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The Ghusl from impurity

[245] حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف قال : أخبرنا مالك عن هشام عن أبيه عن عائشة زوج النبي ﷺ أن النبي ﷺ كان إذا اغتسل من الجنابة بدأ فغسل يديه ثم يتوضأ كما يتوضأ للصلاة ثم يدخل أصابعه في الماء فيخلل بها أصول شعره ثم يصب على رأسه ثلاث غرف بيديه ثم يفيض الماء على جلده كله

[245] Abdullah bin Yusuf told us, he said: Malik told us on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him, When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to take a bath from impurity, he would start by washing his hands Then he performs ablution as he performs ablution for prayer, then he would put his fingers in the water, and would penetrate the roots of his hair with them, then he pours three chambers over his head with his hands, then pours water over his entire skin.

[246] حدثنا محمد بن يوسف قال : حدثنا سفيان عن الأعمش عن سالم بن أبي الجعد عن كريب عن ابن عباس عن ميمونة زوج النبي ﷺ قالت توضأ رسول الله ﷺ وضوءه للصلاة غير رجليه وغسل فرجه وما أصابه من الأذى ثم أفاض عليه الماء ثم نحى رجليه فغسلهما هذه غسله من الجنابة

[246] Muhammad bin Yusuf told us, he said: Sufyan told us on the authority of Al-Amash on the authority of Salem bin Abi Al-Jaad on the authority of Karib on the authority of Ibn Abbas on the authority of Maymoona, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ She said, The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, performed ablution for prayer, without his feet, wash his private parts, and whatever harm befalls him, Then he poured water on him, then moved his feet and washed them, this is his washing of impurity

The related study:
Hygiene after sex

What to do after sex to make sure you don't get an infection

Hygiene after sex, if not maintained, can lead to various complications for your sensitive genitals and make you really sick. This is all you need to do after sex to stay healthy.

wash your hands

It is the best way to get rid of bacteria that you may pick up when touching your or your partner's genitals. This is the key to preventing the spread of infection. Wash with soap and water and make it part of your cleaning routine after sex.

Take care of any yeast infection

Partners can pass these back and forth during sex. (Yes, men also get yeast infections.) So if you notice symptoms — itching, burning, or thick white discharge from the vagina or penis — treat it before the next time you get busy. Talk to your doctor if you think you have one.

Clean and wash your genitals

Having sex does not mean turning off the light and sleeping.

Go out to the bathroom and wash your genitals (not the inside), although you don't have to shower immediately after sex. Gently washing your genitals with water will help you avoid any type of infection including a urinary tract infection (UTI) and this applies to both men and women. You can try a mild soap, but it is wise not to use soap in case you have sensitive skin or if you already have an infection. Soap can dry out the area and cause irritation. Men who have the foreskin should gently pull it back and wash underneath, experts suggest.

Cleaning should be simple

Cleaning up after sex should not include any kind of lotion, wipes, creams, or sprays. While we usually assume these help rejuvenate your own organs, they may end up damaging the area. Some are made with harsh soaps, detergents, shampoos, perfumes, or lotions that can chalk up your skin in and around your personal areas. Rinsing the area with warm water is the best solution. Try to stay away from tampons, pads, powders, and scented sprays, especially if you have a tendency to get infections quickly.

Go pee after sex

It is important to urinate after sex because this reduces your chance of getting an infection. Bacteria can enter the urethra at the time of sex. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of your body. The moment you urinate, these germs exit your body with your urine. Women should wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Now, what's in your mind ? Are you think that The Prophet - peace be upon him - well educated without paper or pen? May Allah peace be upon him.

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