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  • 530 - The alternation of angels night and day

    530 – حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف قال: حدثنا مالك، عن أبي الزناد، عن الأعرج، عن أبي هريرة: أن رسول الله ﷺ قال:يتعاقبون فيكم: ملائكة بالليل وملائكة بالنهار، ويجتمعونفي صلاة الفجر وصلاة العصر، ثم يعرج الذين باتوا فيكم، فيسألهم وهو أعلم بهم: كيف تركتم عبادي؟ فيقولون: تركناهم وهم يصلون، وأتيناهم وهم يصلون. 530 - Abdullah bin Yusuf told us, he said: Malik told us, on the authority of Abu Al-Zinad, on the authority of Al-Araj, on the authority of Abu Huraira: the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: they follow in succession among you: angels by night and angels by day, and they gather in the dawn prayer and the afternoon prayer, then they ascend those who spent the night among you, and he asks them, and he knows them better: how did you leave my servants? They say: We left them while they were praying, and we came to them while they were praying. We benefit from the noble Hadith: 1 - Angels surround us and our lives from morning toevening, and we do not even feel their presence at all, but we as Muslims,believers and monotheists believe in the unseen and believe in their existence. 2 - Thestrange thing is that there are a billion and a half Muslims, and others are 6million non-Muslims or more who ask God - the Most High - about them to Hisangels: How did you leave My servants? they say the last action we used to do before theangels ascended to the highest heavens so that two others would come, so if theprayer was, then praise be to God. 3- This is a special indication of the importance of theFajr and Asr prayers.

  • 530 - The alternation of angels night and day

    530 – حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف قال: حدثنا مالك، عن أبي الزناد، عن الأعرج، عن أبي هريرة: أن رسول الله ﷺ قال:يتعاقبون فيكم: ملائكة بالليل وملائكة بالنهار، ويجتمعونفي صلاة الفجر وصلاة العصر، ثم يعرج الذين باتوا فيكم، فيسألهم وهو أعلم بهم: كيف تركتم عبادي؟ فيقولون: تركناهم وهم يصلون، وأتيناهم وهم يصلون. 530 - Abdullah bin Yusuf told us, he said: Malik told us, on the authority of Abu Al-Zinad, on the authority of Al-Araj, on the authority of Abu Huraira: the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: they follow in succession among you: angels by night and angels by day, and they gather in the dawn prayer and the afternoon prayer, then they ascend those who spent the night among you, and he asks them, and he knows them better: how did you leave my servants? They say: We left them while they were praying, and we came to them while they were praying. We benefit from the noble Hadith: 1 - Angels surround us and our lives from morning toevening, and we do not even feel their presence at all, but we as Muslims,believers and monotheists believe in the unseen and believe in their existence. 2 - Thestrange thing is that there are a billion and a half Muslims, and others are 6million non-Muslims or more who ask God - the Most High - about them to Hisangels: How did you leave My servants? they say the last action we used to do before theangels ascended to the highest heavens so that two others would come, so if theprayer was, then praise be to God. 3- This is a special indication of the importance of theFajr and Asr prayers.

  • 465 - the angels prayer for those who are waiting for prayer

    465 – حدثنا مسدد قال: حدثنا أبو معاوية، عن الأعمش، عن أبي صالح، عن أبي هريرة، عن النبي ﷺ قال: صلاة الجميع تزيد على صلاته في بيته، وصلاته في سوقه، خمسا وعشرين درجة، فإن أحدكم إذا توضأ فأحسن، وأتى المسجد، لا يريد إلا الصلاة، لم يخط خطوة إلا رفعه الله بها درحة، وحط عنه خطيئة، حتى يدخل المسجد، وإذا دخل المسجد، كان في صلاة ما كانت تحبسه، وتصلي – يعني – عليه الملائكة، ما دام في مجلسه الذي يصلي فيه: اللهم اغفر له، اللهم ارحمه، ما لم يحدث فيه). Thecongregational prayer is more than his prayer in his home, and his prayer inthe marketplace twenty-five degrees, If one of you performs ablution andperforms well, and goes to the mosque, wanting nothing but prayer, he does nottake a step except that God raises him a degree by it, and removes a sin fromhim, until he enters the mosque, and if he enters the mosque, he is in theprayer that it used to imprison him, and the angels pray - meaning - upon him, aslong as he is in his assembly in which he prays: O Allah, forgive him, O Allah,have mercy on him, as long as he does not occur thing. We benefit from the noble Hadith: 1 - Thereward for congregational prayer is 25 degrees greater than that of an individual at home. 2 - The hadith urges one to perform ablution welland go to the mosque, and with every danger they take to the mosque, a stepthat increases his good deeds and a step that removes his bad ones, If thedistance between the mosque and the house is prolonged, the good deeds willincrease and the bad deeds will be removed. 3- Angels have roles in our lives as Muslims, sowho do you find among Muslims with these characteristics?(He did a good ablution - he wentto the mosque - Then he sat glorifying or reciting the Qur’an or somethingelse, for the role of the angels begins in praying for this person, and theangels’ prayer is a mercy and forgiveness for the children of Adam. 4 - She continues to ask forgiveness for him and ask for mercy for him,unless something happened, something smaller (urine or stool). There is only one condition for theangels asking for forgiveness is that he goes to the mosque, not to meet hisfriends or any benefit. Rather, he is going to pray or attend a gathering of knowledgeonly, and God is higher and knows best.

  • 406 - Don't spit toward right or in front of you

    سمع أبا هريرة، عن النبي ﷺ قال: (إذا قام أحدكم إلى الصلاة، فلا يبصق أمامه، فإنما يناجي الله ما دام في مصلاه، ولا عن يمينه، فإن عن يمينه ملكا، وليبصق عن يساره، أو تحت قدمه، فيدفنها). 406 - Ishaq bin Nasr told us, hesaid: Abdul Razzaq told us, on the authority of Muammar, on the authority ofHammam : Abu Huraira heard on the authority of theProphet, peace and blessings be upon him, who said: “If one of you gets up forprayer, he should not spit in front of him, He only talks to God as long as heis in his place of prayer, and not on his right, for an angel is on his right,and he spit on his left, or under his feet, and bury it. we benefit from the noble Hadith 1 - Islam falls under its banner, the honorable,the lowly, the high-ranking and the destitute poor, And other than that, if youtell yourself how the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - saysthat, then know that Islam made people equal despite their different customsand traditions and the environment from which they came. 2 - The hadith indicates that angels are harmed by dirt and anything thatspoils public taste. 3 - Islam loves right, and values this hand in foodand drink, and keeping away from cleaning oneself or any dirt and other things,And it's a kind of identity, the idea of eating left that it's etiquette,something that's not in Islam.

  • 3039 - Angels count the number of Friday prayer worshipers

    3039 – حدثنا أحمد بن يونس: حدثنا إبراهيم بن سعد: حدثنا ابن شهاب، عن أبي سلمة والأغر، عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال النبي ﷺ : (إذا كان يوم الجمعة، كان على كل باب من أبواب المسجد الملائكة، يكتبون الأول فالأول، فإذا جلس الإمام طووا الصحف، وجاؤوا يستمعون الذكر). 3039 - Ahmed bin Yunus told us: Ibrahim bin Saad told us: Ibn Shihab told us, on the authority of Abu Salamah and Al-Aghar, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (If it is Friday, there are angels at every door of the mosque, writing the first then the first, and when the imam sits, they fold the newspapers, and they come to listen to the remembrance). we benefit from the noble Hadith: Angels move among the groups of believers in large numbers, whatever it was, for the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - tells us that they write down everyone who enters the worshiper on Friday, so they write the first rows, who comes first and who comes second, and so on, to take their full, undiminished reward. If the imam sits, they fold their newspapers and sit down listening to the remembrance. This is a reference to: 1 - Respect for knowledge, especially religious knowledge, so what about the teacher entering the school or university while we are busy on the mobile or talking to colleagues? 2- The angels’ respect for the sheikh or the preacher who stands to exhort the people, so they listen with great politeness, even though they are entering Paradise, there is nothing wrong with this, and they will not enter Hell, their listening or not listening will not affect God’s love for them, however, respect for knowledge is one of the manners of angels that teach people

  • 6801 - If I had like Uhud mountain ?

    6801 – حدثنا إسحق بن نصر: حدثنا عبد الرزاق، عن معمر، عن همَّام: سمع أباهريرة،عن النبي ﷺ قال: (لو كان عندي أحدٌ ذهباً لأحببت أن لا يأتي عليَّ ثلاث وعنديمنه دينار – ليس شيء أرصده في دَينٍ عليَّ – أجد من يقبله). The exploration of the noble Hadith The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:“If I had [the mountain of Uhud] gold.” 6801 - Ishaq bin Nasr told us: Abdul Razzaq told us,on the authority of Muammar, on the authority of Hammam: Abu Hurayrah heard, onthe authority of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: (If I had Mount Uhud ofgold, I would have loved that it not come upon me, three, and I have a dinarfrom it - there is nothing to keep it in my debt - I find someone to acceptit). The wishing, as stated by the scholars, is: A wishfor a thing would be desired, and if it is good without being related to envy,then it is desired, otherwise it is blameworthy. And it was said: It is arequest for what cannot be obtained The exploration for the noble Hadith: 1 - The Messenger - may God’s prayers andpeace be upon him - will make wishes as we wish, for wishes are from the qualitiesand nature of human, and the Messenger, before he was a Messenger, he is human. 2 - His wish - may God’s prayers and peacebe upon him - is not the same as our wish, rather his wish is for the hereafterand not for an increase in this world. 3 - In the picture is the highest mountain of Uhud with its huge size - the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - wished to have such a mountain (gold), which is what many of netherworld rich people have today (real gold mountains) and they do not spend anything with it on the poor. The Messenger of God wishes that three days wouldn't end until he spent it all in the cause of God, not in debts to the Messenger of God, no, but rather he would like to find someone who accepts this abundant gift. 4 - The world's rich: A word to God: Where are you from this hadith? O you who own gold, diamonds and other mines and lock them up from the needy in the world, from famines and slaves, released them God released you from the fire.

  • 6804 - I wish I had someone to Guard me until I fell asleep

    6804 – حدثنا خالد بن مخلد:حدثنا سليمان بن بلال: حدثني يحيى بن سعيد: سمعت عبد الله بن عامر بن ربيعة قال:قالت عائشة،أرق النبي ﷺ ذات ليلة، فقال: (ليت رجلاً صالحاً من أصحابي يحرسني الليلة). إذ سمعنا صوت السلاح، قال: (من هذا). قيل: سعد يا رسول الله، جئت أحرسك، فنام النبي ﷺ حتى سمعنا غطيطه. قال أبو عبد الله: وقالت عائشة: قال بلال ألا ليت شعري هل أبيتنَّ ليلة – بواد وحولي إذخر وجليلفأخبرتالنبي ﷺ 3-4 - Chapter: The Prophet's saying: I wish such and such. 6804 - Khalid bin Makhlad told us: Suleiman bin Bilaltold us: Yahya bin Saeed told me: I heard Abdullah bin Amer bin Rabi’ah said:Aisha said, The Prophet, peace be upon him, fell asleep one night, and said: (Iwish a righteous man from among my companions would guard me tonight). As we heard the sound of the weapon, He said: (From this). It was said: Saad, O Messenger of God, I came to guard you, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, slept until we heard his snoring. Abu Abdullah said: And Aisha said: Bilal said: I wishI had such and such Did you spend the night - in a valley, and around me Azkharand Galilee, and you informed the Prophet, peace be upon him? The exploration of the noble Hadith: 1 - One of the strange wishes of theMessenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - is that he sleeps at nightwithout worry or insomnia!!! This is the head of the Islamic state - in today'sexpressions, he is afraid to sleep and he is the Messenger of God without guards, He is truly a great messenger who teaches the nation after him how the presidents and kings are - not for fear of losing property, but for fear of losing religion. 2 - Among the Companions were men who stood in the way of advocacy before they were asked, and before they chose,what the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said whathe said until (they heard the sound of weapons). 3 - The weapon of (Saad) andhow do you know what Sa`d is? Sa`d, who died and seventy 70,000 angels fromheaven attend his funeral, who is 37 years old. 4- TheMessenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - slept on this nightuntil the sound of his sleep was heard. 5- May God's mercy be upon Saad - God's mercy be uponSaad - may God be pleased with him and satisfied him.

  • 6805 - No envious except in two

    6805 – حدثنا عثمان بن أبي شيبة: حدثنا جرير، عن الأعمش، عن أبي صالح، عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : (لا تحاسد إلا في اثنتين: رجل آتاه الله القرآن، فهو يتلوه آناء الليل والنهار، يقول: لو أوتيت مثل ما أوتي هذا لفعلت كما يفعل، ورجل آتاه الله مالاً ينفقه في حقِّه فيقول: لو أوتيت مثل ما أوتي هذا لفعلت كما يفعل).حدثنا قتيبة: حدثنا جرير بهذا 3-5 - Chapter: wishing for the Qur'an and Knowledge. 6805 - Othman bin Abi Shaybah told us: Jarir told us,on the authority of Al-Amash, on the authority of Abu Salih, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (Do not be envious except in two: A man to whom Allah has given theQur’an, and he recites it during the day and night, and he says: If I were given as he is given, I would do as he does, and a man whom God has given him money, he spends it on its right. He says: If I were given what this was given, I would do as he does. Qutaiba told us: Jarir told us this The envy of the two men: each other's envy And envy is: wishing for the demise of the blessing from others The Exploration of the noble Hadith: 1 - It was thecustom of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to make Muslims think about big things, not small things, as the West says Think big. In this hadith: The messenger grows Muslims' s mind from envy over a car, a new home, or a gold piece, to what is greater and higher meaning in this life, and perhaps the common people are envious of such things, Only a few unique people are envious of thingsrelated to the philosophy of life or what is beyond this life, and the Messenger likes to always and forever make Muslims different intellectually before doctrinal. 2 - What are the two? A - A man to whom God has given the Qur’an and he recites it during the day and night, and the recitation is: the recitation of the Noble Qur’an consecutively, i.e., he does not tire or tire of reciting like the one who is travel which he ends travel came to another, whenever he seals, he starts from the first and does not take a truce between them, and reciting the known rulings of the recitation called Tajweed, and standing at the rulings, and standing at the verses ofpunishment to seek refuge from them, and standing at the verses of reward to seek to get rid of them, And other provisions of recitation, not only as we imagine it is just reading, but it refines and improves and encodes everything that is bad into all that is positive, why? the West says: You're what you listen for- and they mean by it: that you listen to a certain music, especially sophistication music, you mean that you are such andsuch a person, where did they get the concept from? from modern psychological studies, so whenever you read words that address the mind at times and tickle the feelings for the love of God and His Messenger at other times, It clears your heart of whispers, grudges, and other afflictions of the heart, and you don't even feel it... God is higher and knows best. Whoever sees this man says: If I weregiven the same as this, I would do as he does: Here is wish what's in hand of others and not envy in its negative sense, he wants for himself what he saw good in others, B - And a man whom God has given money to spend on his right: money, dear reader, is one of the most beautiful things that a young person runs after before an old one, and spending money on oneself is a special pleasure, and if someone robs you of your money by force, it arouses a grudge in you, thus.. and we all love this, but little who spends money on its right, and what is the right of money? The money right 1 - The weak, the needy, the helpless, the orphan, the widow, and who has a right to your money, and if your money is not enough for all of these, then it is better to spend on yourself and your family and give your money to them - charity for the poor is charity, and for a relative is charity and a bond. 2 - From the right of money:Release the captive: Do you not see the world changed its state at the end of the twenty-first century: slaves returned in almost every country under relatively new names - cheap labor - and labor without price and other things that are not called by us as Muslims anything but slaves, they have your right in your money, And I hear you say: I do not know how to eat my family, so I can free a slave from among the slaves and put my life at risk, and I tell you who has the right to money if you commit a grave sin during the Hajj or the day in Ramadan, you have the right to free a slave from among the slaves, if you are not able to, then think about 10 days of fasting or other, but if you were able and did not do it and thought about the easiest, then you did not spend the money in its right . 3 -You eat different shapes and sizes - and we all do - did youever think, only once, to apologize to God - come - for the existence of famines, if you did not pay once, then you did not spend the money on its right, Ibn Abbas said: Eat whatever you want and wear whatever you want as long as you are mistaken. two things: extravagance or arrogance. Imagination is the love of appearing rich, superior, He says: (Who sees it) If I were given the same as this one, I would do as he does. Now:who are you? Are you one of those people envious of you? Or are you one of those who wish for what they see in others without wish to loset from them (these two men in particular whose actions came in the hadith) or are you neither this nor that? The Hadih serves as a criterion for determining yourpath from now on.

  • 6806 - The prohibited " wishing"

    3-6 - Chapter: What is disliked from wishful thinking: First: The Qur'an {قال تعالي ( ولا تتمنَّواما فضَّل الله به بعضكم على بعض للرجل نصيب مما اكتسبوا وللنساء نصيب مما اكتسبن واسألوا الله من فضله إنَّ الله كان بكل شيء عليماً} The Almighty said: (And do not wish for a dream by which God has favored some of you over others. The man shall have a share of what they have earned, and the women shall have a share of what they have earned, And ask God of His bounty, for God is All-Knowing of everything. The exploration to the verse: In His saying, the MostHigh, the Lord, Blessed and Exalted be He, tells us that God - the Most High -prefers some years over others, some months over others, and some peopleover others, so He chooses from them messengers and prophets,  Men are preferred over women in some thingsand women are preferred over men in some things - such as in some cases of inheritance - so there is no absolute preference, then there is no favoritism. However, there are women who are socially oppressed for the place they live or for something that happened to them in their life, so they turn against their instinct and wish for something other than the one for whom it was created, You wish to become a man when you see the dignity and care that a man takes in everything, and theories follow Western theories and movements for the sake of fairness to women. And in one verse, God Almighty summarizes this non-cold warand says to you, O woman, “No, no,” you wish for what God has bestowed on men over you in terms of strength, health, and so on, and you wish you had created a man from the beginning, Or you wish that if you wanted to change the gender, then he says to look in your society, you will not find real equality between the sexes in wages and other things, and this is imposed in Islam because the man is responsible for the costs of living for the woman in all her cases and she is not charged with work or other than things that do not contradict her nature Giving and preventing in Islam have constants. Giving is an assignment, not an honor. 2 - The verse tells you that if your work is wasted in this world and you take a lower wage than a man in the work, and if you are in the same job, you compete with him for it, then in Islam the matter is different, so that what a man gives (for men a share of what they earned and for women a share of what they earned) the wages are equal. 3 - then the verse tells you that if you want an increase in something in which the man is preferred over the woman, turn to God - come - with supplication, and we have walked through life and seen the women of a society with high culture, work and others, and if you look back in her life, you will find that she was wronged by a man who was a motive behind her success. God compensates - just don't wish the opposite of your nature. 4- Do not forget that the verse began with the forbidding (no), because this kind of wishing is forbidden in Islam. Finally: Withdraw the general meaning of the verse and you will find: It is a general rule, whether you are a man or a woman and you find in life someone who is better than you in something, so do not wish him the demise of this blessing from his life, rather wish God your wish and ask him of His great bounty. and God is superior and knows best . second: The Hadiths: 6806 – حدثنا حسن بن الربيع: حدثنا أبو الأحوص، عن عاصم، عن النَّضر بن أنس قال: قال أنس رضي الله تعالى عنه: لولا أني سمعت النبي ﷺ يقول: (لا تتمنَّوا الموت). لتمنَّيت 6807 – حدثنا محمد:حدثنا عبدة، عن ابن أبي خالد، عن قيس قال: أتينا خبَّاب ابن الأرتِّ نعوده وقد اكتوى سبعاً، فقال: لولا أنَّ رسول الله ﷺ نهانا أن ندعو بالموت لدعوت به. 6808 – حدثناعبد اللهبن محمد: حدثنا هشام بن يوسف: أخبرنا معمر، عن الزُهريِّ، عن أبي عبيد، اسمه سعد بن عبيد، مولى عبد الرحمن بن أزهر : أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: (لا يتمنَّى أحدكم الموت، إمّا محسناً فلعلَّه يزداد، وإما مسيئاً فلعله يَسْتَعْتِبْ). 6806 - Hasan bin Al-Rabi` told us: Abu Al-Ahwas told us, on the authority of Asim, on the authority of Al-Nadr bin Anas, who said: Anas, may God be pleased with him, said: Had I not heard the Prophet ﷺ say: (Do not wish for death). I wished 6807 - Muhammad told us: Abda told us, on the authority of Ibn Abi Khalid, on the authority of Qais, he said: We came to Khabbab Ibn Al-Art, to return to him, and he had been stung seven wih fire, He said: Were it not that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade us to pray for death, I would have prayed for it. 6808 - Abd Allah told us, Bin Muhammad: Hisham Bin Youssef told us: Muammar told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, on the authority of Abi Obaid, whose name is Saad Bin Obaid, the mawla of Abd Al-Rahman Bin Azhar: That the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (None of you should wish for death, either he is a good-doer, perhaps he will increase, or an abusive person, perhaps he will be reprimanded). In exploration to the hadiths in this regard: 1 - In life there are desperate moments, critical situations and problems at times when a person has no power, even though God tasks every soul with what it is capable of. However, despair exists in life, and with moments of extreme despair People’s paths are divided, including: A - Whoever quickly returns to his faith in God, he who is satisfied with God’s predestination will surely give him something better than what he took from him. b- Those who disbelieve in God and life and all beliefs and ask for death, and among those who ask for death by supplication only, and among them are those who commit suicide, and among them are those who ask what the West neglects today with merciful death so that he or those around him who support his decision do not feel a sense of torture. That is, what was your destination in the event of calamities - may God protect you from them in general and in detail - but this is only in Paradise, just remember that this wish (merely wishing for death is forbidden in Islam)

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