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  • [920] The sermon after Eid

    [920] حدثنا يعقوب بن إبراهيم قال: حدثنا أبو أسامة قال: حدثنا عبيد الله عن نافع عن ابن عمر قال: كان رسول الله ﷺ وأبو بكر وعمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما يصلون العيدين قبل الخطبة [920] Yaqoub bin Ibrahim told us, he said: Abu Usama told us, he said: Ubayd Allah told us on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr and Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with them they pray the two Eids before the sermon

  • [921] The sermon after Eid

    [921] حدثنا سليمان بن حرب قال: حدثنا شعبة عن عدي بن ثابت عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس أن النبي ﷺ صلى يوم الفطر ركعتين لم يصل قبلها ولا بعدها ثم أتى النساء ومعه بلال فأمرهن بالصدقة فجعلن يلقين تلقي المرأة خرصها وسخابها [921] Suleiman bin Harb told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Uday bin Thabit, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubair, on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed two rak’ahs on the day of Fitr, neither before nor after it, then he came to the women with Bilal and ordered them to give alms, so they made the women throw single bead earring and As-Sakhab

  • [925] Going early to the Eid

    [925] حدثنا سليمان بن حرب قال: حدثنا شعبة عن زبيد عن الشعبي عن البراء قال خطبنا النبي ﷺ يوم النحر قال إن أول ما نبدأ به في يومنا هذا أن نصلي ثم نرجع فننحر فمن فعل ذلك فقد أصاب سنتنا ومن ذبح قبل أن يصلي فإنما هو لحم عجله لأهله ليس من النسك في شيء فقام خالي أبو بردة بن نيار، فقال: يا رسول الله أنا ذبحت قبل أن أصلي وعندي جذعة خير من مسنة قال اجعلها مكانها أو قال اذبحها ولن تجزي جذعة عن أحد بعدك [925] Suleiman bin Harb told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Zabid, on the authority of Al-Sha’bi, on the authority of Al-Bara’, He said the Prophet, peace be upon him, addressed us on the Day of Sacrifice. He said that the first thing we start with on this day to pray and then go back and sacrifice, whoever does that has fulfilled our Sunnah, and whoever slaughters it before he prays, it is the meat of his calf, For his family, there is nothing from the asceticism, so my uncle Abu Burdah bin Nayyar got up, He said: O Messenger of God, I was slaughtered before I prayed, and I have a jadha'ah with me, It is better than an old. He said: Put it in its place, or he said: Slaughter it, and a jadha’ah will not be sufficient for anyone after you. The jadha'ah : of camels is the one that completed the fourth year and entered the fifth.

  • [923] It is disliked to carry weapons during the festival and the sanctuary

    923] حدثنا زكريا بن يحيى أبو السكين قال: حدثنا المحاربي قال: حدثنا محمد بن سوقة عن سعيد بن جبير قال: كنت مع ابن عمر حين أصابه سنان الرمح في أخمص قدمه فلزقت قدمه بالركاب فنزلت فنزعتها وذلك بمنى فبلغ الحجاج فجعل يعوده، فقال الحجاج لو نعلم من أصابك، فقال ابن عمر أنت أصبتني قال وكيف قال حملت السلاح في يوم لم يكن يحمل فيه وأدخلت السلاح الحرم ولم يكن السلاح يدخل الحرم [923] Zakaria bin Yahya Abu Al-Sakin told us, he said: Al-Muharibi told us, he said: Muhammad bin Suqa told us on the authority of Saeed bin Jubair who said: I was with Ibn Omar when the spear hit him in the sole of his foot, and his foot stuck to the stirrup, so I went down and took it off, and that was in Mina, and it reached al-Hajjaj, so he began to visit him. Al-Hajjaj said, “If only we knew who hit you, Ibn Omar said: You hit me. He said: How, He said I carried the weapon on a day when it was not carried and entered the weapon the sanctuary and the weapon doesn't not the sanctuary.

  • [924] It is disliked to carry weapons during the feast and the sanctuary

    924] حدثنا أحمد بن يعقوب قال: حدثني إسحاق بن سعيد بن عمرو بن سعيد بن العاص عن أبيه قال دخل الحجاج على بن عمر وأنا عنده، فقال كيف هو، فقال صالح، فقال من أصابك قال أصابني من أمر بحمل السلاح في يوم لا يحل فيه حمله يعني الحجاج [924] Ahmed bin Yaqoub told us, he said: Ishaq bin Saeed bin Amr bin Saeed bin Al-Aas told me On the authority of his father, he said: Al-Hajjaj entered upon Ibn Umar while I was with him, He said, "How is it?" He said, "Salih." He said, "Who afflicted you, carrying arms on a day when it is not permissible to carry it means the pilgrims

  • [926]The virtue of working in the days of al-Tashreeq

    And Ibn Abbas said: {And remember Allah in the days} information about the ten days and the numbered days of the days of Tashreeq and Ibn Omar and Abu Hurairah used to go out to the market during the ten days, saying takbeer, and the people would say takbeer with their takbeer, and Muhammad ibn Ali would say takbeer behind the supererogatory prayer. [926] حدثنا محمد بن عرعرة قال: حدثنا شعبة عن سليمان عن مسلم البطين عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: ما العمل في أيام العشر أفضل من العمل في هذه قالوا ولا الجهاد قال ولا الجهاد إلا رجل خرج يخاطر بنفسه وماله فلم يرجع بشيء [926] Muhammad bin Arara told us, he said: Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Suleiman, on the authority of Muslim Al-Bateen, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubair, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, About the Prophet, peace be upon him, He said: What is done during the ten days is better than doing these days? They said, "Not even jihad." He said, "Not even jihad, except for a man who went out risking his life and his money and did not return with anything."

  • [927] Al - Takbeer during the days of Mina and when going to Arafa

    Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with him, used to say takbeer in his dome in Mina, and the people of the mosque would hear him, so they would say takbeer, and the people of the markets would say takbeer until Mina shuddered in takbeer, Ibn Umar used to say takbeer in Mina during those days, behind the prayers, on his bed, in his pavilion, in his gatherings, and in his walks all those days, Maymouna used to say takbeer on the Day of Sacrifice, and the women used to say takbeer behind Aban bin Othman and Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the nights of al-Tashreeq with the men in the mosque. [927] حدثنا أبو نعيم قال: حدثنا مالك بن أنس قال: حدثني محمد بن أبي بكر الثقفي قال: سألت أنسا ونحن غاديان من منى إلى عرفات عن التلبية كيف كنتم تصنعون مع النبي ﷺ قال: كان يلبي الملبي لا ينكر عليه ويكبر المكبر فلا ينكر عليه [927] Abu Naim told us, he said: Malik bin Anas told us, he said: Muhammad bin Abi Bakr Al Thaqafi told me, he said: I asked Anas as we were going from Mina to Arafat about the Talbiyah How did you deal with the Prophet, peace be upon him? He said: He used to recite the mulbi without denouncing him, and he used to recite the takbeer, so he did not denounce him.

  • [928] Al - Takbeer during the days of Mina and when going to Arafa

    928] حدثنا محمد حدثنا عمر بن حفص قال: حدثنا أبي عن عاصم عن حفصة عن أم عطية قالت كنا نؤمر أن نخرج يوم العيد حتى نخرج البكر من خدرها حتى نخرج الحيض فيكن خلف الناس فيكبرن بتكبيرهم ويدعون بدعائهم يرجون بركة ذلك اليوم وطهرته [928] Muhammad told us, Omar bin Hafs told us, he said: My father told us, on the authority of Asim, on the authority of Hafsa On the authority of Umm Attia, she said: We were commanded to go out on the day of Eid, Until we bring the virgin out of her chamber until we bring out the menstruation, they should be behind the people, and they would say takbeer with their takbeer and say their prayers, they hope for the blessing of that day and its purification.

  • [929] The Prayer in front of the spear on the day of Eid

    [929] حدثنا محمد بن بشار قال: حدثنا عبد الوهاب قال: حدثنا عبيد الله عن نافع عن ابن عمر أن النبي ﷺ كان تركز الحربة قدامه يوم الفطر والنحر ثم يصلي [929] Muhammad bin Bashar told us, he said: Abdul Wahhab told us, he said: Ubaidullah told us on the authority of Nafie on the authority of Ibn Omar that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace He used to focus the spear in front of him on the day of al-Fitr and the sacrifice, then he would pray.

  • [930] The Carrying the goat or the spear in the hands of the imam on the day of Eid

    [930] حدثنا إبراهيم بن المنذر قال: حدثنا الوليد قال: حدثنا أبو عمرو قال: أخبرني نافع عن ابن عمر قال: كان النبي ﷺ يغدو إلى المصلى والعنزة بين يديه تحمل وتنصب بالمصلي بين يديه فيصلي إليها [930] Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir told us, he said: Al-Walid told us, he said: Abu Amr told us, he said: Nafi told me on the authority of Ibn Omar, he said: The Prophet, peace be upon him, used to go to the prayer place and the goat in his hands is carried and erected by the worshiper in his hands, and he prays to it.

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