and hatred.
A View around the verse
Allah says
ثاني عطفه ليضل عن سبيل الله
The second of his neck to stray from the path of God
As you walk through life, you will find some people talking to you, listening with half an ear - indifferently -, and you will find others who are all ears, He comes to you with his face and a large part of his body out of listening and respect. Here in this case: This is a person who does not look at you completely, but rather with part of his face, and his body in another direction, which is a sitting or pausing that indicates indifference to who he is talking to + arrogance and boasting about the knowledge he has, the reason for this disrespectful stance toward those he is talking to is an attempt to mislead the person in front of him, through arrogance, such as sedition of a worldly science, be it nuclear physics, modern physics, or anything else, and you should know that if the argument and the idea slumber, the sound rational discussion is buried with it, and instead you begin a sterile debate + arrogance + or raising a hand or raising insults or something else, then the argument knocks with the argument, as for sterile controversy, it is of no use except to its owner.
He has shame in this world
Disgrace: It is disgrace, humiliation, and humiliation, but we see those who argue about God and His existence, their faces are beautiful, and their clothes are not shabby, they have enough knowledge to fill books, so how is this? We do not know, but God - the Almighty - threatened him from above the seven heavens with disgrace in this world before his time ends, the important thing is that you, as a Muslim, believe that, even if you see the opposite, you must submit to God’s ruling because you see one of the chapters of this debate, and it is not a condition that you live to see the end of his life, It is not a condition that he die in his disbelief, but perhaps deep thinking will lead him to the existence of God after a while, unless he dies in his disbelief.
And we will make him taste the torment of burning on the Day of Resurrection
May God protect us and protect you, because we believe and do not imagine a fire breaking out among the living, May God protect everyone, but whoever does not look at the afterlife or the existence of God mocks this speech - God forbid -
Allah says
" ذلك بما قدمت يداك وأن الله ليس بظلام للعبيد "
“That is for what your hands have forwarded, and God is not unjust to His slaves.”
“That” is what was mentioned of earthly and hereafter torment, and the meaning of distance in it (which is the meaning of the L in “that” which is placed to indicate distance) to indicate that the infidel is at the extreme level of horror and horror, “because of what your hands have put forward,” meaning: because of the disbelief and sins you have committed, “And God is not unjust to His servants.” That is, the matter is that the Almighty does not punish His servants without any sin on their part.
A View around the verse
Before we delve into the meanings of the verse: We must differentiate between servants and slaves
The servants: They are attributed to the Most Merciful, according to the Almighty’s saying (And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk on the earth in humility... the verses) If you contemplate the word, you will find in the middle of it an alif, and the alif is extended to the sky, Slaves: They are also attributed to God - the Almighty - but by force, not out of love, as is the case with servants, as God Almighty says here (God is not unjust to the slaves.) If you noticed, you would find in the middle of the word a yā’ and the yā’ is broken down to the ground.
As if the meaning
The servants are chosen by God - the Almighty - above all things, and they are few among humanity, and the servants are subjugated to God - the Almighty - by their existence and even by their health and illness, there are diseases that elude all medicine, and there are global catastrophes that are not artificial, caused by climate injustice, or otherwise, that elude intercontinental solutions, So the meaning is: this person who chose the field of his research and passion: proving the non-existence of God, will have shame in this world and the torment of burning in the afterlife, This is because of what his hands gave, not the hands of anyone else, and that God - the Almighty - does not oppress anyone, even if they are merely slaves and not servants, and God is Most High and Most Knowing.
Allah says
" ومن الناس من يعبد الله على حرف فإن أصابه خير اطمأن به وإن أصابته فتنة انقلب على وجهه خسر الدنيا والآخرة ذلك هو الخسران المبين "
“And among the people are those who worship God according to the edge, if good befalls him, he is content with it, and if affliction befalls him, he turns on his face, losing this world and the hereafter, that is the clear loss.
That is: Among the people are those who are weak in faith. Faith did not enter his heart, nor did it mix with his screen. Rather, it entered into it, either out of fear, or as a habit in a way that does not remain steadfast in times of adversity, If good befalls him, he will be reassured by it.” That is, if his sustenance continues abundantly, and nothing bad befalls him, he will be reassured by that good, not his faith. This is, perhaps, because God will heal him, and will not spare him from temptations.
A View around the verse
Among the people are those who worship God according to the edge
That is, you worship God - Glory be to Him - in good times, when eating and drinking well, when getting married, having success, having children, the success of children, and the happiness of grandchildren, on the other hand, there are problems, difficulties, and people’s temptation towards you by harming you, cheating, deceiving, and betraying you, you say why did God allow them to do that to me? The answer is: with the law, not with God. The law does not protect fools, and neither does God - the Almighty - with regard to people’s betrayal, as for problems such as diseases, if you are not the one responsible for your wrong way of living and you were born, for example, with a disease, then ask whether the family has a share in this, such as the marriage of some relatives, for example, which causes severe hereditary diseases, etc. We do not blame God - the Almighty - for our human mistakes, as for wars: God - Glory be to Him - has told us from the beginning (We said, “Go down from it all together, some of you enemies to one another”) and they said, “Your enemy is the enemy of your religion, now people are enemies of the same religion. The most important thing is: If you worship God, worship Him in general and not in detail. The sweet and the bitter and know that it is one of the reasons for your faith, (to believe in destiny, its good and its evil) and everything was written for you. The calamity came directly from God, counting your calculations with Him, If it comes at the hands of hostility and adversaries, it is a reminder not to be heedless again, for God does not like the heedless.
If good befalls him, he will be reassured by it
We are all this person. Man is created to love life and love his safety and the safety of his loved ones in life, and whoever touches any of that, rises up, curses, disbelieves, and offends the Creator and some people.
If a trial befalls him and he turns on his face, he will lose this world and the hereafter
Trial is the test. It is like testing pure gold with fire to remove the impurities from it, so the pure gold is exposed to the burning fire for a period of time, so all its impurities are removed from it and it remains pure gold, When you are burning with temptation, metal will inevitably come out of you, and this metal is your original metal that you cannot fake. Why? Because in only a few cases, a person brings out his true, non-fake self. We all walk through life with masks that we do not remove except during times of pain, sadness, or perhaps other things, The fire causes psychological pain and perhaps physical pain, and the fire here is a test for you, not a test for those next to you, and with the intensity of the test, all the masks fall off, and what remains is the real you, not the fake one, and you and your work in life are either honorable metal or cheap metal like the common people, so the idea is that when calamities strike you and they are coming It is coming for every human being on the face of the earth, to leave your religion and lose your worldly life due to calamity, and then lose your hereafter due to your lack of patience with the calamity, is the same idea as metal. People love it, acquire it, and invest in it. If after the tribulation, an honorable metal comes out of you, people will love you, appreciate you, and invest in the relationship with you, and this is what it is with God - the Almighty. The loser in both cases, or the winner in both cases, is you, not God, take God out of the equation and know that you are tested in all cases. The idea (And We will test you with something of...) You will be tested. You will be tested. And remember that the word “disaster” refers to being struck by an arrow, and the archer is God - the Almighty - and he is a good archer - Glory be to Him - if the expression is correct - so, what hurts you may not hurt anyone else at all, but it hurts you severely. This is what God wanted. This is how He wanted your true nature to come out and for people to see and evaluate you, and based on their testimony, you will be held accountable tomorrow.
Allah says
" يدعو من دون الله ما لا يضره وما لا ينفعه ذلك هو الضلال البعيد "
“He calls upon besides God that which does not harm him and that which does not benefit him, that is far-fetched misguidance.”
“This one who returns to his face calls upon “other than God that which does not harm him or benefit him.” This is the characteristic of everyone who is called and worshiped, apart from God, for he does not possess it for himself or for anyone else, neither benefit nor harm. That is the far-away misguidance, which has reached the end in distance, where it has turned away from the worship of the beneficial and the harmful, the rich and the enriching.
A View around the verse
We have seen people, in the midst of the calamity that befell them, turn to people and express their needs to people, crying in front of them and humiliating themselves for them. For example: a patient in intensive care humiliates himself to the nurses and humiliates himself to the doctors so that they can see his condition, and he spies on those who are taking care of him, and whenever someone passes by him, he says to him, “Take care of me more, especially if he is a doctor or understands his diagnostic condition, instead of taking care of the possibility of him returning to God - the Almighty - instead of bringing his problem and calamity down to God, He is the only one who knows your story from the beginning. I do not say from the beginning of the story, but from the beginning of your life, and the psychological and perhaps physical or mental conditions that you went through, so you do not need a long explanation or investigations sometimes to solve a problem for you. Someone would be harmed if you spoke to him about it 3 times a day, and you have 5 times a day and maybe more. You talk to God about your problem, and He does not tell you enough. I heard it from you over and over again. A God is more compassionate to us than humans and He is the one who has afflicted you, even if it comes in the form of harmful human monsters. If God - the Almighty - afflicts you one day with a calamity, your calamity will not befall you. With humans, Rather, by the Lord of mankind, they do not benefit or harm, and they harm more than you can imagine, and they gloat and rejoice and add to you the problems that may have befallen you with your prostration until the time comes for it to end... It will end. It will end, by the way, even if it ends with your life. The important thing is that everything has an end.
Allah says
" يدعو لمن ضره أقرب من نفعه لبئس المولى ولبئس العشير "
“He prays for those who harm him rather than benefit him, worst guardian, worst cohabitants
He resorts to worshiping a creature like him or less than him, and he has no control over the matter, rather it is closer to achieving the opposite of what he intended. That is why he said: “He prays for someone whose harm is nearer than his benefit.” For his harm in the mind and body, and in this world and the hereafter, is known. “How wretched is the master,” meaning this servant, “and wretched is the companion, that is: a companion who is constantly in his company. What is meant by the master and partner is to gain benefit and ward off harm. If none of this happens, then he is reprehensible and blameworthy.
A View around the verse
More harm than good. Imagine that you were born not here - that is, whatever country you were born and raised in. Imagine that you are from India, from China, from unknown tribes in Africa, she grew up worshiping multiple gods and performing rites and rituals that are not acceptable to the human mind, such as eating the flesh of the dead, for example. Can you imagine worshiping a stone or a dead person? or alive, or rivers, or something else, will it benefit you? If the waves were raging in the sea, would you call on this deceased player to save you? Save yourself and maintain your relationship with the One and Only God, because misfortunes are coming. Part of your life is gratitude, and the rest is completed with patience.
worst guardian
The ruler is the one who takes care of you and supports you in whatever hardship you find yourself in. If his harm is closer to you than his benefit, then wretched is guardianship.
worst cohabitants
Partner: close friend, close neighbor, husband/wife
So imagine that the people closest to you are the ones who stab you in the back. This is a corrupt family, with no trace of the food and salt that you ate with each other, nor a trace of the pain and joy that you shared over the years. And this is in our world. Whoever takes a human, an animal, an inanimate object, a river, or even a guardian. Without God this would be the case.
Allah says
" إن الله يدخل الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار إن الله يفعل ما يريد "
“God admits those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens, Underneath rivers flow. God does what He wants.”
When God Almighty mentioned the one who argues with falsehood, and that he is of two types: imitator, and farewell, he mentioned that the one who pretends to be a believer is also of two types, the type in which faith has not entered his heart, as mentioned above, the second section: The believer is a true believer, he is true to his belief in good deeds, so God Almighty told them that He will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow. And heaven is called a garden, because it includes houses, palaces, trees, and plants that make those in them mad and conceal themselves, due to their abundance. “Indeed, God does what He wills, Whatever God Almighty wants, He will do it without objection or opposition. Among that is bringing the people of Paradise to it. God has made us among them with His grace and generosity.
A View around the verse
What is the relationship? What does it have to do with the fact that God does what He wants to admit those who believe and do good deeds into gardens? We all know (as believing Muslims) that God is capable of everything, and the believers must be admitted into his gardens, gardens of bliss. This is what I do not mean. What I really mean is: after all the talk about guardians besides God, and do not call on those who will neither harm you nor benefit you, Know that your work is what keeps you away from Paradise or brings you closer to it, and in the past they said: If you want to know whether God loves you or not, look at your condition at the time of calamity: If you still love him while he is trying you, know that he loves you, and if you find in yourself something: Why did you do such-and-such to me and I don’t want you in my life anymore or something similar without you saying these words in front of the believers, that is, between you and God, then know that he hates you just as you hate Him, Glory be to Him, Although God Almighty does not know hatred like our hatred, you will not blaspheme His words (the Holy Qur’an) with a single word that says (God hates), but instead you will find (God does not love), even in the noble hadith (Indeed, God hates three for you... and you will not find in It is my limited knowledge that God hates something like us.)
Allah says
" من كان يظن أن لن ينصره الله في الدنيا والآخرة فليمدد بسبب إلى السماء ثم ليقطع فلينظر هل يذهبن كيده ما يغيظ "
“Who would have thought that God would not help him in this world and the hereafter, let him extend the reason to the sky, then let him cut it off, and let him see whether his plot will go away, and that which angers him.”
That is, whoever thinks that God will not support His Messenger, and that his religion will disappear, then victory, from God, descends from the sky. “Let him extend it with a cause to the heaven and then cut it off, Victory is on the authority of the Messenger. “Let him see whether they will put an end to his plot,” meaning what the Messenger plots with, and does, such as fighting him, and seeking to invalidate his religion, what angers him about the appearance of his religion, this is an extension of the meaning of negation, meaning: He is not able to cure his anger, with the reasons he does. The meaning of this noble verse: O you who are hostile to the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, who seeks to extinguish his religion, who thinks, out of his ignorance, that his effort will benefit him something. Know that you No matter what reasons you do and how hard you try to deceive the Messenger, this will not remove your anger and will not heal your distress, for you have no ability to do so.
A View around the verse
من كان يظن أن لن ينصره الله في الدنيا
Who would have thought that God would not victory him in this world
Dear brother
It seems that this religion is not easy. It seems that the idea that billions do not believe in God and you choose this with the ID card that you carry in your pocket (i.e. inheritance) does not please God - the Almighty - and do not like the billions who do not believe in Him - Glory be to Him - Your victory is inevitably coming, but not now, not tomorrow, and perhaps for years before you. Why? Because your test results have not yet yielded results.... God knows best
And the afterlife
Your story does not end, and it will not end here, in the arms of an old hag who does harm and does not benefit (the world), and as the ancients said about her (she is tempted, harms, and passes) Rather, there is an afterlife and meeting a Praiseworthy Guardian, who will help you, honor you, and honor you over and over again. Do not be hard-hearted, for He is God - glory be to Him.
فليمدد بسبب إلى السماء ثم ليقطع فلينظر هل يذهبن كيده ما يغيظ "
Let him extend the reason to the sky, then let him cut it off, and let him see whether his plot will go away, and that which angers him.”
That is, he places something on the ceiling of his house that chokes him, such as a rope or something else, and he gets rid of life, as they say in the West: merciful death. Anger is deadly, my brother. This angered you; this annoyed you, and this ruined your life, and you get angry and like to commit suicide over life, as if you are saying that God’s gift to you (life), even if it is full of tragedies and difficulties, is life, not death and the end of work, take it, for I do not want it, and your anger will not go away. Rather, you will meet him and disbelieve in him due to occasional problems. As they say, misfortunes come, it is leaving for the country of reward, and it is a burdensome guest, so make it go praising and not slandering. May you always be well, and your victory will come, God willing.
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