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The healing is In three

5356/5357 – حدثني الحسين حدثنا أحمد بن منيع: حدثنا مروان بن شجاع: حدثنا سالمالأفطس، عن سعيد بن جُبَير، عنابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال:(الشفاء في ثلاثة: شربة عسل، وشرطة محجم، وكيَّة نار،وأنهى أمتي عن الكي). رفع الحديث.

5356/5357 - Al-Hussain told us, Ahmad bin Manee’ told us: Marwan bin Shuja’ told us: Salem Al-Aftas told us, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubair, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, who said: (Healing is in three: a drink of honey, cupping, Ironing is a fire, and forbid my nation from ironing). raise Hadith.

The Exploration of the noble Hadith:

TheMessenger of God tells us that healing is in 3 things

1- Drinkinghoney, not eating honey

2 - cupping

3 - Ironing with fire, but it forbids ironing with fire, but it has healing

Torefute the hadith with modern science

1 - a drink of honey


TheBenefits of warm water and honey for health

01. Aidsin weight loss

02. Keeps yourbody hydrated

03. Improves thedigestive system

04. Strengthensyour immune system

Benefitsof warm water and honey for skin

01. Makes yourskin glow

02. Reducesinflammation

03. Reduces scarsand blemishes

Thebest property of warm water and honey is the amazing detoxification properties

it contains. It has the ability to flush out toxins from your body, improves

metabolism and makes you feel healthy. Additionally, warm water and honey has

incredible healing properties, and the credit for this goes to the

anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties of honey.

Moreover, the antiviral, antifungal, anticancer, and antidiabetic properties

are also noteworthy. All of these amazing properties come together to make this

drink really beneficial for your health.

2 - The cupping

Is itscientifically proven?

Accordingto the 2018 review, the effects of cupping therapy include:

promotingthe skin’s blood flow

changingthe skin’s biomechanical properties

increasingpain thresholds

improvinglocal anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism


boostingcellular immunity

Accordingto a 2017 study, the mechanical effect of cupping increases local blood flow

and stretches underlying tissue.

Activationof Heme oxygenase-1, a gene that plays a critical role in the prevention of

vascular inflammation, could account for many of cupping therapy’s claimed

local and systemic health benefits.

A2019 study noted that no single theory exists to explain the whole effects of

cupping, but some theories include:

alteringpain signal processing

usingcounter-irritation, or pain to reduce pain

stimulatingincreased blood circulation through the release of nitric oxide

stimulatingthe immune system with artificial local inflammation

increasingthe level of immune products, such as interferon and tumor necrotizing factor

increasingthe flow of lymph in the lymphatic system

decreasinguric acid and both types of cholesterol

changingthe molecular structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb)

Despitemultiple theories, more quality research is needed to confirm the effects of

cupping as well as the mechanisms by which they may or may not support healing.

Does cupping remove toxins?

Accordingto the research mentioned above, cupping may remove toxins by stimulating the

immune response, both locally and systemically.It may also eliminate uric acid,

a natural waste product from the digestion of certain foods. Uric acid buildup

can lead to high levels of acidity in the blood and urine.Cupping may also have

a positive effect on the lymphatic system, which is partially responsible for

eliminating your body’s waste.When the flow of lymph is interrupted, it can

cause fluid buildup and prevent the body from properly eliminating toxins.

Lymphatic drainage massage is one solution to this issue. Similarly, cupping

may help increase the flow of lymph and prevent fluid buildup.The evidence for

cupping’s ability to remove toxins is promising, but more research is needed to

confirm it.

3 - Ironing with fire

Some live evidence indicates truth in this quote, such as the body's own reaction to the ailment by generating fever as a means of resistance and speedy recovery. That is in addition to several traditional methods that rely on heating the body, such as water baths, steam baths, interring in the sand, all of which rely on raising the temperature of wide areas of the human body to help the immune system overcome the disease. Before antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications existed, some mid-twentieth-century physicians resorted to injecting patients suffering life-threatening diseases with a microbial infection to generate a strong reaction from the body through a fever that is capable of overcoming the chronic disease.

Healing with fire received very little attention from scientific journals, as some long-term studies have explained the theory of fire healing, also known as cupping, as the generation of pressure on parts of the patient's body by burning oxygen inside a small vessel; the studies have indicated that the claims about the efficacy of fire healing are not accurate. No cases of complete actual healing have been recorded, so the subject requires further investigation before generalization. That is in addition to the fact that some new practitioners have lost control during the treatment, causing burns on patients' faces and bodies, due to the lack of standards and safety measures.

As such, we find many who are lining evidence to prove the efficacy of fire healing, while others negate it and attempt to draw attention away from it. What is certain is that fire healing still lacks a lot of scientific evidence and approved clinical trials.

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