ِAllah says
فَلَمَّا أَسْلَمَا وَتَلَّهُ لِلْجَبِينِ (103) وَنَادَيْنَاهُ أَن يَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ (104) قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّؤْيَا ۚ إِنَّا كَذَٰلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ
(105)So when they surrendered, he gave it to the forehead (103) and We called to him: O Ibrahim (104) you have fulfilled the vision. Indeed, thus We reward the benefactors (105)
Here we focus on just a simple expression (surrender): the virtue of surrendering to God in times of adversity, It is (surrender) a look: our master Ibrahim and his son Ismail (peace be upon them) They worshiped God through an act of worship that most Muslims ignore. Our master Ibrahim is about 80 years old or more at this time, his son is 16 years old, Ismail, his first and only son, (our master Ibrahim) who is old and has a human desire (people) wants to complete his life with this young adult son, He wants to have fun with him, depends on him..etc, but God is his priority in his soul and cells, no wonder, you know the sponge, if you put it under the water, what happens, it fills with water, our master Abraham, his title: his nickname: the Khaleel of God, that is: God - the Almighty - permeates all his cells,
That is, the love of Abraham - peace be upon him - for God, permeated all the cells of his body, mind and soul, until he became a title with God - the Almighty - the khaleel of God - Put God's command (to kill his only son) before his eyes before what you think of him as a prophet, think of him as a human being, Likewise, Ismael (peace be upon them both) does not yell at his father, Likewise, Ismael (peace be upon them both) does not yell at his father
Do you make like the father of the prophets: our master Abraham or his son (our master Ismail, peace be upon him)? There are problems in this world that can only be solved with time, and time means patience and patience (Fortress of Islam) In a place like this in the Qur’an it is called (beautiful patience), the beauty of patience in Islam: there is no complaint about it, attempts to get out of the ordeal without complaining, and if you reach this point, make sure that you reach your true self, you understand the world, this time things will be small in your eyes, this (vartue of the Islam)
The vision has come true: You only believe a message because the vision of the messengers is true, and you accept it, (and we also reward the benevolence) May Allah reward you with good for those who master every step in their faith, Do you have a good focus on your small tasks before the big ones? they are the ones whom God loves (the doers of benevolence: those who are perfect in what they do)
Now let's see the virtue of surrender and how to make?
The virtue of surrender
People have always considered phrases like “never give up” and “finish what you start” as virtues that
However, the changing situation and the pressures that the person is exposed to in his life require a different and more dynamic attitude that makes him give up those great goals at the level of personal life and work, by choosing the appropriate time and method, as he must have the insight, courage and confidence enough to give up his difficult goals. In reaching and choosing more logical and successful goals and projects
The right time to surrender
One of the mistakes that a person usually makes is early or late withdrawal. The timing of withdrawals is difficult to determine, so the rule to follow is that we must give up on a goal that does not make any progress despite the great effort to achieve it, which means that when things become more difficult at work, relationship or school we must make an effort double, but in the case of not Having a great result though. Effort after a period of time is not so short that we should consider giving up this goal and thinking of something newFactors affecting the decision to surrender
1 - Choose another command
It's easy to choose another goal or path to achieve rather than just chasing the primary goal, which explains why most people give up on their failed relationships when interviewing someone new who might be a good fit to start a new relationship.
2 - Experimental cost
It usually refers to the amount of money, effort and exhaustion that we have saved and invested in order to achieve this goal that we want to abandon, and this cost is usually the main obstacle to abandoning one of its useless goals. In order to avoid such a big loss, the individual must choose the right timing for the withdrawal before the loss is incurred
3- Opportunity cost
We should talk here about the valuable opportunities that we miss in pursuit of our original goals. This is an important factor in determining the need to abandon those goals
Surrender with honor
One of the most important obstacles to the surrender process is the sadness and grief that occurs on the individual’s psyche, not to mention the social embarrassment that it causes. The person can choose the appropriate way to inform people of his decision, which helps change. Their point of view on the subject, wherever some feel depressed or in pain and even ridicule your decision here, four rules can be followed to help him communicate his decision to these people
2 - Make your decision clear
You must explain to others that you thought deeply and made a clear decision to abandon this goal that has become useless for you, which helps to convince people of your decision and reduce the burden on them.
2 - Determine your next steps
The people around you are often concerned about the future and what life may bring you. So when you give up on your goals, you have to convince people that you will draw a clear outline of your next steps, even if you are not sure of your next steps, which makes them accept your decision more smoothly.
3 - Be honest
We usually worry about the huge embarrassment that might result from giving something away in public. For example, it is very difficult for someone to say that their restaurant has failed and needs to close. There is no other way to say or explain this failure. Increase people's respect for your decision and your admission of failure
4 - Accept all opinions with open arms
It is sometimes difficult to formulate decisions that everyone agrees with or supports, which means that criticism from others must be accepted with a warm and calm mind.
Which is better: surrender or failure?
Most people fail at something that means: being a failure person, while others consider this idea to be wrong. It is often the real cause of despair and frustration for many, and the fear of facing a new challenge.
Failing at something does not mean you have failed at all. It is always important to seek advice and advice that can be very important in making the right decision to quit or choose new goals.
in conclusion
Dear dear reader
If everyone tweets in a direction, you can reverse this trend if it is not in your favor, then everyone tweets that you should never give up... and this small article explains to you a virtue that you may not have considered a virtue before, which is the virtue of surrendering to God in times of adversity.
There is no one among us who has not faced hardship in his life - it differs according to the strength of your faith in God. Would you acknowledge the goodness of surrendering to God at the time of hardship, such as the example of the article (our master Abraham and his son) - the love of father to his only son who's see his birth after his age, and they command to be separated forever by killing, and who kill whom? father to his son, whatever you face in this life, I do not imagine that a father is the one who slaughters his son with his own hand, and their surrender was a decisive moment in lifting the calamity... Come back with me (so when they surrendered, he turned to the forehead... and we called him) the divine call came at the moment of bitter surrender to the bitter calamity.
Sometimes we need to surrender like adults, and not trample our feet like children, and then, God willing, the distress will be gone.
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