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The Angels in Islam

Updated: Mar 6

First: The general description of the angels
Who are the angels

The angels are considered one of God’s creation, blessed and exalted, for God created them from light, and God, the Blessed and Exalted, singled them out for their great status, He has entrusted them with many tasks, and the angels also differ in their status with God, Blessed and Exalted be He, so there are some angels whom God Almighty has entrusted with revelation, like our master Gabriel, peace be upon him, and some of them were entrusted with sending down rain and also provision from the sky, like our master Michael, and other great angels.

The substance from which angels are created
Why does man not see angels and demons? (scientific proposal)
What material were angels created from?

God created angels from light. It is proven by peremptory texts that a person cannot see the jinn unless he appears in a different form, such as the form of humans and animals. the ability of the eyes of some animals makes him/her able to see what humans cannot see with the naked eye

in some vertebrate animals

Dopamine release between the inner nucleus and the retinal area(internal plexus and inner nuclear layers) It will lead to fast passage of cross-orders between cells which helps a lot in night vision, since the light inside the human eye will pass through eight layers.

of cells and neural networks before it reaches the future nerve.

in birds

These layers are reduced where they are in the eye before the signals are blocked to the cortex, and there is a large cover over the eye represented in:-

First: retinal coupling, where light passes through all layers of the retina to reach the sensors

Second: the existence of obstacles in the layers of cells through the electricity generated in the photoreceptors, preventing them from free access to the brain, and they need anesthesia to pass, as in animals.

Third: the presence of the stages of image transformation in the eye, and the inability to give an interpretation in the eye as it happens in birds, the instructions in birds are interpreted in the eye and additional work in the cerebral cortex.

The cats and dogs

It was previously believed that all mammals have eyes similar to humans, unable to see ultraviolet radiation, but scientific evidence indicates that many mammals can: science now confirms that they can see frequencies that we cannot see, such as ultraviolet radiation and some other rays that we cannot possessed by the human retina

A study conducted a few years ago by biologists at City University London, UK provided evidence of this difference in horizon between species

Ultraviolet light is the wavelength beyond visible light from red to violet that humans can see. Humans have a lens that blocks ultraviolet rays from reaching the retina. Previously thought that most mammals have lenses similar to humans, scientists have studied the lenses of dead mammals / including cats, dogs, monkeys, pandas, hedgehogs and rodents, By researching how much light passes through the lens to reach the retina, they concluded that some mammals that previously thought they couldn't see ultraviolet light actually could. However, I think there is something more to this phenomenon that runs deep into the realm of metaphysics. my little sister and I have had experiences where our cats see things that are not there. They beat in the air with their feet, meow, hiss, and make strange noises at things we can't see.

The cocks and donkeys

Why do roosters see angels and donkeys see devils?

Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim “On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) who said: “If you hear the braying of donkeys, seek refuge in God from Satan, for she saw a devil, and if you hear the crowing of a rooster, then ask God of His bounty, for she has seen an angel.” End.

Human vision ability is limited, do not see what is infra-red and above ultraviolet. But the capacity of roosters and donkeys is greater than that

Does a person see through ultraviolet rays?

Normally, humans cannot see UV rays by having cones that only detect red, green, and blue in their eyes

But it is possible in some cases such

- Lack of the lens of the eye as a result of injury - surgery - ulcers ... etc.

Seeing things with a UV filter would give our current perception of extra colors

As / Claude Monet was an outstanding painter and father of French Impressionist painting, he could see impossible colors due to lens removal after cataract surgery

Perhaps some of the companions saw in some special cases they saw the angels, and this explains the vision of some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - May God bless him and grant him peace - to the angels, but they are shaped in the forms of people they know in their surroundings.

How many angels

No one knows the number of angels except God, Glory be to Him, {And none knows the armies of your Lord but He.}

What was narrated on the authority of Hakim bin Hizam on the authority of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - that he said: (Do you hear what I hear? They said: We do not hear anything. He said: I can hear the sounds of the sky, and she is not blamed for having a voice, and there is not a span in it except that an angel is prostrating or standing upon it.

But there are a large number of prophetic hadiths that show that there are a large number of angels, It was reported on the authority of the Noble Prophet in the journey of Isra and Mi'raj that when he ascended to the seventh heaven, He saw our master Abraham, peace be upon him, with his back to the inhabited house, then the Messenger of God said, “Seventy thousand angels enter it every day, they will not return to Him the last thing they have to do)).

Second: The characteristics of the angels
The honorable, righteousness

The angels have many very praiseworthy and virtuous qualities, as it is known about the angels that they are noble in righteousness, according to the saying of God Almighty, {With the hands of a Safarah* honorable righteousness}

Sofrah: a type of angels: counting the deeds of the servants

The disparity in creation

. And that the angels vary in their creation, there are angels who need two wings, and there are those who have three, and among the angels they possess more than that. Our master Gabriel, for example, has six hundred wings, and that is a disparity in God’s creation, and also they have great power and great creation. One day the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw our master Gabriel in his natural form that God Almighty created him, and the Holy Prophet said that he had filled what is between heaven and earth, and that our master Gabriel It has six hundred wings.

The disparity in status

God, Blessed and Exalted be He, said, “And there is none of us except with a known station.” There are also some of the angels who attended the Battle of Badr with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and in an honorable hadith that our master Jibril, peace be upon him, said, ((What do you count among you who witnessed Badr? I said: Our choice, he said: Likewise, those who witnessed Badr from among the angels are with us the best of angels)) It is said that our master Gabriel is one of the best angels with God Almighty.

The purified

They were also known to be purified due to the Almighty’s saying, {No one shall touch it except the purified}

The modesty

The angels were also known to be ashamed, so in the hadeeth of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said, “Should I not be ashamed of a man from whom the angels are ashamed?

They are offended by unpleasant odors

As the angels do not like unpleasant things, as it was mentioned in the honorable hadith, ((The angels are harmed by what the sons of Adam are harmed by.

They are offended by unpleasant odors

As the angels do not like unpleasant things, as it was mentioned in the honorable hadith, ((The angels are harmed by what the sons of Adam are harmed by.

Third: Some names of the some angels and their works with the humans
What are the names of the angels?

There are a large number of angels that only God, the Blessed and Exalted, knows their number, We have known a few of them

through the Sunnah and the Book, and they are the most famous angels known to


Our master Gabriel

He is the king whom God Almighty entrustedwith revelation and speaking with the messengers, just as God, Blessed and

Exalted is He, has called him the Trustworthy Spirit, and also with the Holy


Michael, peace be upon him

He is the king whom God Almighty entrustedwith clouds and rain.


He is the Angel whom God Almighty entrustedwith blowing into Al -sur" A machine in which Angel Israfil will blow on

the Day of Resurrection, the first blow, which is the blow of panic, and in it

the cosmic order is disrupted, and the second blow, which is the blow of stun,

and in which all creatures die except for what God wills, and the third blow,

which is the blow of resurrection and resurrection".

Malik ( the keeper of fire)

And Malik is known as the angel who wasappointed by God Almighty, as a storehouse for Hell, God Almighty said in His

Noble Book, {And they called out, “O Malik: May your Lord destroy us.” He said,

“You are lingering.”

Munkar and Nakir

and they are the two angels entrusted withasking the servant in the grave.

Harut and Marut

They are the two angels whom God Almighty sentdown to earth to test them as sons of Adam, And the two angels have been

mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah by the Almighty’s saying, (( And Solomon did not

disbelieve, but the devils are disbelievers teaching people magic and what was

revealed to the two angels in Babylon Harut and Marut.

Raqeeb and Atid

The two Angels, Raqib and Atid, were describedas the two entrusted Angels, by recording deeds, and they were mentioned in the

Holy Qur’an, according to the words of God Almighty,

There are some people who mention...

the angel of death in the name of Azrael, butthat name is not mentioned in the Holy Qur’an or even in the Sunnah of the

Prophet, Rather, it is said that he is the angel of death, just as in some

other narrations, which said that the custodian of Paradise is called Radwan,

but the name was not mentioned in any hadith.

The varieties of angels

The angels are mentioned in the Holy Qur’anand the Sunnah of the Prophet by mentioning their sects, and among these sects

are the following:

The Keepers

And their mission is to protect the children of Adam, guard the believer, and protect him from calamities and horrors that may befall him in his day. The Almighty said: (And He is the Omnipotent over His servants, and He sends guardians over you, until, when death comes to one of you, Our messengers take him, and they do not negligence)

Heaven's treasury

It is proven that one of the duties of the angels is to welcome the people of Paradise and peace be upon them, and receiving them with kind words, and the proof of their presence is the words of God Almighty: (And those who fear their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups, until, when they come to it and its doors are opened and its keepers said to them: Peace be upon you, you are good, then enter it for eternity.)

Knowing that the first to whom the gate of Heaven is opened is the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad - upon him be blessings and peace -, it is proven in the Sahih that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: (I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and open it the storekeeper says: Who are you? I say:Muhammad, and he says: I have been commanded by you not to open to anyone before you)

fire treasury

And their mission is to meet the people of Hell and push them to enter it, rebuking them for what they have done in the life of the world, The Almighty said: (You can almost distinguish from rage whenever it is thrown into it: regiment Its keepers asked them, "Did not a warner come to you?" They said, "Yes, a warner has come to us but we lied and said God has not sent down anything but that you are in great error, The angels assigned to torment are called (Zabaniyyah), as mentioned in His saying - the Most High -: We will call the Zabaniyah), and their number is many, and at their head are nineteen angels. Tourists: they are the angels who spread on the earth, and surround people in the circles of remembrance, Al-Muqabat: It is called by this name. Due to the succession of day and night, they succeed one another, and they follow each other in succession, In front of him and behind him, the Almighty said: (He has m'aqbat: the angels of the night and the day, before him and behind him who protect him from God's command.

The visitors: Al-Bayt Al-Ma`mur

They are the angels who visit the inhabited house; It is a house in the seventh heaven above the Sacred House, and from their large number, whoever enters the house does not return to it again, and every day seventy thousand angels enter it, the trip in the language, i.e. the scribes; Because the writer results in a meaning that shows about the thing, And he shows it, so they are the ones who write the deeds. The Almighty said: (In the hands of a safrah honorable bararh)

safrah:Angels count deeds

Bararh: righteous

Forth: Their names which is not mentioned:

There are angels whose deeds are mentioned, but they are not named, and among these deeds

1- Breathing souls into fetuses and writing down each soul’s life, its work, its sustenance, its happiness, and its misfortune.

The evidence for this is what Imam Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud - may God be pleased with him - that he said: (One of you is gathered in the stomach of its mother for forty days, then a leech like that, then it is a lump of like that, then God sends an angel who is commanded to do four things: his provision and his term, miserable or happy)

2 - Observing a person, counting all his deeds, writing them down and recording them

For every person in the life of this world has two angels attached to him, the task of one of them is to write the good deeds while he is to the right, and the other is entrusted with writing the bad deeds and he is to the left, And the evidence for that is the words of God - Glory be to Him -: (When the recipients sit on the right and on the left, seated* what he utters from saying except that he has a strong sergeant)

3 - Confirming the believers in battles and invasions, and fighting with them

An example of that was what was in the Battle of Badr, as proven by the words of God - the Most High -: (When your Lord revealed to the angels, I am with you, so prove those who believe, I will cast into the hearts of those who disbelieve fear, so strike over the neck, and strike every finger of them from them).

4- Take charge of plants, winds and clouds, by order of God

The Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (Thunder is one of God’s angels, entrusted with the clouds. He has cones of fire with which he drives the clouds wherever God wills.)

5 - Descent from heaven to earth

As proven in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and an example of that is their descent into the Night of Power, God Almighty said: (The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months * the angels descend And the Spirit is therein, by the permission of their Lord, in every matter.)

Fifth: The honorable clerks
The honorable clerks

They stay with a person every moment and time, and do not leave him under any circumstances, whether he is a Muslim or an infidel, pure or impure, as for who they leave a person if he is junub, so they are angels of mercy

As Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of Ammar bin Yasser, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: three angels do not approach them: the corpse of the infidel, and the man wearing women’s perfume, and the junb until he performs ablution.” the angels, that is, those who descend with mercy and blessings on the children of Adam, not the scribes, because they do not separate from those who are assigned.

He said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said

There is no one among you except that he has been entrusted with a companion from the jinn and a companion from the angels. They said: And you, O Messenger of God? He said: And me, but God helped me against him, so he embraced Islam, so he only orders me to do good, so he embraced Islam, and he only orders me to do good,and whoever says: Satan has become a believer has distorted its meaning, because Satan is not a believer.

{يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ} [الرعد:١١

Meaning: {They protect him from God’s command} [Ar-Ra’d: 11]

It was said: they protected him from God’s command, That is: God commanded them to do so

It has been proven in the aforementioned texts that angels write


And the verb

So is the intention

Because it is the action of the heart, so it entered into general {they know what you do} [Al-Infitar: 12]

This is evidenced by his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

God Almighty said: If My servant intends an evil deed, do not write it to him, but if he does it, write it to him as an evil deed, and if My servant intended to do a good deed and he did not do it, then write it down for him as a good deed, if he does it, so write it down ten times.” And the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The angels said: That servant of yours wants to do a bad deed and he sees it, and if he leaves it, then write it down for him as a good deed, but he left it for my sake.

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