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surah Al-Inshiqaq

The General description of the Holy Surah


the number of its verses


  The arranged in the Qur'an


The virtue of the surah

In a hadith narrated by Al-Tirmidhi on the authority of Ibn Omar, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “whoever would like to look at the Day of Resurrection as if he is seeing it with his own eyes, let him read If the sun turns, and if the sky splits, and when the sky cleavage.

The interpretation
إِذَا السَّمَاءُ انشَقَّتْ (1)

When the sky split open (1)

If the sky splits, and its system is disturbed, then the sky cracks and breaks with clouds on the Day of Resurrection

The scientific interpretation of the verse

He explained that the S'pore sky split into two distinct colors on the evening of 13 February

Stomp contributors Lynette and Albert noticed that the sky had 'split' into two shades of blue and shared images of what they saw. Lynette witnessed an unusual sight in the sky over the Jurong region around 7pm while Albert told Stomp he noticed it while He drove from Tampines to Bedok Reservoir at about 7.10pm.

In response to a media query from Stomp, a spokesperson for the Singapore Meteorological Service explained why the sky appeared this way. "The pictures appear to show anti-pathetic rays," he said. It is a visual meteorological phenomenon usually visible around sunrise or sunset (when the sun is partially obscured). Antiradiation rays are parallel columns of sunlight that extend through clouds obscuring the sun and are visible due to the scattering of light by tiny water droplets or particles in the atmosphere.

And the witness of the scientific explanation

In the past, we thought that this would not happen at all, and it is no secret to any sane person that external manifestations are nothing but a product of internal emotions, in the sense that this visible phenomenon is seen with the eye, It is nothing but emotions within the sky itself, from which we conclude that if it happened one day in the life of the world, how can we not imagine that it will happen in a larger and deeper impact when the universe ends and the entire cosmic laws change?

وَأَذِنَتْ لِرَبِّهَا وَحُقَّتْ (2)

And she gave permission to her Lord and was justified (2)

And she obeyed the command of her Lord in what He commanded her to dissent, and it is her right to submit to His command.

Saying: And the heavens heard in their cracking and cleavage to their Lord, and they obeyed Him in His command to them.

And the Arabs say

  He gave you permission in this matter, meaning: listen to you, and from it is the news that was narrated from the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “God did not allow anything like His permission to a prophet to sing of the Qur’an.”

He means by that: God did not listen to anything like He listened to a Prophet singing the Qur’an, and the basis of their saying about obedience is He listened to Him by listening, It is said from him: I heard you, meaning I heard your saying, and I obeyed what you said and commanded

 Ubayd told us, he said: I heard Ad-Dahhak say

  It listened and obeyed, and God made it possible for it to listen by dissent and to complete its obedience to Him in that achieved to obey its Lord.

 وَإِذَا الْأَرْضُ مُدَّتْ (3)

And when the earth was stretched out (3)

And if the earth is spread out and expands, and flattens mountains on that day, and when the earth is spread out, then it increases in its capacity.

On the authority of Al-Zuhri, on the authority of Ali bin Hussein, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said “If on the Day of Resurrection God will stretch out the earth so that no human being will have anything but a place for his feet, then I will be the first to claim, and Gabriel on behalf of the right of the Most Merciful, by God, he did not see it before it, so I say, O Lord, that this one told me that you sent it to me, and he says: He is right, then I intercede and say: O Lord, your servants are your servants on earth, He said: And it is the Praised Station on the authority of Mujahid, his saying: (extended) he said the doomsday

The scientific interpretation of the verse

The Earth's atmosphere extends to the Moon - and beyond

The outermost part of our planet's atmosphere extends beyond the Moon's orbit - roughly twice the distance to the Moon. A recent discovery based on observations by the ESA/NASA Sun and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, shows that The gaseous layer that wraps around the Earth reaches 630,000 km, or 50 times the diameter of our planet. "The moon flies through Earth's atmosphere," says Igor Palyukin of the Russian Space Research Institute, lead author of the paper presenting the findings.

The witness from this simple part of the scientific explanation

We do not know exactly how the earth is extended, is it superficial or horizontal? If it is horizontal, then this study shows us the extension of the earth to an orbit beyond the moon, and this did not happen in the past, but in recent times, so God - the Most High, who says: “And if the earth was stretched out” was true... And if this happened in our time, then what is our concern on the Day of Resurrection? and if the earth and what is on it completely ended as an unusual cosmic phenomenon, of course this is just an attempt at a scientific explanation and we are not sure of that, because God is Most High and Knows what He wants from His servants with this verse?

وَأَلْقَتْ مَا فِيهَا وَتَخَلَّتْ (4)

And she threw away what was in it and left (4)

And the earth threw what was in its belly of the dead to its back and abandoned them to God.

About Mujahid

It took out what was in it from the dead.

About Qatada

It ook out its burdens and what was in them.

 وَأَذِنَتْ لِرَبِّهَا وَحُقَّتْ (5)

And it gave a permission from its Lord and was justified (5)

And it obeyed its Lord in what He commanded it to do, and it has the right to submit to His command

  And the earth heard what was in its belly from the dead to its back the living, the command of its Lord and it obeyed (and it was justified ) He says: And God fulfilled it to listen to His command in that, and to finish obeying Him.

 يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنسَانُ إِنَّكَ كَادِحٌ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ كَدْحًا فَمُلَاقِيهِ (6)

O human being, you are toiling for your Lord toil, so you will meet him (6)

Oh man, you seek God and do good or bad deeds, then you will meet God on the Day of Resurrection, and you will not be deprived of a reward from Him with grace or justice.

Toil: The sound of pebbles being thrown when the wind blows

toil in his work: to exert himself and toil

O man, you do something to your Lord, and you will meet Him with it, whether it is good or bad.

On the authority of Ibn Abbas

You do a job that God receives, good or bad

About Qatada

Your toil, O son of Adam, is weak, so whoever is able to make his toil in obedience to God, let him do so, and there is no power except with God.

فَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِيَ كِتَابَهُ بِيَمِينِهِ (7)

So as for him who was given his book in his right hand (7)

As for the one who was given his deeds in his right hand, and he is a believer in his Lord

  As for the one who was given the book of his deeds in his right hand

 فَسَوْفَ يُحَاسَبُ حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا (8)

He will be brought to an easy account (8)

It will be an easy calculation

That he looks into his deeds, so his bad deeds are forgiven, and he is rewarded for his good deeds.

On the authority of Abad bin Abdullah bin Al-Zubair, on the authority of Aisha, she said

  I heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “O God, give me an easy account.” I said: O Messenger of God: what is the easy account? He said: “To look at his bad deeds and ignore it, for whoever is discussed in the reckoning on that day will perish.”

On the authority of Aisha, she said: Whoever discusses the account, or who is accountrized, is tortured. He said: Then she said: The easy account is shown to God and He sees them.

On the authority of Aisha, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said

  “He who is brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be punished.” I said: Doesn’t God say: (He will be brought to account with an easy account) He said: “That is not the reckoning, rather that is the show. But whoever discusses the reckoning on the Day of Resurrection will be punished.”

On the authority of Aisha, she said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said “No one will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection except that he will perish.” She said: I said: O Messenger of God (as for he who was given his book in his right hand) He will be brought to account with an easy account.” He said: “That is the honor. No one will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection except that he will perish.”

وَيَنقَلِبُ إِلَىٰ أَهْلِهِ مَسْرُورًا (9)

And he returns to his family happily (9)

And this accountant will give an easy account to his family in Paradise happily. He said: To the people for whom God has prepared Paradise.

وَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِيَ كِتَابَهُ وَرَاءَ ظَهْرِهِ (10)

And as for him who was given his book behind his back (10)

And as for the one who was given a document of his deeds behind his back, and he is the disbeliever in God, and as for the one who was given his book among you, O people, on that day behind his back, that is when he put his right hand to his neck, and he put the left hand behind his back, and he took his book with his left hand behind his back, That is why the Almighty described them sometimes as giving their books with their headscarves, and sometimes as giving them behind their backs.

 فَسَوْفَ يَدْعُو ثُبُورًا (11)

He will call for destruction (11)

He will call for doom and destruction

 وَيَصْلَىٰ سَعِيرًا (12)

And he prays with Blazing Fire (12)

And he enters the fire, measuring its heat, and they burn in it

 إِنَّهُ كَانَ فِي أَهْلِهِ مَسْرُورًا (13)

He was happy with his family (13)

Because he was pleased with his family in this world, he was arrogant, not thinking about the consequences, because he was pleased with his family in this world because of his opposition to God's command, and his disobedience.

The scientific interpretation of the verse
Four ways happiness can hurt you

Obviously, happiness is popular. But is happiness always good? Can being complacent be bad? Researchers are just beginning to seriously explore these questions, and for good reason: By recognizing the potential pitfalls to happiness, we enable ourselves to understand it more deeply and learn to promote a healthier, better balanced life.

1. Too much happiness makes you less creative — and less insecure.

It turns out that happiness comes at a cost when it's experienced intensely

For example, we are often told that happiness can open our minds, promote creative thinking, and help us tackle problems or puzzles. This is the case when we experience moderate levels of happiness. But according to Mark Alan Davis' 2008 meta-analysis of the relationship between mood and creativity, when people feel very happy and perhaps even overwhelmed, they no longer get the same boost of creativity. And in extreme cases like mania, people lose the ability to tap into and direct their inner creative resources. Furthermore, psychologist Barbara Fredrickson has found that too many positive emotions—and too few negative ones—make people inflexible in the face of new challenges.

2. Happiness is not appropriate for every situation

Our emotions help us adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities. Anger mobilizes us to overcome obstacles. Fear alerts us to threats and participates in the fight-or-flight readiness system; Grief indicates loss. These feelings enable us to meet certain needs in specific contexts, and the same is true of happiness—they help us pursue and achieve important goals, and encourage us to cooperate with others. But just as we don't want to experience anger or sadness in every context, we shouldn't want to experience happiness in every context. As psychologist Charles Carver has argued, positive emotions such as happiness signal to us that our goals are being achieved, enabling us to slow down, step back, and mentally retreat. This is why happiness can actually hurt us in competition. Studies conducted by Maya Tamir found that people in a happy mood performed worse than people in an angry mood when playing a competitive computer game.

3 - Do all kinds of happiness enhance the benefits

  It doesn't seem like it. In fact, a more careful analysis of different types of happiness suggests that some forms may actually be a source of dysfunction.

One example is pride

 a pleasant feeling associated with achievement and social rank or status. As such, it is often seen as a kind of positive emotion that makes us focus more on ourselves. Pride can be good in certain contexts and forms, such as winning a difficult prize or getting a job promotion. However, my research with Sherri Johnson and Dacher Keltner found that when we experience too much pride or pride without true advantage, it can lead to negative social outcomes, such as aggressiveness toward others, antisocial behavior, and even an increased risk of developing mood disorders such as mania. . Ongoing work in my lab, led by graduate student Hilary Devlin, supports the tantalizing notion that positive, self-centered emotions such as pride may actually hinder our ability to empathize, or take another person's perspective during difficult emotional times.

4. The pursuit of happiness may actually make you unhappy.

It is not surprising that most people want to be happy. We seem to be so hard-headed in the pursuit of happiness, and this is especially true of Americans—it's even ingrained in our Declaration of Independence. However, is the pursuit of happiness healthy? Recent groundbreaking work by Iris Mauss has supported the counterintuitive notion that the pursuit of happiness may actually cause more harm than good. In fact, sometimes, the more people pursue happiness the less they seem able to obtain it. Moss explains that the more people strive for happiness, the more likely they are to set high standards for happiness—and then become disappointed when that standard is not met. This is especially true when people are in positive contexts, such as listening to an upbeat song or watching a positive movie clip. It's as if the more difficult it is for a person to experience happiness, the harder it is to actually feel happy, even in otherwise pleasant situations.

And the witness of the scientific interpretation of the verse

God - the Most High - shows in several places in the Holy Qur’an that He does not love those who are happy, cheerfull, excessively laughing, etc. The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - used to smile a lot, but it was not mentioned that he laughed a lot except a few times in his entire life, therefore, pleasure, as you have read above, does not balance our lives and does not make us think about the consequences in the balance of this worldly life, so what if we think about the balance of the Hereafter? and God is superior and knows best .

إِنَّهُ ظَنَّ أَن لَّن يَحُورَ (14)

He thought that he would not return to God (14)

He thought that he would not return to his Creator alive for reckoning. Indeed, this one who was given his book behind his back on the Day of Resurrection thought in this world that he would not return to God, and that he would not be resurrected after his death, He did not care what sins he rode; Because he was not hoping for a reward, and he was not afraid of punishment. It was said of him: So-and-so is hot about this matter: if he turns back from it, and from it is the news that was narrated from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He used to say in his supplication: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from returning to disbelief after having faith.

On the authority of Ibn Abbas

  He is sent

About Mujahid

not return to us

About Qatada

  That there is no return and no return

that will not turn over

 بَلَىٰ إِنَّ رَبَّهُ كَانَ بِهِ بَصِيرًا (15)

Indeed, his Lord is ever Seer of him (15)

Yes, God will restore him as he started and reward him for his deeds. Indeed, his Lord was a Seer of him, knowing his condition from the day he created him until he resurrected him, as he is in this world with what he used to do in it of sin, and what will become his command in the Hereafter, knowing all of that.

 فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالشَّفَقِ (16)

I do not swear by Twilight (16)

The redness that appears on the horizon from far sunset to the afterlife

God Almighty swears by the redness of the horizon at sunset. This is an oath. Our Lord swears by shafaq, and shafaq: the redness in the horizon in the direction of sunset from the sun, according to some of them, and the people of interpretation differed in this, and some of them said: It is the redness, as we said, and among those who said that was a group of the people of Iraq.

Others said

It is the day

He said: Al-Awam bin Hawshab told us: I said to Mujahid: Al-Shafaq, he said

  Do not say the twilight, for the twilight is from the sun, but say: the redness of the horizon.

Others said

  Twilight: It is a name for redness and whiteness, and they said: It is one of the opposites.

And the right thing to say in that I have to say

  God swears by the day running away, and the night coming. As for the twilight with which the evening prayer takes place, it is red in our opinion for the reason that we have explained in our book, The Book of Prayer.

The scientific interpretation of the verse

Twilight or afterglow

  It is the light that appears in the sky from the east before sunrise, or from the west after sunset. The name Dawn is given to the time period from the onset of twilight until sunrise, and the name Dusk is given to the period from sunset until the disappearance of the twilight. The twilight light extends horizontally around the place of sunset or sunrise and begins as white and then turns red at dawn and begins as red and then turns white at dusk.

It is a state between day and night

Twilight, in terms of the degree of illumination of the Earth's surface, is a state between the states of night and day. The state of night, which extends from after the end of dusk to the beginning of dawn, the surface of the Earth is in complete darkness, and things cannot be seen except in the presence of moonlight or artificial lighting, as for the daytime state, the sun's rays illuminate the earth's surface opposite it, and things can be seen clearly even in the shadows and inside the houses and with the presence of thick clouds.

Before sunrise or after its absence

  The Earth's surface is illuminated partially and indirectly by sunlight reflected from the layers of the atmosphere. God Almighty, through His oath to the phenomenon of twilight, wanted to draw human attention to the wonders of His creation, so that they would reflect on them and reveal their secrets, and let them know that a Creator whose knowledge and power has no limits stands behind its creation.

What is the extent of the impact of the phenomenon of twilight on the lives of Muslims specifically?

1 - Muslims rely on the phenomenon of the afterglow to determine the beginning of the time of fasting, as well as to determine the beginning and end times of the dawn, sunset and evening prayers.

Determining the beginning of the time of fasting was mentioned in the Almighty’s saying: “And eat and drink until the white thread becomes clear to you from the black thread of dawn, then complete the fast until night.” Al-Baqarah 187

Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated on the authority of Uday bin Hatim, may God be pleased with him, who said

“When I came down until the white thread becomes clear to you from the black thread of dawn, I said, ‘O Messenger of God, I put two headband under my pillow, a white headband and a black headband: I know the night from the day, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Your pillow is wide, but it is the blackness of the night and the whiteness of the day.”

The majority of Muslim scholars agreed

However, the white thread and the black thread are metaphors for the darkness of the night and the light of the astronomical dawn, or what they call the true dawn. The end of the fasting time, there is no disagreement among all Muslim scholars that it is the time when the sun sets, based on the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari on the authority of Umar, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “If the night comes from here and the day ends from here, and the sun sets, then the fasting person has broken his fast.” As for determining the time for each of the night prayers, which are sunset (the sunset), Isha (dusk) and dawn, it was mentioned in general terms in the words of the Most High: “Keep up the prayer from the declining of the sun until the darkness of the night, And the Qur’an of dawn, that the Qur’an of dawn is witnessed (78).” Al-Isra’

And the Almighty says: “And establish prayer at the two ends of the day, And in the middle of the night, indeed, good deeds take away evil deeds. This is a reminder to those who remember (114)" Hud.

As for determining the beginning and the end of the time for these prayers, they were clarified in the noble hadiths of the Prophet, as it came on the authority of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with them, that he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was asked about the time for the prayers, and he said: ((The time for the Fajr prayer is as long as the first horn of the sun has not risen, and the time for the Dhuhr prayer is when the sun has passed the innermost part of the sky, as long as the afternoon prayer does not come, and the time for the afternoon prayer is as long as the sun does not become yellow and its first horn falls, and the time for the sunset prayer is when the sun sets, as long as the twilight does not fall, And the time for the Isha prayer is until midnight.) Likewise, as it came on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace A questioner came to him asking him about the times of prayer, but he did not answer him, He said: He established the iqaamah for dawn when the dawn had split,... Then he commanded him to iqaamah for the night prayer when the twilight had vanished, . Then he delayed Maghrib until after the twilight had fallen, then he delayed dinner until it was the first third of the night, then morning, so he called the questioner, and said: ((The time is between these two)).

It is clear from these two hadiths that the time for Maghrib prayer starts from

  After the absence of the sun until before the disappearance of the twilight, and the time for Isha prayer is from after the absence of the twilight until the end of the first three or half of the night, and the time for the Fajr prayer is from the beginning of dawn until before sunrise

The most of the jurisprudence councils in the Islamic world have unanimously agreed that

The beginning of the time of the Fajr prayer is the beginning of the appearance of the astronomical twilight or the true dawn from the east. As for the beginning of the time of the Isha prayer, it is the end of the disappearance of the astronomical twilight or the astronomical dusk. Therefore, the time period between the beginning of the time of the Fajr prayer and the sunrise is completely equal to the period between the absence of the sun and the beginning of the time of the Isha prayer, which is 72 minutes at the equator and an hour and a half in most populated areas north or south of the equator.

 وَاللَّيْلِ وَمَا وَسَقَ (17)

And the night and what it gathers (17)

The night and what it collects of animals, insects, vermin, and so on, and the night and what it collects of what dwells and rests in it from a soul that flies or moves during the day.

  It is said of it: I made it to be watered by a wasaq, and of it is food that is marketed, and it is collected in a sapling or a container, and of it waswaq, which is the gathered food, much of what is measured or weighed, it is said: It is sixty saa’

On the authority of Ibn Abbas

And what collected

About Mujahid

  And what he collected, he says: What is housed in it from an animal

About Mujahid

And what a wrap

The Scientific interpretation of the verse
Animals need darkness

Many organisms need and have evolved to adapt to darkness. Many species on Earth are nocturnal: some come out at night to escape the heat of the day. Others need the night to hunt, mate, or avoid predators. Animals such as cats, owls, and rodents have evolved keen hearing, smell, and vision adapted to the dark in order to navigate at night.

did you know

Highways, habitats, and artificially lit skies interfere with the sighting, dispersal, and foraging activities of many mammals.

Hundreds of bird species use the stars to navigate at night. Lights from nearby towns, towers, and other facilities confuse their migration and derail them, causing them to crash into roofs or spin endlessly, wasting vital energy.

Baby sea turtles depend on the moon and stars reflecting off the ocean at night to guide them towards the safety of the water. After giving birth, they head towards the brightest light on the beach. For young sea turtles born on brightly lit beaches in developed coastal areas like Florida, this can have dire consequences: Instead of heading toward moonlit waves, the turtles are often drawn toward brightly lit roads and parking lots, where they die. Quickly. Watch this video of young volunteers at Gulf Island National Seashore helping youngsters on their journey to the sea.

Artificial light interferes with amphibians, which detect light levels 100 times weaker than humans. Prolonged exposure to bright lights affects their hormones, skin color, thermoregulation, and reproduction.

Many zooplankton feed near the surface of bodies of water at night, and at the bottom of ponds, lakes, and oceans during the day to avoid predation. Artificial light causes them to stay at lower altitudes, which affects the animals in the food chain that they subsist on for food.

Humans also need natural darkness for sound sleep and good health. Cool white blue light at night from sources such as LED lights, fluorescent lights and metal halide lights interferes with our body's circadian rhythms by suppressing melatonin and increasing cortisol, a brain chemical released when we are stimulated or excited. Elevated cortisol levels make it difficult to fall asleep or experience deep sleep, which is what our immune system needs to fight disease.

The naturally dark environment is a vital resource for all living things. Like sleep, without which no one does well. NPS evaluates and improves light levels in park environments to restore natural darkness. Garden lighting that contributes to glare, for example, can be replaced to reduce the effects. In this way, night sky-friendly lights benefit wildlife and bring other benefits as well, such as energy efficiency and lower costs. It also supports our cultural resources and helps park visitors to have an enjoyable vacation experience.

The witness of scientific explanation

God - the Most High - swears by the night and the animals that gather therein, The Great does not swear except by the Great - glory be to Him - as I have seen of the great benefits of entering the night on animals and entire ecosystems, and that artificial lighting has a negative impact on the environmental system, truly and sincerely, as God Almighty said: (Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what people’s hands has earned).

وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا اتَّسَقَ (18)

And the moon when it aligns (18)

And by the moon if its light is complete, if it is complete and even

If it meets, if it is full.

It was said to thirteen

The Scientific interpretation of the verse
How does the moon affect life on earth?

The Moon affects life on Earth in three main ways

For many animals, especially birds, the moon is essential to migration and navigation. The others will be the timing of their breeding

Coinciding with the specific phases of the lunar cycle.

There's also a whole world of cool tide-related tweaks and the unique properties of moonlight

the lunar clock

You've probably heard of circadian rhythms. They refer to the day and night cycles driven by the Earth revolving around the sun. Human circadian rhythms can be easily thrown off by travel delays or changing hours, but there are also circular rhythms associated with lunar cycles. Circular rhythms are very difficult to distinguish, but they have effects on different types of organisms. Tom says. "Some animals will respond to both the circadian rhythm and the lunar clock."

The study is very interesting and long, and you can complete read it from the link below
Witness of scientific explanation

God did not swear - the Almighty - to primitive people who do not know how to write or read except with universal signs that came after their death by approximately 1444 years, why? Is this a reference to the importance of knowledge and learning? Is this an indication of the importance of studies and explorations? God knows what He wants - Glory be to Him - but the most important thing is that in the coming verses we will know why God Almighty swears all these strong faiths?

 لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَن طَبَقٍ (19)

to ride layer by layer(19)

Some scholars said

  Let us ride, O Muhammad.

Ibn Abbas used to recite: (Let you ride one layer after another)

I mean, your Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, now and then

On the authority of Ibn Abbas

  House after house

Others said

O Muhammad, you will ride one sky after another

Al-Hassan and Abu Al-Aaliyah said (to ride)

  Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, means the heavens.

On the authority of Alqamah, on the authority of Abdullah

Rather, the meaning of that is: to ride the afterlife after the first.

Ibn Zaid said

Hereafter after the first

On the authority of Al-Amash, on the authority of Ibrahim, on the authority of Abdullah

The sky is dusty, red and cracked.

  (to ride) you, O Muhammad, one after another

  Order after order of adversity. What is meant by that - even if the speech is addressed to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace - is directed to all people, that they will face the hardships and horrors of the Day of Resurrection.

From the sayings of the Arabs

  So-and-so fell into the daughters of a plate: if he fell into a severe matter

Perhaps concerned

That there are those who will ascend the sky at the end of time and penetrate it plate by plate, like the astronauts who colonized Mars, and colonized a star like the moon, and God is Most High and Knows.

 فَمَا لَهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ (20)

So why should they not believe (20)

So what is preventing them from believing in God and the Last Day after the verses were clear to them? What is the matter with these polytheists who do not believe in God’s monotheism, nor do they acknowledge the resurrection after death, and their Lord has sworn to them that they are riding layer by layer with what they have seen of His arguments with the truth of His monotheism so why do they not believe in this hadeeth and in this matter?

وَإِذَا قُرِئَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْقُرْآنُ لَا يَسْجُدُونَ ۩ (21)

And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not prostrate. (21)

And what is wrong with them, when the Qur’an is recited to them, that they do not prostrate themselves to God, nor do they accept what is in it? And when the Book of their Lord is recited to them, they do not submit, nor do they become complacent

 بَلِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُكَذِّبُونَ (22)

Rather, those who disbelieve deny (22)

Indeed, the nature of those who disbelieved is denying and opposing the truth, in fact those who disbelieve deny Allah’s signs and His revelation

 وَاللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُوعُونَ (23)

And God knows what they contain in their hearts (23)

He said: A person puts his enjoyment and his money in this, this is how God knows what they hide of deeds, Bad deeds are from what their hearts contain, and good and bad deeds gather in them. Hearts are the container of all these deeds, Good and evil, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal, and He has already made clear to you what no one knows what is from the Qur’an and other than that, so fear God and you not to interfere with the honorable deeds of some of these wickedness that spoils them.

 فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ (24)

So give them glad tidings of a painful chastisement (24)

So give good tidings to them - O Muhammad - that God - the Mighty and Sublime - has prepared for them a painful chastisement.

" إلا الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات لهم أجر غير ممنون "

“Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is an uninterrupted reward

But those who believed in God and His Messenger and fulfilled what God imposed on them, they will have a reward in the Hereafter that is neither definite nor diminished. Those who believe and do righteous deeds: a reward that is neither calculated nor diminished

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