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The effect of Badr's victories

The effect of the victory of Badr in Medina on the Muslims, the polytheists, the bedouin and the hypocrites

First: The effect of the victory on the Muslims

The news of the victory had a great effect on the souls, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, feared every enemy in Madinah and its surroundings, and many Jews converted to Islam, including Abdullah bin Ubay, but he was not sincere in his Islam, but rather remained a hypocrite until he died and with the victory of the Muslims at Badr, the opposition of the Jews and their intrigues did not stop, so it was necessary to eliminate them and uproot them, and the hypocrites were three hundred men and seventy women, and they would harm him, peace be upon him, when he was absent, and flatter him when he came.

Then the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, sent Abdullah bin Rawahah as good tidings to the people of the high, and Zaid bin Haritha as good tidings to the people of the low, With what God has opened to His Messenger, peace be upon him, and the Muslims, The high point of the valley: where the water descends from.

1 - This is the real birth of the Islamic state and the greatest of this great expedition; The real birth of the Islamic nation and the Islamic state under the leadership of the Prophet,on the shoulders of the Islamic army, which was born in this conquest, the Islamic State was established.

2 - The Battle of Badr became a standard by which Muslims should measure their conditions, If they match these attributes and these conditions, then praise, favor and grace is due to God, If they are otherwise, they must adjust their course; To return to the way the people of Badr walked all.

3 - It gained prestige in the entire Arabian Peninsula, and all the people of the Arabian Peninsula began to question Islam and Muslims, for they had been before that they think that it is just an internal difference in Mecca.

4 - When the news of this invasion reached Medina, some feelings were mixed in the hearts of the believers. Feelings of joy and pleasure with this great victory, with feelings of remorse for not participating in this great victory.

5- The congratulatory delegations received the Messenger with the utmost welcome, joy and pleasure, and at the same time many Ansar came to apologize for not participating in this battle despite their firm desire to wage jihad for the sake of God, Since these feelings of regret that were in the hearts of the Ansar and the Muhajirun who did not participate in the Battle of Badr, they will have a clear and positive impact on the prelude to the Battle of Uhud, as it will become clear to us, the Battle of Badr had a great positive impact on the Muslim army, and a positive impact also on those who did not participate, the Islamic State was established on the shoulders of these and those.

Second: The position of Quraish among the Arabs after Badr

Badr was a colossal blow to the Quraish, and a very great shock to the pride, dignity and honor of the Quraish. It was the most formidable tribe in the Arabs and the dearest tribe, and the owner of the glorious history, and she was respected by all the Arab tribes, but after (Badr) its position was shaken and it's situation was very different from before, seventy of the polytheists who participated in Badr were killed, and seventy others were captured, and those who were killed from the polytheists are the giants of disbelief, leaders of misguidance and imams of corruption. On earth, among them is the Pharaoh of this nation, Abu Jahl, may God’s curse be upon him, among them are Al-Waleed bin Al-Mughirah, Utbah bin Rabi’ah, Shaybah bin Rabi’ah, Al-Nadr bin Al-Harith, Uqbah bin Abi Mu’it, Umayyah bin Khalaf, and very large and famous names of those seventy who were killed, and they were all killed in one day.

And imagine this news when it reaches the ears of the people of Makkah! And let's see Al-Haysman bin Abdullah Al-Khuza'i, who was the one who delivered the news to the people of Mecca.

They said, "What's behind you?" He said: “Utbah bin Rabi’ah, Shaybah bin Rabi’ah, Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham and Umayyah bin Khalaf were killed among some of the leaders he named.” That is, he kept mentioning to them the leaders and men of Quraysh who were killed, when he said that, Safwan bin Umayyah bin Khalaf - who was one of the leaders of unbelief at that time - said: "By God, if this makes sense, that is, this man does not make sense - so ask him about me."

They said: What did Safwan bin Umayya do? He did not participate in Badr. He said: "Here he is, sitting at Al hegr: place, By God, I saw his father and brother when they were killed."

The news fell like a thunderbolt on the people of Quraysh, and they did not believe what Al-Haysman told them, and they waited for another messenger to tell them the news with certainty, so it is not conceivable that all of them would be killed in one day, then Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith bin Abdul Muttalib, the cousin of the Prophet, came. The first person Abu Lahab saw - and he did not go out during the Battle of Badr - Abu Lahab said to Abu Sufyan: “Come to me, for you have by my age: the news.”

The very big and dangerous crisis as well, which is the economic problem, as the Quraish depended on trade in the summer trip and the winter trip, and one of the two trips passed through Madinah on its way to the Levant, and the presence of a state in Madinah with such strength that it controlled the entrances and exits leading to the Levant, this force - undoubtedly - will prevent trade to the Levant, and if trade with Levant is prevented, the trade in Mecca will fall completely, and the trade in Yemen will be affected as well. Because they used to come from Syria with what they sell in Yemen, and from Yemen with what they sell in Syria, and so on.

Third: The impact of the Battle of Badr on the Bedouins around Medina

The life of the Arabs was based mainly on looting, so they were thieves and bandits, and the establishment of a moral vocation inside Medina and a strong state like the state of Islam, Undoubtedly, this matter will prevent thefts and cut off the road that the Bedouins take. After the Prophet was victorious in the Battle of Badr, the Arabs began to think of an attempt to gather themselves for the conquest of Medina; To prevent this force from growing.

Banu Sulaym gathered numbers and prepared themselves to invade Medina, and the Prophet knew this, so he gathered his companions and went to Banu Sulaym, and as soon as Banu Sulaym saw him, they fled in the mountains, leaving everything, and he returned from Banu Sulaym with a large set of booty, nearly five hundred camels, which were divided among the Medina army, this was only seven days after Badr, and the fear of Medina and the emerging Islamic state in the entire Arabian Peninsula increased, a Like Bani Sulaym, there was more than one battle in the year following the Battle of Badr.

Fourth: The emergence of the sect of the hypocrites

Before Badr, the population sects inside Medina were divided: Muslims, polytheists, and Jews, but now, after Badr, the situation has changed a lot, the sects became Muslims and Jews, and the polytheists changed, becoming either Muslims out of conviction in Islam, or hypocrites, then a new sect appeared that did not exist before that in all the stages of the prophetic call, and it is the sect of the hypocrites, and they do not appear unless the strength of Islam and Muslims is strengthened, The large number of hypocrites is a healthy sign that indicates the strength of the Islamic state, and then this strength is hypocritical, but when it was weak none of the polytheists thought that he would be hypocritical, at the head of this group of hypocrites was the man who hated the Messenger of God with great hatred, and he was Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul; After he was the leader of the polytheists of Medina, he became the leader of the hypocrites in Medina, all of these hypocrites came after Badr, declaring their Islam outwardly while they were covering disbelief within them, and there is no doubt that they would have a bad impact on the Muslims in Medina.

Fifth: The military control of the Muslims over the Arabian Peninsula

The Muslims were able to reach many places in the Arabian Peninsula, and this is shown in the secretariat of Zaid bin Haritha.

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From this study, we conclude

This is the state of the polytheists in Quraysh after the loss of this expedition, the state of their soldiers, and the state of the people that were not held accountable for the Muslims before that.

There is something in the soul after the war that penetrates into the human soul. It never comes out of it, and the person does not return to his previous era, but rather brings out a new version of it that he personally does not know about himself.

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