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The Honoring of the parents

Updated: Feb 22

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Allah says

(وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا، إما يبلغن عندك الكبر أحدهما أو كلاهما فلا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريما) (الإسراء:23).

(And your Lord has decreed that you should not worship except Him and to be benefactor to the parents either one or both of them will reach adulthood by you, So do not say a word to them, nor rebuke them, but speak to them a nice word” (Al-Isra: 23).

Allah says

 (ووصينا الإنسان بوالديه حملته أمه وهنا على وهن وفصاله في عامين أن اشكر لي ولوالديك إلي المصير) (لقمان:14)

(And We have enjoined upon man concerning his parents. His mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and its weaning is in two years: Give thanks to Me and your parents, for me the destination.” (Luqman: 14)

1 - God - the Almighty - is God the Creator - in His heavens. The Most High commands the son to honor his parents. Why? God - the Almighty - did not recommend anything to anyone except the weak, such as (orphans, women, and here the elderly), so take God’s commandment seriously, my son.

2 - Your mother’s fatigue with you during her pregnancy must be matched by your fatigue in her old age, and the mother has a special guardianship from God - the Almighty - in this verse and from the Messenger in a hadith that will come in this file -.

3 - God Almighty linked gratitude to God with gratitude to parents, and perhaps you are a person who is not grateful to God Almighty for the bad circumstances you are going through, so it will be worse with your parents, we all know the benefits of gratitude on your mental health, you (the grateful one). The idea of thanking your parents and thanking God is the idea of complying with God’s command, then your mental health comes second.

The rule of honoring parents

Righteous judgment In Al-Muhalla by Ibn Hazm and Sharh Muslim by Al-Nawawi: (The scholars agreed on that honoring one’s parents is obligatory, and that disobeying them is one of the major sins, and that is unanimously agreed upon.)

One of the deeds that is equivalent to jihad for the sake of God

A man came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asking his permission to engage in jihad, and he said: Do your parents a live? He said: Yes, he said: In both of them, struggled. the narrator : Abdullah bin Amr | Updated: Muslim | Source: Sahih Muslim | Page or number: 2549 | Summary of the hadith’s ruling [Sahih] | Graduation: Narrated by Al-Bukhari (3004) and Muslim (2549).

we take from the noble Hadith the followings:

What is strange about the noble hadith is that it equates honoring one’s parents with fighting jihad for the infidels. Why? Perhaps because the parents are old and their requests are many, as are the children, in accordance with the words of God Almighty:

( ومن نعمره ننكسه في الخلق أفلا يعقلون ( 68 ) سورة يس

(And whomsoever We alive him until he reached centenarian age, We turn him down in creation. Will they not have reason? (68) Surat Yasin) where God Almighty likened the people to long-lived people (according to the classification of scholars: those who reach the age of 100 years or more) they go back in their behavior like children, as he likened them to a vessel upside down on its mouth, that is, they go back to what they started with, and therefore their requests go back like children, (turned off the light for me - brought me water - etc. Perhaps both or one of them were sick and needed special care, the situation is more severe for a young man in the prime of his life, or even a married man who is responsible for a wife and children, the matter requires striving (i.e. making every effort) to meet their demands without resorting to shouting at them, or at the very least, the “F” word, which is air coming out of the mouth that expresses anger.

Perhaps because the elderly are more so sensitive than the young, little makes them cry and sadden them like children, all the same, so fighting oneself is like fighting the infidels, as the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

They are the key to heaven for the son

 When Muslim narrated it on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (humiliated his nose by force, then humiliated his nose by force, then humiliated his nose by force, It was said: Who, O Messenger of God? He said: Whoever meets his parents when he grows up, one or both of them, and then does not enter Paradise.)

God Almighty places His contentment in the contentment of the parents, and His discontent in their discontent  

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (The Lord’s satisfaction lies in the parent’s satisfaction, and the Lord’s displeasure lies in the parent’s displeasure)

Dear son: Are you good in your dealings with God - the Almighty - and are you not afraid of His punishment in this world before the afterlife? After a little while, you will learn that the punishment for not honoring one’s parents is a precedent punishment, that is, you will be punished with it here in this life before death. If you have done wrong in your relationship with God, do not miss your relationship with your parents, perhaps you will be saved in both, with a sincere prayer from a good father or mother.

The father's freedom to dispose of his son's money

The hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him: (A man said: O Messenger of God, I have money and a son, and my father wants to seize my money, so he said: You and your money belong to your father)

Al-Tirmidhi said in his explanation of the hadith  This is acted upon according to some of the scholars among the Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and others, who said:   The father's hand is spread out over his child's money, and he takes whatever he wants, and some of them said: He does not take from his own money except when there is a need.

Your longevity is linked to your blessings to your parents

Ahmad narrated in Al-Musnad on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Whoever loves to have his life extended and his livelihood is increased, let him honor his parents and maintain his ties of kinship.)

Dear son: They prolong life in the West with huge sums of money: Transhumanists, but they do not guarantee happiness with long life. If you want both, then you have to take the vocabulary in the HADITH one by one, especially honoring one’s parents.

When did you reward one of your parents for what they did to you when you were young?

This was reported by the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he said: (A son does not repay his father unless he finds him owned, buys him, and emancipates him.)

The hadith of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - is like a prophecy for this era in which we live. The numbers of slaves are increasing and they are of many types today - it is not the subject of the file - but they are no less than 10 million people across the world, most of whom are women and children, So, if one day - may God protect you and protect us - you happen to find one of your fathers owned by a human being and free him from this slavery) then you will reward him like this, and the hadith about it is an indication of the difficulty of achieving this in normal situations, so honoring your parents is easier than all of this.

Do you have to honor your non-Muslim parents?

Imam Muslim narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Musab bin Saad on the authority of his father Saad bin Abi Waqqas: Verses from the Qur’an were revealed in it. He said: Umm Saad swore, That you should never speak to him until he disbelieves in his religion, and that you should not eat or drink. She said: You claimed that God commanded you to take care of your parents and I am your mother and I command you to do this. He said: She stayed for three days until she fainted from the effort, then a son of hers called Amara stood up, He gave her water, so she started praying against Saad, and God Almighty revealed this verse: (And if they strive for you to associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them, And be kind to them in this world, and follow the path of him who turns to Me. Then to Me will you return, and I will inform you of what you used to do.” (Luqman: 15)

These are the names of the daughter of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with them both. Her mother, who was an infidel, came to her and said: (My mother, who was a polytheist during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to me and asked for a fatwa; The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, I said: She is willing. Should I wean my mother? He said: Yes, pray for your mother, The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, I said: She is willing. Should I connect with my mother? He said: Yes, connect with your mother, And the Almighty’s saying was revealed: (God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you on account of religion, They did not expel you from your homes so that you would treat them kindly and be just, God loves those who are just.” (Al-Mumtahina: 8).

Being kind to the unbelieving parents continues even after their death  In the hadith, Ali may God be pleased with him, came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said:

Abu Talib died, so he said: Go and see him. He said: He died as a polytheist? He said: Go and show him, and when I showed him I went back to him and he said to me: Take a bath.)

We take from the above the following:

Dear son: Life is full of differences. Perhaps you are a believer and the son of an unbeliever - God forbid - and perhaps you are a disbeliever in God and the son has the strongest faith in God - also - may God protect you - whatever it is, blessing your non-Muslim mother or father, whether during his life or burying him upon his death, or after his death is permissible in Islam.

The benefits of honoring parents

1 - He who is loyal to his parents will have his prayers answered, God willing In a novel, it says that some people applied to them,

The door of a cave with a large rock, and they were unable to get out of it, so the earth became narrow for them with all its spaciousness, and they had no one left to save them except to pray for the good of their deeds, one of them called on his Lord to release them, and this person was righteous to his parents, so the rock moved away.

2- An increase in lifespan and a blessing in life On the authority of our noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: “Nothing can avert judgment except supplication, nothing increases one's lifespan except righteousness.)

3 - An increase in sustenance when a Muslim wins the satisfaction of his Lord and the supplications of his parents for him. He is successful in his deeds, and sustenance comes to him from every side.

It is one of the best deeds in the sight of God Almighty. It was narrated on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud that he said: (I asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace: Which deeds are most beloved to God? He said: Pray at its appointed time. I said: Then what? He said: Then honor your parents. I said: Then what? He said: Then jihad for the sake of God. He said: Tell me about them, and if I had asked for more, it would have increased for me) [Sahih Muslim].

Honoring parents after their death A questioner asked: O Messenger of God, is there anything left of honoring my parents that I can honor them after their death? He said: “Yes, praying for them, asking forgiveness for them, enforcing their covenant after them, honoring their friend, and maintaining ties of kinship that cannot be connected except through them.”

Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them both, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Among the most righteous acts of righteousness is a man’s relationship with his father’s family after he is appointed as a guardian.)

His saying, may God bless him and grant him peace, to the questioner who asked him: Is there anything left of honoring my parents that I can do to them after their death? He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Yes, praying for them and asking forgiveness for them, and enforcing their covenant after them, and maintaining the ties of kinship that cannot be connected except through them, and honoring their friends.

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