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The humility

تاريخ التحديث: ١٦ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤

The Literature of humility in Islam

Allah says

{ولا تصعّر خدك للناس ولا تمش في الأرض مرحا. إن الله لا يحب كل مختال فخور.},[

{And do not turn your cheek to people and do not walk on the earth in joy. Allah not love each arrogant boaster.}

And in the hadith

On the authority of Iyad bin Himar, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: God Almighty has revealed to me that you should be humble, so that no one will oppress anyone else, let no one boast over anyone. Narrated by Muslim.

Simplifying conversations with all people and mingling with people in their clubs, councils, and mosques, There is no denying that, be patient with their wounds, accept their advice, ignore their mistakes, and share their joys and sorrows.

When humility is complete?

The perfection of humility is the same in the case of wealth, leadership, prestige, knowledge, and the like, in the case of the presence of reasons for arrogance, pride, and betrayal, If a person humbles himself in such a situation and is not deceived, this is evidence of the solidity of his faith, thanks to God, and the strength of his will.

The humility is an attribute of perfection

Which beautifies a person, adorns him, loves his creation, makes him accepted on earth, shows the strength of determination, insight, self-confidence, and humility, and indicates weakness of character and lack of self, because the arrogant person hides and covers major faults, some of his own.

What are the qualities that do not conflict with humility?

There is nothing wrong with beautifying yourself with good clothes, housing, and food, and it does not contradict modesty in anything, It is permissible for a person to conduct all normal actions, unless this behavior includes arrogance that is forbidden for this reason.

On the authority of Ibn Masoud (may God be pleased with him) that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “No one who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise, a man said: a man likes his clothes to be good, And his shoes were beautiful. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “God is beautiful and loves beauty, arrogance, slandering the truth, and looking down upon people.

The etiquette of humility according to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace -
The consolation for the young before the old

On the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, and according to what is narrated, the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, visited his friend Anas in his house and saw his little brother carrying a small sick bird, then the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, came to him and hugged him and said to him (O Abu Umair, what did Al-Naghir do?) - He called him “Abi Umair,” as he called adults, (The naghir is a small bird that the brother of the distinguished companion used to play with and it's die.

His service to his family

I asked Aisha what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, did in his house? She said: He was in his family’s profession, - It means serving his family - So when the time for prayer comes, he goes out to pray.

He accepts a small gift

“He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, ‘If an arm or leg were given to me, I would accept it.’”

It is the animal's legs and limbs below the knee

In His private council

(The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to sit between the backs of his companions, and a stranger would come and not know which one of them he was until he asked, so we asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to set up a place for him so that the stranger would know him if he came to him.

The humility in lineage

A man came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and spoke to him, which made the muscles of his chest tremble, He said to him: take it easy, for I am not a king, but I am the son of a woman who eats Al-Qudid.

Al-Qudid: Sun-dried meat

8 Psychological benefits of humility

What hope for humility when society celebrates overconfidence, entitlement, and ego?

The poet Tennyson once said that humility is “the highest virtue, the mother of them all.”

A new study emphasizes eight ways in which humility can help us improve our lives

The study's author, psychologist Belen Kesebir, explains:

Humility—or “quiet ego” as you call it—can be surprisingly powerful in a variety of different ways.

Calm the soul

Humble people are better able to deal with anxiety about their death. Rather than erecting self-defenses against death, humble people tend to find that it provides a helpful perspective on life and how we should live it. When it's not about you, it's interesting that it makes thinking about death easier.

Excellence in leadership

Humble leaders are not only better liked, as you might imagine, but they are also more effective.

“Leaders at all ranks see admitting mistakes, highlighting followers' strengths, and modeling learnability as the essence of humble leadership.

They view these three behaviors as strong predictors of themselves as well as the growth of the organization.”

High self-control

Having a great deal of self-control is one of the keys to a successful life, and strangely, perhaps, studies have found that obsession with oneself can paradoxically lead to low self-control.

Despite this, humble people, because they attach less importance to the self, show higher self-control in many situations. This is probably partly due to the fact that humble people tend to know their limits.

Better work performance

Humble people not only make better managers, they also make better employees. A study of employee supervisors found that honesty and humility were good predictors of individuals' job performance.

Higher scores

Being a better employee and a better manager probably has its roots in the formative years. A study of 55 students found that those who were more humble performed better academically, and therefore, being humble may make you do better in school.

Less bias

A characteristic of being humble is a weak sense of entitlement. Humble people do not believe they are owed things. This leads to a less biased view of the world, and encourages them to be tolerant of others and less defensive of their beliefs.

More help

Humble people are, on average, more helpful than arrogant or selfish people. In a study by Labov et al. (2011), participants who were more humble were more likely to offer help, and offered more of their time, to those in need. Unsurprisingly, humble people were also more generous.

Humble people are, on average, more helpful than arrogant or conceited people. In a study by Labov et al. (2011), the more humble participants were, the more likely they were to offer help, offering more of their time to those in need. Unsurprisingly, humble people are also more generous.

Better relationships

Humble people may have better relationships because they accept others as they are. A study by Davis et al. (2012) groups of people found that humility helped repair relationships and build stronger bonds between people.

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