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  • 5307 - It is forbidden to breathe into a vessel

    24 - باب: النهي عن التنفس في الإناء. 5307 - حدثنا أبو نُعَيم: حدثنا شيبان، عن يحيى، عن عبد الله بن أبي قتادة، عن أبيه قال:قال رسول الله ﷺ: (إذا شرب أحدكم فلا يتنفس في الإناء، وإذا بال أحدكم فلا يمسح ذكره بيمينه، وإذا تمسَّح أحدكم فلا يتمسَّح بيمينه). 24 - Chapter: It is forbidden to breathe into a vessel. 5307 - Abu Naim told us: Shayban told us, on the authority of Yahya, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Qatada, on the authority of his father, he said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “If one of you drinks, do not breathe into the vessel, And if one of you urinates, he should not wipe his penis with his right hand, and if one of you wipes, he should not wipe with his right hand.

  • 5309 - It is forbidden to drink from vessels of gold and silver

    26 - باب: الشرب في آنية الذهب. 5309 - حدثنا حفص بن عمر: حدثنا شُعبة، عن الحكم، عن ابن أبي ليلى قال:كان حذيفة بالمداين، فاستسقى، فأتاه دُهقان بقدح فضة فرماه به، فقال: إني لم أرمه إلا أني نهيته فلم ينته، وإن النبي ﷺ نهانا عن الحرير والديباج، والشرب في آنية الذهب والفضة، وقال: (هنَّ لهم في الدنيا، وهي لكم في الآخرة). 26 - Chapter: Drinking from gold vessels. 5309 - Hafs bin Omar told us: Shu'bah told us, on the authority of Al-Hakam, on the authority of Ibn Abi Laila, who said: Hudhaifah was in Al-Madayen, so he demand a water and get it, So Dehqan, the chief of the village, brought him a bowl of silver and threw it at him, He said: I did not throw him except that I forbade him and he did not finish, And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, forbade us from silk and brocade, and drinking in gold and silver vessels, and he said: (They are for them in this world, and they are for you in the Hereafter).

  • 1727- It is permissible to Muharram eat the haunting of others

    1727 – حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد: حدثنا سفيان: حدثنا صالح بن كيسان، عن أبي محمد نافع مولى أبي قتادة: سمع أبا قتادة رضي الله عنه قال: كنا مع النبي ﷺ بالقاحة، من المدينة على ثلاث (ح). وحدثنا علي بن عبد الله: حدثنا سفيان: حدثنا صالح بن كيسان، عن أبي محمد، عن أبي قتادة رضي الله عنه قال كنا مع النبي ﷺ بالقاحة، ومنا المحرم ومنا غير المحرم، فرأيت أصحابي يتراءون شيئا، فنظرت، فإذا حمار وحش – يعني فوقع سوطه – فقالوا: لا نعينك عليه بشيء، إنا محرمون، فتناولته فأخذته، ثم أتيت الحمار من وراء أكمة فعقرته، فأتيت أصحابي، فقال بعضهم: كلوا، وقال بعضهم: لا تأكلوا، فأتيت النبي ﷺ ، وهو أمامنا، فسألته فقال: (كلوه، حلال) قال لنا عمرو: اذهبوا إلى صالح فسلوه عن هذا وغيره، وقدم علينا ها هنا 1727 - Abdullah bin Muhammad told us: Sufyan told us: Saleh bin Kisan told us, on the authority of Abu Muhammad Nafi’, the mawla of Abu Qatada: He heard Abu Qatada, may God be pleased with him, say: We were with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in Al-Qaha, from Madinah, on three days (H). And Ali bin Abdullah told us: Sufyan told us: Saleh bin Kisan told us, on the authority of Abu Muhammad, on the authority of Abu Qatada, may God be pleased with him, who said: We were with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, at Qahah" place", among us who were Muhrram and non - Muhrram so I saw the companions looking at something, so I looked, and behold, a zebra beast, - I mean, his whip fell off - They said: We do not help you with anything, we are Muhrrams, so I took it, then I came to the zebra from behind a hill and crippled it, so I came to the companions, and some of them said: Eat, and some of them said: Do not eat. So I came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, who was in front of us, so I asked him, and he said: “Eat it, it is halal.” Amr told us: Go to Saleh and ask him about this and other things, and he brought us here. We benefit from the hadith 1 - It is permissible to eat zebra meat and that it is not one of the animals with canines or predatory animals that are prohibited to be eaten 2- At this time, nature was good and there is biological diversity, so there is nothing to prevent hunting 3- The keenness of the early Muslims and others, God willing, for the sanctity of Umrah and Hajj, and that their Ihram would not escape from them for the sake of hunting. Get to know zebra meat closely Zebra meat: Exotic and lean, the meat has just one tenth of the fat found in a same size beef steak Like many high-protein meats, zebra is packed with zinc and omega 3 fatty-acids that contribute to muscle repair, maintaining the immune system and improving heart health. Does zebra taste like horse? Zebras are horses and taste like horses; the meat is extremely red, tough, gamey, and chewy making this my least favorite, The Steakhouse's owner, Kunal Soni, originally claimed to the officers that the waitstaff had simply made a mistake on the ticket. That theory didn't really hold up, however, when lab work on the meats in question revealed that the "zebra" was in fact horsemeat and the "wildebeest" venison. Why do people eat zebra? If you're looking for the leanest source of animal protein, you can now add zebra meat to your diet. It has one-tenth the fat of beef (zebra has 0.5g per 100g), making it leaner than chicken, and 35 grams of protein per serving. The link

  • 5475 - Don't eat M'rad and eat only what your dog catches

    5475- حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو نُعَيْمٍ: حَدَّثَنَا زَكَرِيَّاءُ، عَنْ عَامِرٍ، عَنْ عَدِيِّ بْنِ حَاتِم قَالَ: سَأَلْتُ النَّبِيَّ ﷺ عَنْ صَيْدِ المِعْرَاضِ، قَالَ: مَا أَصَابَ بِحَدِّهِ فَكُلْهُ، وَمَا أَصَابَ بِعَرْضِهِ فَهُوَ وَقِيذٌ، وَسَأَلْتُهُ عَنْ صَيْدِ الكَلْبِ، فَقَالَ: مَا أَمْسَكَ عَلَيْكَ فَكُلْ؛ فَإِنَّ أَخْذَ الكَلْبِ ذَكَاةٌ، وَإِنْ وَجَدْتَ مَعَ كَلْبِكَ أَوْ كِلابِكَ كَلْبًا غَيْرَهُ، فَخَشِيتَ أَنْ يَكُونَ أَخَذَهُ مَعَهُ وَقَدْ قَتَلَهُ فَلا تَأْكُلْ، فَإِنَّمَا ذَكَرْتَ اسْمَ اللَّهِ عَلَى كَلْبِكَ، وَلَمْ تَذْكُرْهُ عَلَى غَيْرِهِ. 5475- We were told by Abu Naim: We were told by Zakaria, on the authority of Amir, on the authority of Uday bin Hatim, who said: I asked the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: M'rad hunting" The death of the animal due to the pressure of the machine on its body, not by the wound" He said: What hit with its edge: eat it, and whatever befalls him with Ardh “by the pressure of the machine on the animal” then he is the one who faints, and it is not known whether he is dead or alive,its waquith, I asked him about dog hunting, and he said: Whatever catches, eat, If the dog takes, it's like slaughter, And if you find another dog with your dog or your dogs, So you were afraid that it had taken it with it, and had killed it, so do not eat, You only mentioned the name of God over your dog, and you did not mention it to anyone else. صيد المعراض: موات الحيوان بفعل ضغط الآلة على جسمه لا بالجرح M'rad hunting: the death of the animal due to the pressure of the machine on its body, not by wounding الوَقِيذُ : الذي يُغْشَى عليه لا يُدْرَىَ أَمَيِّتٌ هو أَم حيٌّ Al-Waqidh: The one who faints, whether he is unconscious or alive. الذَّكاةُ : الذّبح أَو النَّحر zakat: slaughter or sacrifice The related studies: Effects of stress and injury on meat quality The energy required for muscle activity in a living animal is obtained from the sugars (glycogen) in the muscles. In a healthy, windless animal, the content of glycogen in the muscles is high. After the animal is slaughtered, the glycogen in the muscle is converted into lactic acid, and the muscle and carcass become solid (solid mortis). This lactic acid is essential for the production of meat that is tender, good in keeping and good coloring. If the animal is subjected to stress before and during slaughter, the glycogen is consumed, and the level of lactic acid that develops in the meat after slaughter decreases. This will have serious negative effects on meat quality. dark meat This condition can be found in the carcasses of cattle or sheep and sometimes pigs and turkeys soon after slaughter. Carcass meat is darker and drier than usual and has a firmer texture. Muscle glycogen was used during the period of handling, transportation and before slaughter and as a result, after slaughter, there is little lactic acid production, resulting in DFD meat. This meat is of poor quality as the less pronounced taste and dark color is less palatable to the consumer and has a shorter shelf life due to the abnormally high pH value of the meat (6.4-6.8). Meat DFD means that the carcass was from an animal that was stressed, injured or sick prior to slaughter. for the rest of study, please for:

  • 5225 - The Slaughtering before prayer is a sunnah,and after prayer is meat offer for his family.

    5225 - حدثنا محمد بن بشار:حدثنا غُنْدَر: حدثنا شُعبة، عن زُبَيد الإيامي، عن الشَّعبي، عن البراء رضي الله عنه قال:قال النبي ﷺ: (إن أول ما نبدأ به في يومنا هذا أن نصلي، ثم نرجع فننحر، منفعله فقد أصاب سنَّتنا، ومن ذبح قبل فإنما هو لحم قدَّمه لأهله، ليس من النُّسُك في شيء). فقام أبو بُردة بن نِيَار، وقد ذبح، فقال: إن عندي جَذعة. فقال: (اذبحها ولن تجزي عن أحد بعدك). 5225 - Muhammad binBashar told us: Ghandar told us: Shu`bah told us, on the authority of Zubayd al-Ayami, on the authority of al-Sha`bi, On the authority of Al-Bara, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (The first thing that we do on this day is to pray, then go back and sacrifice, whoever did it has hit our Sunnah, and whoever slaughtered before, it is meat that he offered to his family, It is not a sacrifice in anything, So Abu Burda bin Nayyar got up, and he had slaughtered, and said: I have a Gaza'h : the camels that completed the fourth year and entered the fifth, He said: (Slaughter it and you will not be compensated for anyone after you).

  • O Lord: A sperm, O Lord, a leech, O Lord, a chew

    حدثنا مسدد قال : حدثنا حماد عن عبيد الله بن أبي بكر عن أنس بن مالك عن النبي ﷺ قال : إن الله عز وجل وكل بالرحم ملكا يقول يا رب نطفة يا رب علقة يا رب مضغة فإذا أراد أن يقضي خلقه قال أذكر أم أنثى شقي أم سعيد فما الرزق والأجل فيكتب في بطن أمه [312] Musaddad told us, he said: Hammad told us, on the authority of Ubayd Allah bin Abi Bakr, on the authority of Anas bin Malik, on the authority of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who said: Indeed, God Almighty and owner an angel by the womb, he says, O Lord: A sperm, O Lord, a leech, O Lord, a chew, So if he wanted to spend his creation, he said, “Are male or female, Naughty or happy, so what is the sustenance and the age, so it is written in his mother’s womb?

  • 3018 - What came in the saying of God Almighty: {And it is He who initiates creation, then repeats it, and it is easier for Him

    3018– حدثنا محمد بن كثير: أخبرنا سفيان، عن جامع بن شداد، عن صفوان بن محرز، عن عمران بن حصين رضي الله عنهما قال: جاء نفر من بني تميم إلى النبي ﷺ فقال: (يا بني تميم أبشروا). قالوا: بشرتنا فأعطنا، فتغير وجهه، فجاءه أهل اليمن، فقال: (يا أهل اليمن، اقبلوا البشرى إذ لم يقبلها بنو تميم). قالوا: قبلنا، فأخذ النبي ﷺ يحدث بدء الخلق والعرش، فجاء رجل فقال: يا عمران راحلتك تفلتت، ليتني لم أقم. 3018- Muhammad bin Katheer told us: Sufyan told us, on the authority of Jami bin Shaddad, on the authority of Safwan bin Mahrez, on the authority of Imran bin Husayn, may God be pleased with them both, that he said: a group of Banu Tamim came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he said: (O Banu Tamim, rejoice) they said: Our glad tidings, so give us. Then his face changed, and the people of Yemen came to him, and he said: (O people of Yemen, accept the glad tidings, for Banu Tamim did not accept it.) they said: Before us, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, took the beginning of creation and the Throne, then a man came and said: O Imran, your camel has slipped away. I wish I had not stayed.

  • 3019 - What came in the words of God Almighty: {And it is He who initiates creation, then repeats it, and it is easier for Him}

    (3019) – حدثنا عمر بن حفص بن غياث: حدثنا أبي: حدثنا الأعمش: حدثنا جامع بن شداد، عن صفوان بن محرز: أنه حدثه عن عمران بن حصين رضي الله عنهما قال: دخلت على النبي ﷺ وعقلت ناقتي بالباب، فأتاه ناس من بني تميم، فقال: (اقبلوا البشرى يا بني تميم). قالوا: قد بشرتنا فأعطنا، مرتين، ثم دخل عليه ناس من أهل اليمن، فقال: (اقبلوا البشرى يا أهل اليمن، إذ لم يقبلها بنو تميم). قالوا: قد قبلنا يا رسول الله، قالوا: جئناك نسألك عن هذا الأمر، قال: (كان الله ولم يكن شيء غيره، وكان عرشه على الماء، وكتب في الذكر كل شيء، وخلق السماوات والأرض). فنادى مناد: ذهبت ناقتك يا ابن الحصين، فانطلقت فإذا هي يقطع دونها السراب، فوالله لوددت أني كنت تركتها. (3019) – Omar bin Hafs bin Ghayath told us: My father told us: Al-A’mash told us: Jami bin Shaddad told us, on the authority of Safwan bin Mahrez, that he narrated it on the authority of Imran bin Husayn, may God be pleased with him, who said: I entered upon the Prophet, peace be upon him, and tied my she-camel to the door, and some people from Bani Tamim came to him, and he said: (Accept the glad tidings, O Banu Tamim). they said: You have preached to us, so give us, twice, then people from the people of Yemen entered upon him, and he said: (Accept the glad tidings, O people of Yemen, because Bani Tamim did not accept it). They said: We have accepted, O Messenger of God. They said: We came to you to ask you about this matter. He said: “God was and there was nothing but Him, and His Throne was on the water, And He wrote everything in the Remembrance, and He created the heavens and the earth) A caller called: Your she-camel is gone, O Ibn al-Husayn, So I set off, and behold, it cut off the mirage below it. By God, I wish I had left it.

  • 3020 - What came in the words of God Almighty: {And it is He who initiates creation, then repeats it, and it is easier for Him}

    3020 – وروى عيسى، عن رقبة، عن قيس بن مسلم، عن طارق بن شهاب قال: سمعت عمر رضي الله عنه يقول: قام فينا النبي ﷺ مقاما، فأخبرنا عن بدء الخلق حتى دخل أهل الجنة منازلهم وأهل النار منازلهم، حفظ ذلك من حفظه ونسيه من نسيه. 3020 - And Issa narrated, on the authority of Raqabah, on the authority of Qais bin Muslim, On the authority of Tariq bin Shihab, he said: I heard Omar, may God be pleased with him, say: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, stood among us and told us about the beginning of creation, until the people of Paradise entered their homes and the people of Hell entered their homes, memorized by those who memorized it and forgotten by those who forgot it.

  • 3021 - What came in the words of God Almighty: {And it is He who initiates creation, then repeats it, and it is easier for Him}

    3021 – حدثني عبد الله بن أبي شيبة، عن أبي أحمد، عن سفيان، عن أبي الزناد، عن الأعرج، عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال النبي ﷺ – أراه – : (قال الله تعالى: يشتمني ابن آدم، وما ينبغي له أن يشتمني، ويكذبني، وما ينبغي له. أما شتمه فقوله: إن لي ولدا، وأما تكذيبه فقوله: ليس يعيدني كما بدأني). 3021 - Abdullah bin Abi Shaybah told me, on the authority of Abi Ahmad, on the authority of Sufyan, on the authority of Abi Al-Zinad, On the authority of Al-Araj, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace - I see him: (Allah the Most High said: The son of Adam reviles me, and it is not befitting for him to revile me, and lie to me, and what he should. As for insulting him, he said: I have a son, and as for his lying, it is his saying: He will not repeat me as He started me)

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